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Affective Assessment

Affective Assessment. Affective Domain. attention. importance. interest. agreement. appreciation. AFFECTIVE. frequency. DOMAIN. philosophy. scenarios. lifestyle. rating scales. checklists. The Affective Domain.

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Affective Assessment

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  1. Affective Assessment

  2. Affective Domain attention importance interest agreement appreciation AFFECTIVE frequency DOMAIN philosophy scenarios lifestyle rating scales checklists Affective Assessment

  3. The Affective Domain • Covers behaviors in regard to attitudes, beliefs, and feelings [dispositions] • Networks of attitudes, beliefs, & feelings form a person’s values. • Values are perceptions/ideas of worth. • Beliefs are perceptions of fact. Affective Assessment

  4. Affective Observation • We can infer that people have attitudes, values, and feelings by • Their words, • Their actions, and • Their preferences. Affective Assessment

  5. The Affective Domain • Emphasizes feelings, emotions, degree of acceptance or rejection. • Five Levels • Receiving - Attention • Responding - Interest • Valuing - Appreciation • Organization - Philosophy • Characterization - :Lifestyle Affective Assessment

  6. Level 1: Receiving: Attention • Concerned with getting, holding, directing student’s attention • Assessed by interest inventories • Rated as Like, Undecided, Dislike • Going to parties L U D • Reading a book L U D Affective Assessment

  7. Attention concerned with: • student’s willingness to attend to classroom activity • getting, holding, & directing students’ attention Affective Assessment

  8. Illustrations of Attention • Listens attentively • Shows awareness of the importance of learning • Attends closely to the classroom activities • The student will show awareness of class proceedings. Affective Assessment

  9. asks chooses describes follows holds locates selects replies uses Terms for Attention Outcomes Affective Assessment

  10. Level 2: Responding: Interest • Active participation by showing interest • Assessed by observation in terms of frequently, sometimes, rarely, never. • Volunteer to give an answer in class FSRN Affective Assessment

  11. Illustration of Interest • completes assigned work • participates in class discussions • volunteers for tasks • shows interest in subject • enjoys helping others • The student will willingly answer questions. Affective Assessment

  12. answers assists conforms greets discusses helps performs presents reads recites tells writes Outcome Terms for Interest Affective Assessment

  13. Level 3: Valuing: Preferences • Willingly and consistently complies • Assessed by general reaction to a series of statements that gets at one’s values: • Charities are a good thing SA A U D SD • Assessed by questions and justifying answer Affective Assessment

  14. Illustrations of Appreciation • demonstrates belief in the democratic process • shows concern for the welfare of others • demonstrates a problem-solving attitude • demonstrates commitment to social improvement • The student will express strong opinions on issues under discussion. Affective Assessment

  15. completes describes follows forms initiates invites joins justifies proposes reads reports shares studies works Terms for Appreciation Outcomes Affective Assessment

  16. Level 4: Organization: Philosophy of Life • Development of a philosophy of life by bringing values together to form a value system through determining relationships among values and resolving conflicts among them. • Assessed by determining whether the learner has developed a concept of value or belief Affective Assessment

  17. Level 4: Organization: Philosophy of Life • Please explain what you believe about --- and why. • Observe the video and indicate those values that agree with the values you hold. • The student will criticize arguments and positions presented in class. • Recognizes the need for balance between freedom & responsibility in a democracy Affective Assessment

  18. Level 4: Organization: Philosophy of Life • Accepts responsibility for his/her own behavior • Understands and accepts own strengths & limitations • Formulates a life plan in harmony with his/her abilities, interests, beliefs Affective Assessment

  19. adheres alters arranges combines compares defines explains identifies modifies orders prepares relates synthesizes Outcome Terms for Organization Affective Assessment

  20. Level 5: Characterization by a Value or Value Complex: Lifestyle • Acts consistently with the values internalized • Take a stand and state specifically what you would do [what people should do in general] • People are collecting money and supplies for the victims of a flashflood. What will you do to help these people? Affective Assessment

  21. Illustrations of Lifestyle • Demonstrates self-reliance in working independently • Cooperation in group activities • Punctuality and self-discipline • The student will demonstrate a philosophy of life by the consistency of his or her daily actions. Affective Assessment

  22. acts discriminates displays influences listens modifies performs practices qualifies questions solves uses verifies Outcome Terms for Lifestyle Affective Assessment

  23. Problems with Affective Assessment • Fakability – acting in own best interest • Self-deception – cushioning failure by minimizing faults, maximizing virtues • Semantic problems – often – frequently • Criterion Adequacy – How do we validate tests of emotional stability or adjustment • Invasion of privacy – line between public & private knowledge Affective Assessment

  24. Major Tools for Affective Assessment • Anecdotal records • Teacher observations • Self-Reports: interest inventories, attitude measures • Peer Reports Affective Assessment

  25. Attitude scales* Self/other reports Interest inventories Anecdotal records Questionnaires Opinionnaires Situational tests Systematic observation Sociometric techniques Interviews Letters of recommendation Affective Evaluation Affective Assessment

  26. Attitude Scales • Likert: 5 points: SA A U D SD • Semantic Differential: • Fair 3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3 Unfair • Thurstone: well-organized __, timely __, skill building __, boring __, rehash __, on topic __, aimless __, out of context __, passive, enthusiastic __, involved __, wasted time __. • Guttman: works hard __, well-organized __, on time __, a good student __. Affective Assessment

  27. Affectation Affective Assessment

  28. Affective Assessment Affective Assessment

  29. Affective Domain Affective Assessment

  30. Affective Assessment

  31. Affective Assessment

  32. Affective Assessment

  33. Affective Assessment

  34. Range of College-Related Behaviors Affective Assessment

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