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A 34 year old lady with asthma . Sinus tachycardiaP wave rate greater than 100 bpm. LBBB and 2nd degree AV Block, Mobitz Type II. 3rd Degree AV Block Rx'ed With a Ventricular Pacemaker. Mobitz II 2nd Degree AV Block With LBBB. Second Degree AV Block, Type I, With 3:2 Conduction Ratio-KH. Complete AV Block (3rd Degree) with Junctional Rhythm-KH.
1. Normal Sinus Rhythm
22. AF ® VF The bipolar electrogram of AF is seen on the bottom of the tracing. There is evidence for rapid accessory pathway conduction, ultimately leading to ventricular fibrillation.
The bipolar electrogram of AF is seen on the bottom of the tracing. There is evidence for rapid accessory pathway conduction, ultimately leading to ventricular fibrillation.
23. Recommendations for Management of Atrial Fibrillation < 48 Hours
24. Recommendations for Management of Atrial Fibrillation > 48 Hours
25. Timing of Cardioversion for Atrial Fibrillation
29. AV Nodal Reentry Tachycardia This demonstrates the mechanisms for two forms of AV nodal reentry SVT: typical and atypical AV nodal reentry.This demonstrates the mechanisms for two forms of AV nodal reentry SVT: typical and atypical AV nodal reentry.
30. AVNRT Demonstrates AV nodal reentry SVT. It is non-specific. ST changes.Demonstrates AV nodal reentry SVT. It is non-specific. ST changes.
31. AV Nodal Reentry: Slow and Fast Pathways This slide illustrates the triangle of Koch, and anatomical landmarks used to visualize the location of the AV nodal tracts. The three sides of the triangle are defined by the tricuspid valve annulus, the tendon of Tornado, and the ostium of the coronary sinus. The fast AV nodal pathway lies near the compact AV node along the tendon of Todaro. The slow AV nodal pathway is located along the tricuspid valve annulus near the ostium of the coronary sinus.This slide illustrates the triangle of Koch, and anatomical landmarks used to visualize the location of the AV nodal tracts. The three sides of the triangle are defined by the tricuspid valve annulus, the tendon of Tornado, and the ostium of the coronary sinus. The fast AV nodal pathway lies near the compact AV node along the tendon of Todaro. The slow AV nodal pathway is located along the tricuspid valve annulus near the ostium of the coronary sinus.
32. AV Nodal Reentry This slide demonstrates a catheter placed in a potentially successful spot for performance of slow pathway ablation. This is at the entry site into the area of the slow pathway with a sharp potential seen right after the atrial electrogram on the ablation catheter (labeled HRADIST). During delivery of the RF in the slow pathway the patient generally develops an accelerated junctional rhythm as is shown here. This rhythm with rapid conduction back to the atrium is indicative of forming ablation in a potentially successful spot. One thing to keep a careful eye on is the presence of retrograde conduction via the fast pathway.This slide demonstrates a catheter placed in a potentially successful spot for performance of slow pathway ablation. This is at the entry site into the area of the slow pathway with a sharp potential seen right after the atrial electrogram on the ablation catheter (labeled HRADIST). During delivery of the RF in the slow pathway the patient generally develops an accelerated junctional rhythm as is shown here. This rhythm with rapid conduction back to the atrium is indicative of forming ablation in a potentially successful spot. One thing to keep a careful eye on is the presence of retrograde conduction via the fast pathway.
34. Karotid Sinüs masaji Sinüs tasikardisi Kalp hizinda yavas ve geçici yavaslama
AT (paroksismal) Etki yok veya tasikardi sonlanir
AT(devamli) Etki yok veya ventriküler hizda geçici yavaslama
Atriyal flutter Etki yok veya ventriküler hizda geçici yavaslama
AVNRT Etki yok veya tasikardi sonlanir
CMT Etki yok veya tasikardi sonlanir
38. Site of Slow Pathway Ablation To ablate the slow pathway, the tip electrode of the ablation catheter is positioned along the tricuspid annulus, near the ostium of the coronary sinus. The boundaries of the triangle of Koch guide precise catheter placement.
To ablate the slow pathway, the tip electrode of the ablation catheter is positioned along the tricuspid annulus, near the ostium of the coronary sinus. The boundaries of the triangle of Koch guide precise catheter placement.
39. “Typical” AV Nodal Reentry This tracing demonstrates initiation of AVNRT with a premature atrial beat. Notice the large jump in the AH interval. At this point, conduction is blocked in the fast pathway, and “jumps” to the slower pathway.
This tracing demonstrates initiation of AVNRT with a premature atrial beat. Notice the large jump in the AH interval. At this point, conduction is blocked in the fast pathway, and “jumps” to the slower pathway.
40. AVNRT Ablation Demonstrates positioning of the catheters usually used for ablation of AV nodal reentry supraventricular tachycardia. This is an RAO projection showing the catheter in the coronary sinus, one in the HIS bundle position, and one in the slow pathway location.Demonstrates positioning of the catheters usually used for ablation of AV nodal reentry supraventricular tachycardia. This is an RAO projection showing the catheter in the coronary sinus, one in the HIS bundle position, and one in the slow pathway location.
