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A World-class Montessori school has a clearly defined identity and statement of its fundamental values.

World-class Montessori schools create an authentic Montessori program which embodies the legacy of best practice developed by Dr. Maria Montessori and her colleagues. . A World-class Montessori school has a clearly defined identity and statement of its fundamental values.

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A World-class Montessori school has a clearly defined identity and statement of its fundamental values.

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  1. World-class Montessori schools create an authentic Montessori program which embodies the legacy of best practice developed by Dr. Maria Montessori and her colleagues.

  2. A World-class Montessori school has a clearly defined identity and statement of its fundamental values.

  3. These are the basis from which all decisions are made and policies established.

  4. A world-class Montessori school is consistent in what it says and what it does from class to class, from one level to the next, and from year to year.

  5. 9 areas of school operation

  6. Principle 1: Make an uncompromising commitment to becoming excellent in all areas of their programs, facilities, resources and operations!

  7. Clearly define your identity, mission, and core values.

  8. Seek out and turn to examples of true excellence in Montessori practice around the world.

  9. Consciously define what excellence will look like in every aspect of their programs, facilities, and operations.

  10. Develop a plans for how you will create and maintain this excellence in each area.

  11. Determine what it will cost to create and sustain excellence in all areas,

  12. Develop a plan for funding it.

  13. Principle 2: Ensure that your school has a strong sense of institutional memory and institutional integrity

  14. A school lives in the minds and vision of a group of people.

  15. No school can be great without a clear sense of its core values and the culture of the institution.

  16. This is who we are and how we do things here.

  17. Don’t make compromises that threaten the integrity of your program because of tight budgets, lack of parent understanding and support, or because Montessori trained teachers are hard to find.

  18. Translate your principles and beliefs into day-to-day reality.

  19. A great school stands for something distinct. It cannot possibly please everyone.

  20. Principle 3: Carefully define and set down in writing your school’s mission, core values and educational beliefs.

  21. Make all policies and strategic decisions on the basis of these core values.

  22. Principle 4: Ensure that your school is governed by an authentic Montessori board that is committed to following the Montessori Way

  23. Principle 5: Ensure that your school is consistent in philosophy and practice from class to class, from one level to the next, and from year to year

  24. Principle 6: Ensure that your school is always led by an inspiring and consensus-building Montessori Leader

  25. Principle 7: Ensure that there is a clear line of authority and accountability within the school.

  26. Principle 8: Create an authentic Montessori community in which every voice can be heard and all feel connected to one another

  27. Principle 9: Give your admissions process the highest priority. Design it to find families for whom the school is a perfect match.

  28. Principle 10: Keep your parents very well informed about their children’s education and academic progress.

  29. Principle 11: Expect parents and staff to make a meaningful commitment to your school community

  30. Principle 12: Make every possible effort to bring your attrition to the lowest possible levels.

  31. Principle 13: Ensure that your school is financially sound.

  32. Principle 14: Build school facilities that reflect your school’s values and truly support your school’s educational program.

  33. Clarity is the key to success

  34. Current Current Current WInd Tide Following the Rhumb Line

  35. Define your mission statement • Develop a vision for your future • Identify your key "selling points" • Prepare a Blueprint for your school • Prepare a Best Practices Handbook • Prepare a curriculum scope and sequence guide • Define the outcomes that you hope to see develop in your students Clarifying your school identity

  36. Define your basic character State your vision and mission Define desired student outcomes Set down your Blueprint Define Best Practice Describe your vision of the future Clarity is the key to success

  37. Successful schoolsmake anuncompromisingcommitmenttoEXCELLENCE

  38. A school is nothing but peopleA great school is group of people acting in accordance with a common set of beliefs and values, who feel a sense of commitment to each other and to the institution

  39. Think big... Think boldly…Think abundance!

  40. Money follows excellence.Charge what it costs to do the job right.

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