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ATP REQUIREMENTS NCM. ATP requirements include: minimum hour requirements, task & iterations identified in appropriate ATM’s & Commanders Task List, Readiness level progression, and annual proficiency and readiness test (APART).
ATP requirements include: minimum hour requirements, task & iterations identified in appropriate ATM’s & Commanders Task List, Readiness level progression, and annual proficiency and readiness test (APART).
The Aircrew Training Program consist of Qualification, Refresher, Mission & Continuation training. The goal of the program is to develop mission-ready crewmembers.
The training year is divided into two semi-annual training periods. The first training period starts the day following the end of their birth month and continues for six months.
The second period starts the first day of the seventh month and continues through the end of the crewmembers birth month.
The NCM ARNG flying hour requirements for a RL1 or RL2 D/N/NVG are, 1st semi-annual period: 12 hours, 5 hour of which will be flown using night vision devices. 2nd semi-annual period: 12 hours, 5 hours of which will be flown using night vision devices.
These flying hour requirements may be prorated or reduced if the following occur: TDY, Medical or Non-medical suspensions.
NCM currency requirements consist of Airframe and NVG. If 90 days have elapsed since the last flight in the airframe, the NCM will be administered a PFE as per the ATM. If 60 days have elapsed since the last NVG flight of at least 1 hour, the NCM will be administered a NVG PFE.
The CTL (Commanders Task List), specifies the task and the modes of flight that must be perform per task. At a minimum, each NCM must perform one iteration of each task listed on the CTL and in each mode designated. An iteration is defined as the number of times a task has to be performed annually.
The Readiness Level identifies the training phases and measures a NCM’s readiness. They also provide a logical progression of an individuals proficiency in base and mission flight task and academic progression.
A NCM returning to a flight status after not having flown within a 180 days, must be designated RL3 for refresher training. If returning prior to 180 days, a records review and possibly a PFE will be administered so that a RL can be determined.
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