41. Kalp transplantasyonu-EKG
42. Kalp transplantasyonu-EKG
43. Digoksin- EKG
45. Digoksin-EKG
46. Anatomic LocationsAccessory Pathways Bypass tracts are categorized based on their location. This graphic reviews the anatomical location of bypass tracts in relation to the mitral valve annulus, the tricuspid valve annulus, the coronary sinus and the bundle of His.
Generally, left-sided bypass tracts may course through the AV groove obliquely and may be composed of multiple fiber bundles.
Right-sided bypass tracts appear to cross the AV groove through an area where the tricuspid annulus is structurally deficient. Right-sided bypass tracts are challenging ablations because of the absence of venous structure along the annulus.
Bypass tracts are categorized based on their location. This graphic reviews the anatomical location of bypass tracts in relation to the mitral valve annulus, the tricuspid valve annulus, the coronary sinus and the bundle of His.
Generally, left-sided bypass tracts may course through the AV groove obliquely and may be composed of multiple fiber bundles.
Right-sided bypass tracts appear to cross the AV groove through an area where the tricuspid annulus is structurally deficient. Right-sided bypass tracts are challenging ablations because of the absence of venous structure along the annulus.
47. Pre-excitation This EKG demonstrates evidence for ventricular pre-excitation. There is a delta wave with a short PR-interval seen in all 12 leads of electrocardiogram. This is a right-sided accessory pathway.This EKG demonstrates evidence for ventricular pre-excitation. There is a delta wave with a short PR-interval seen in all 12 leads of electrocardiogram. This is a right-sided accessory pathway.
48. WPW sendromu
49. WPW sendromu
50. WPW sendromu
51. WPW: Case Study ECG Demonstrates the morphology of a patient’s left apical septal VT.Demonstrates the morphology of a patient’s left apical septal VT.
52. Orthodromic Reciprocating Tachycardia This tachycardia is an SVT with an apparent P-wave buried in the ST segment suggestive of orthodromic AV reciprocating tachycardia.This tachycardia is an SVT with an apparent P-wave buried in the ST segment suggestive of orthodromic AV reciprocating tachycardia.
53. AF with Multiple Accessory Pathways There is evidence for AF with an irregular ventricular response rate and at least two QRS morphologies, suggestive of at least two accessory pathways during AF.There is evidence for AF with an irregular ventricular response rate and at least two QRS morphologies, suggestive of at least two accessory pathways during AF.
55. Ventriküler Aritmilerde Siniflama SIKLIK SEKIL
Sinif 0 – 0.................................................Sinif A – Uniformik
Sinif I – Nadir ......................................... Sinif B – Multiformik
Sinif II – Seyrek (1-9/h)...........................Sinif C – Pespese 2-5
Sinif III – Orta Siklik (10–29/h) ..............Sinif D – Süregen Olmayan VT
Sinif IV – Sik (>30/h) ..............................Sinif E – Süregen VT
Sinif V , F – Ani Kardiyak Ölüm Geçirme
56. Yapisal Bozukluk Olmadan (?) Gelisen Ventriküler Tasiaritmiler 1. Tekrarlayan Monomorfik VT
- Nonsustained- Sustained VT (Tetiklenmis aktiviteyle)
- Adenozin, beta blokör, verapamil’e duyarli
- Sag veya sol ventrikül çikis yolundan köken alir
? Sol dal blogu ve inferiyor aks paterni
- Dirençli olgularda RF Ablasyon
57. Yapisal Bozukluk Olmadan (?) Gelisen Ventriküler Tasiaritmiler 2. Sol Septal Ventriküler Tasikardi
- Nonsustained-sustained VT (Tetiklenmis aktivite veya re-entry ile)
- Sag dal blogu ve sol aks paternli
- IV Verapamil’e kismen duyarli
- Dirençli olgularda RF ablasyon, Class III ilaç (?)
3. Idiyopatik VF
a. Normal EKG ile (Belhassen)
b. Sag dal blogu ve sag prekodiyallerde ST yüksekligi ile (Brugada) (AÖ+)
c. Uyku-Ölüm Sendromu; sag dal blogu ve sag prekordiyallerde ST yüksekligi (Aponte)(AÖ-)
58. Brugada Sendromu
62. Genis QRS’li Tasikardiler DÜZENLI DÜZENSIZ
Ventriküler Tasikardi Atriyal Fibrilasyon
WPW (Antidromik)
Intraventriküler ileti defekti
Aberan Iletili Supra-VT
Atriyal Flatter Atriyal Flatter (degisken bloklu)
Genis QRS’li WPW (Antidromik)
WPW Antidromik Intraventriküler Ileti defekti
WPW (Antidromik) Polimorfik VT
63. Monomorfik VT Benzer QRS morfolojisinde
Dissosiye P dalgalari sekli kismen degistirebilir
Genellikle MI komsulugunda
LV anevrizmasi
Dilate Kardiyomiyopati
Nadiren yapisal kalp hastaligi olmadan
?Genelde Reentry ile olusur
71. T wave alternans & QT uzamasi
72. QT Araligini Uzatan Faktörler Siklikla kullanilan Class IA Antiaritmikler (Nadiren Sotalol, Amiadaron)
Hipokalemi, hipomagnesemi, hipokalsemi (?)
