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BUSINESS PLUG-IN B20. Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Networking, and Virtual Worlds. LEARNING OUTCOMES. Explain the six best practices of innovation Identify how energy consumption and recycling IT equipment can lead to greener IT. LEARNING OUTCOMES.

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  1. BUSINESS PLUG-IN B20 Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, Social Networking, and Virtual Worlds

  2. LEARNING OUTCOMES • Explain the six best practices of innovation • Identify how energy consumption and recycling IT equipment can lead to greener IT

  3. LEARNING OUTCOMES • Describe the three ways organizations can use social networking • Explain virtual worlds and virtual workforces and their impact on business

  4. 21ST CENTURY ORGANIZATION TRENDS • The primary changes and challenges organizations are focusing on in the 21st century include: • Innovation: finding new • Social entrepreneurship: going green • Social networks: who’s who • Virtual worlds: it’s a whole new world

  5. INNOVATION: FINDING NEW • Innovation is the introduction of new equipment or methods

  6. INNOVATION: FINDING NEW Innovation six best practices: • Find your relevant edge • Assemble innovations hothouses • Reward risk takers • Celebrate diversity • Look around • Mix practitioners and developers

  7. SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP: GOING GREEN • Social responsibility - implies that an entity has a responsibility to society • Corporate policy - refers to the position a firm takes on social and political issues • Corporate responsibility - includes everything from hiring minority workers to making safe products • Sustainable, or "green," IT - describes the manufacture, management, use, and disposal of information technology in a way that minimizes damage to the environment

  8. Energy Consumption

  9. Energy Consumption

  10. SUN Microsystems: Throughput Computing • Microsystems designed what is known as a multicore chip • Has several processors on a single sliver of silicon • Running cooler with less energy but getting more work done • Each processor can perform more than one task at a time

  11. Virtualization • Virtualization - is a framework of dividing the resources of a computer into multiple execution environments • Virtualization software allows multiple programs on a single machine and move programs from one computer to another on the fly

  12. Energy Rebate Programs • Pacific Gas & Electric designed an innovative data center energy-saving program • Companies get rebates for reducing the number of servers they use in their data centers

  13. Smart Cooling • HP created a new approach to data center energy use - think of the data center as one giant machine • Thousands of heat sensors monitor temperatures, and software directs the air conditioning system to put the big chill on the places that need it most • Projected energy savings: 20 to 45%

  14. Alternative Energy Sources • Google has committed to using cutting-edge technologies to power and cool its data centers via.. • Wind • Solar power • Google is already using wind to power a data center in the Netherlands

  15. Biology Meets Chips • IBM researchers are applying biological principles to deal with the heat problem in computing • Just as the human vascular system cools our bodies • IBM is designing devices that cool chips using liquid delivered through capillary-like circulation systems

  16. Government Involvement • The European Union has imposed limits on carbon emissions • IT contributes to the total carbon emissions in a company, carbon cap, and trade or tax laws will impact how technology is managed

  17. Recycle IT Equipment • Sustainable IT disposal - refers to the safe disposal of IT assets at the end of their lifecycle • ewaste -old computer equipment • Toxic substances can leach into groundwater, among other problems

  18. Greener IT

  19. SOCIAL NETWORKS: WHO’S WHO Organizational social networking

  20. Passive Search • Finding so-called passive candidates, people who are happy and productive working for other companies • LinkedIn has 6.7 million members, is a virtual Rolodex • Hiring people as a result of connections through LinkedIn

  21. Boomerangs • Use network to lure back some former employees, or so-called boomerangs • Boomerangs cost less to train than new hires and they tend to hit the ground running • As the labor market tightens, alumni become an increasingly attractive source of talent

  22. Marketing Networks • Business-oriented networks are increasingly useful in sales and marketing • Social networks help forge community with, and among, would-be customers

  23. VIRTUAL WORLDS: IT’S A WHOLE NEW WORLD • Two primary types of virtual that must be considered when looking at the 21st century world: • Virtual worlds • Virtual workforces

  24. Virtual Worlds • Second Life, the online realm where real people, under the guise of avatars, mill and mingle - in some cases, make a living • Adidas, Sun Microsystems, and Toyota want to promote their products and ensure their brands are getting exposure amid the consumers

  25. Virtual Workforce • Letting employees work from outside the office… • Keeps cars off the road • Helps a company to bolster its green bona fides • Fosters employee retention • Boosts worker productivity • Slashes real estate costs

  26. Tools for the Virtual Workforce • Mobile commerce (m-commerce) - the ability to purchase goods and services through a wireless Internet-enabled device • Telematics - blending computers and wireless telecommunications technologies • Electronic tagging - a technique for identifying and tracking assets and individuals via technologies such as radio frequency identification and smart cards

  27. CLOSING CASE ONECollective Innovation • Explain how the six best practices of innovation work at the Raymond conference • How could social networking influence innovation? • How could innovation help create new forms of green IT? • How could a virtual world help innovation?

  28. CLOSING CASE ONECollective Innovation • How could virtual workforces take advantage of innovation to create new products? • What ethical issues might a company find when pursing innovation? • If you were running a global innovation initiative what global issues might you encounter?

  29. CLOSING CASE TWOConfusing Carbon • How can companies reduce carbon emissions? • How can finding alternative energy sources help reduce IT energy consumption? • How can labeling IT equipment green help make IT greener?

  30. CLOSING CASE TWOConfusing Carbon • Why do global organizations need to be concerned with green or social entrepreneurship initiatives? • What ethical issues are associated with green technology?

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