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Business Plug-in 5

Learn the fundamentals of network basics, characteristics, protocols, topologies, client/server networks, wireless technologies, protocols, and applications for businesses. Dive into topics like Ethernet, VPN, VoIP, RFID, and more!

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Business Plug-in 5

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  2. NETWORK BASICS • Telecommunication system –a system that transmits _____ over public or private networks • Network –a two or more computers that exchange data and share resources using standards (_________) • Three types of networks: • Local area network (LAN)—a building • Metropolitan area network (MAN)—a city • ______ area network (WAN)—a large region


  4. NETWORK CHARACTERISTICS • Architecture • peer-to-peer or client/_________ • Topology • bus, star, ring, hybrid, __________ • Protocols • Ethernet • TCP/___ • Media • coaxial, twisted-pair, _______-optic

  5. Peer-to-Peer Networks • Peer-to-peer (P2P) network - any network without a central file _______ and in which all computers in the network have access to the public files located on all other workstations

  6. Client/Server Networks • Client/server network – a _______ model for computing in which the bulk of the processing takes place on a server (back-end), while clients perform primarily input/output (front-end) • Client- a computer that is designed to request information from a server • Server - a computer that is dedicated to providing information to the client

  7. Client/Server Networks • Network operating system (NOS) - the operating system that runs a network, steering information between computers while managing security • Packet-switching -dividing a message on a source computer into a number of efficiently sized units called ________, each of which contains the address of the destination computer • Router - an __________ connecting device that examines each packet of data it receives and then decides which way to send it onward toward its destination

  8. Client/Server Networks • Client/Server network

  9. Client/Server Networks • Worldwide router growth

  10. TOPOLOGY • Network topology - the __________ arrangement of the physical computers and other network devices) in a network • Bus • Star • Ring • Hybrid • Wireless


  12. PROTOCOLS • Protocol - a _________ that specifies the format of data as well as the rules to be followed during transmission • Interoperability - the capability of two or more computer systems to share data and resources, even though they are made by different manufacturers

  13. Ethernet • Ethernet - a physical and data layer technology for LAN networking

  14. Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol • TCP/IP – protocol for the public Internet as well as for large numbers of private networks

  15. Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol Applications • File transfer __________ (FTP) • Downloading/uploading files to/from computers • Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) • For sending/receiving email • Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) • For downloading ____ pages • Simple network management protocol (SNMP) • For network management

  16. The OSI Model for TCP/IP Applications communicating w/ applications Networks communicating w/ applications Managing sessions between computers Logically sending data over a network Connecting networks Connecting devices on a network Connecting a device to a communication medium

  17. Voice over IP (VoIP) • Voice over IP (VoIP) -uses _______ technology to transmit voice calls over long-distance telephone lines

  18. NETWORK TRANSMISSION MEDIA • Two types of media used to carry the signal between computers • ______ media (guided) • Twisted-pair wiring • Coaxial cable • Fiber optic (or optical fiber) • Wireless media (unguided) • Empty space is the medium • Range varies

  19. Wire Media

  20. E-BUSINESS NETWORKS • Virtual private network (VPN) - a way to use the public telecommunication infrastructure (e.g., Internet) to provide secure access to an organization’s network • Valued-added network (VAN) -a private network, provided by a ______ party, for exchanging information through a high capacity connection

  21. WIRELESS FIDELITY (WI-FI) • Wireless fidelity (wi-fi) – a means of linking computers using _______ or radio signals • Common examples of wireless devices include: • Cellular phones and pagers • Global positioning systems (GPS) • Cordless computer peripherals • Home-entertainment-system control boxes • Two-way radios • Satellite television

  22. BUSINESS DRIVERS FOR WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES • Mobile and wireless are often used synonymously, but actually denote two different technologies • Mobile technology - means the technology can travel with the user, but it is not necessarily in _________ • Wireless technology - gives users a live (Internet) connection via satellite or radio transmitters

  23. Radio Frequency Identification • Radio frequency identification (RFID) - use active or passive tags in the form of chips or smart labels that can store unique identifiers and relay this information to electronic readers • RFID tag - contains a microchip and an ________, and typically work by transmitting a serial number via radio waves to an electronic reader, which confirms the identity of a person or object bearing the tag


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