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Hurst Park Primary School “Meet the Teacher” Evening. Welcome to 2T Mrs Taylor Mrs Butterfield. Objectives. To explain the organisation and expectation of Year 2 To explain the Y2 curriculum. Housekeeping. 8.55am – 3.15pm Pupils should be in school promptly Punctuality and Attendance
Hurst Park Primary School “Meet the Teacher” Evening Welcome to 2T Mrs Taylor Mrs Butterfield
Objectives • To explain the organisation and expectation of Year 2 • To explain the Y2 curriculum
Housekeeping 8.55am – 3.15pm Pupils should be in school promptly Punctuality and Attendance No cycling/scooting/ball games in playground/trim trail Lunch boxes and school bags Playtimes/ Lunchtimes Collecting children at the end of the day - If a child has not been collected by 3.20pm they will be transferred to our After School Club. A charge will be applied.
Uniform • School uniform should be worn at all times • Boys – shirt, tie, jumper, trousers, footwear, socks • Girls – blouse , tie, cardigan, dress/ skirt/ trousers, footwear, tights/ socks • Please ensure each item is clearly named • No jewellery, tattoos or nail varnish • Long hair tied back
Equipment Children are provided with stationery and equipment We ask, where possible, that all children bring in a glue stick for class use. Water bottles should be named and in everyday. Please ensure that bags, uniform and PE kits are named. The children should be encouraged to take responsibility for these items.
English • Reading • Writing – fiction/ non-fiction/ poetry • Phonics/ Spelling • Speaking and Listening • Grammar • Handwriting
Reading Reading books will be changed on a weekly basis It is beneficial if the children can read at home as often as possible Ensure children answer their questions in the yellow book. Above all, we want to develop their love of reading and to help them to become lifelong readers with a passion for books. Feel free to read your own books at home.
Spellings We begin the week with a longer spelling session to introduce a focus for the week. This will then be revisited throughout the week. Tricky Words/ Common Exception words
Writing • Children will write in different forms and for different audiences using a range of stimuli – fiction/non-fiction/poetry • Our expectations for handwriting will apply to all writing opportunities not just English lessons • Our learning in English lessons can include drama activities, vocabulary games, planning our writing through mapping • We build up to longer pieces of writing over one or two weeks to give the children opportunities to develop their skills
Maths Fluency/ Reasoning/ Problem solving FAST Maths Mathletics The expectation in Year 2 is that the children will know their: 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables.
FAST Maths FAST Maths sessions will continue in addition to the Maths lessons once a week when the children will be tested on their Key Instant Recall Facts. We will use a challenge sheet to test the children which will be relevant to the child’s ability. The children will be given a certain time limit during which to complete the test. This will come home on a weekly basis so you can see what they need to practise next or continue to practise if working on the same facts.
Recommended activities/websites Mathletics Topmarks maths Times Tables Rock Stars
Timetable • FAST MATHS – Thursday • Mathletics – Thursday morning (continue completing tasks at home • Outdoor PE – Monday afternoon • Indoor PE – Friday afternoon
Physical Education PE Kit – this should be brought to school on a MONDAY and taken home on a FRIDAY for washing every week Please ensure each item is clearly named The PE kit should consist of: White T-shirt/ Hurst Park T-shirt, green shorts, trainers, tracksuit bottoms and sweatshirt (winter), PE KIT bag
Homework Presentation
Assessment • We will be assessing the children's progress informally and formally every term and will be supporting learning through our intervention plans - support and extension groups in school. • Year 2 SATs tests (May 2020). • More information will be sent about SATs closer to the time.
Classroom ManagementRewards All children are expected to do their personal best Pink for praise Class reward– Marbles in jar Individual reward – stickers, house points Head teacher's Awards can also be earned for outstanding examples of work, behaviour and good manners.
Visits and School Journeys Spring term – Hounslow Mosque Summer term – Urban Farm Short visits to places in the local environment Family Assembly – tbc
How can you help your child? Make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep and is ready for school each day Help your child with their homework but no longer than 20 minutes Read with your child every night Teach your child to be responsible for their actions and their schoolwork Website If you have any questions please feel free to speak to us at the end of the day