Fenotiyazinler, trisiklik antidepresanlar
Eritromisin, ketakonazol
Prenilamin, lidoflazin
Miyakard iskemi/infarktüsü
73. QT Araligini Uzatan Faktörler Uzun QT ile birlikte bradikardi
Klorakin, pentolamin
Organik fosforlu insektisitler
Astemizol, terfenadin (diger antihistaminikler ?)
Sivi protein diyeti
Subaraknoid kanama
Kokain kullanimi
76. Polimorfik VT Vurudan vuruya QRS morfolojisi farkli
Uzun QT ile – Torsades de Pointes
Normal QT ile
Genelde Tetiklenmis Aktivite ile olusur
79. Torsades de Pointes (Atipik VT) QRS amplitüd ve morfolojisinde tipik degisme
QT uzamis
Genellikle VPBs ile baslar (uzun RR araligi sonrasinda)
Hiz 150-300/dak
30 sn’den kisa veya uzun
Kendiliginen sonlanabilir veya VF’ye dejenere olabilir
Konjenital : a. Romano-Ward (OD)
b.Jervell-Lange-Nielsen (OR, isitme kaybi)
Edinsel uzun QT
94. VENTRIKÜLER ARTMILERDE ILAÇ KULLANIMI Ilaç Negatif Kalp Yetmezligi Ciddi Öldürücü
Inotropik Etki Presipitasyonu? Yan Etki Aritmide Etkinlik
Kinidin ............... + ............. EF <%25 ....................... Proaritmi ++++ (TDP) ......... Minimal
Prokainamid ... IV +++, Oral ++ ....... EF < %40 ......................Agranülositoz . .................. Zayif
Lupus, TDP
Dizopromid ........ ++++ ............ EF < %40 .................... TDP .................. Zayif
Mexiletin ......... + ............. EF < %25 ................... Minor yan etki yüksek .......Minimal
Proaritmi +
Flekainid ........... +++ ............. EF < %35 .................... Proaritmi +++ ............... EF < %35
Propafenon ...... +++ ............ EF < %35 ................... Agranülositoz + ............. EF < %35
Proaritmi ++ önerilmez
Amiadaron ..... + (?) ........... EF < %25 (?) ............... Sik, Proaritmi + .............. +++
Beta Blöker .... ++ ........... EF < %35 ................ Yok ................ +++
Sotalol ........ + ............ EF < %35 ................. Proaritmi ++ ................ ++ (?)
+ Minimal Etki, ++++ Maksimal Etki
TDP; Torsades des Pointes
95. Aritmilerde Acil Tedavi 1. Hemodinamik Durum ?
- Hipotansiyon
- Periferik hipoperfüzyon
2. Semptomlar ?
- Gögüs agrisi - Nefes darligi - Presenkop
- Senkop - Bilinç bulanikligi
3. Kardiyak Dekompanzasyon ?
- Kalp yetmezligi
96. Aritmilerde Acil Tedavi 1. Hemodinamik Durum ?
- Hipotansiyon
- Periferik hipoperfüzyon
2. Semptomlar ?
- Gögüs agrisi - Nefes darligi - Presenkop
- Senkop - Bilinç bulanikligi
3. Kardiyak Dekompanzasyon ?
- Kalp yetmezligi
97. Aritmiyi Olusturan Faktörler - Iskemi -SSS-AV Blok -Hipomagnezemi
-Reperfüzyon -Kalp Yetmezligi -Hiperkalemi
-Hipotansiyon -Hipokalemi -Alkalemi
-Asidemi -Hipokalsemi -Infeksiyon
-Otonomik tonus degisikligi -Akut kan kaybi
-Tirotoksikoz -Digoksin toksisitesi -Proaritmik ilaç
98. Aritmiye Yolaçan Kardiyak Patolojiler Iskemik Kalp Hastaligi
Kardiyomiyopati (Aritmojenik RV Dispalizi)
Kardiyak Aksesuar Yol
Konjenital Kalp Hastaligi
99. Anti-aritmiklerde Proaritmik Riskin Arttigi Durumlar Kardiyak arrest geçirme (VT, VF)
Uzun QT (hipokalemi, bradikardi)
LV Disfonksiyonu (Özellikle EF< %30)
100. Proaritmi Sonuçlari VPBs artisi, nonsustained VT sikliginda artma
Yeni olusan VT veya VF
Antiaritmik ölüm
Erken dönemde proaritmi olusmamasi geç dönemde olusmayacaginin göstergesi degil (CAST)
Geç proaritmi, sik Holter veya EPS ile kestirilemez
Mevcut verilerle;- Beta-blokerler güvenli
- Amiadaron, ve mexiletin kismen güvenli
- Kinidin, Class Ic tehlikeli
- Digerleri ?
101. PM-EKG
102. PM-EKG
103. PM-EKG