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Learning Experience: First I will introduce them on how to use a world map. ... It will ask them how to locate cities and countries on the world map. ...
Slide 1:Final Project for CTSE 130By: Cesar Molina
School Information Norwood Elementary School Mrs. Goldman – Contact Person Mr. Reyes – Teacher Norwood Elementary – Los Angeles, California Stanford 9 Mean Percentiles 3rd Grade Reading Math Language Spelling No. 170 172 170 170 Mean 31 46 39 47 Fall 2001 School Percentage by ethnicity: 2.4% Black, Non-Hispanic 96.9% Hispanic 0.0% American Indian/Alaska Native 0.3% Asian 0.0% Filipino 0.0% Pacific Islander 0.4% White, Non-Hispanic
Slide 2:Norwood Elementary – Los Angeles, CaliforniaFall 2001 School Percentage by ethnicity: 2.4% Black, Non-Hispanic 96.9% Hispanic 0.0% American Indian/Alaska Native 0.3% Asian 0.0% Filipino 0.0% Pacific Islander 0.4% White, Non-Hispanic
Slide 3:Lesson Plan #11rd Grade: History-Social Science
1.2 Students compare and contrast the absolute and relative locations of places and people and describe the physical and/ or human characteristics of places. 1. Locate on maps and globes their local community, California, the United States, the seven continents, and the four oceans. Lesson Objective: The lesson objective will be to teach students how to use world maps. How to locate places on a map, and how to get from one location to the next one by using a map. The students will become familiar with how to use the map. For example, they will become familiar with North, South, East, and West. The students will also learn how locate countries and cities on the map. Motivation: This unit is on how to use maps, to introduce the lesson I will ask them question the “What would you do if you were lost? I would also ask the student if any one like to share an experience when they have used a world map before or if they have seen some one else use a map. I would tell the students that by the end of the lesson they should be able to use maps, so that if they need to find a city or a country, or even a continent, then they will be confident to use a world map.
Slide 4:Lesson #1 cont…
Learning Experience: First I will introduce them on how to use a world map. I will have a big world map in front of the class to show them how to find cities, and countries on a world map. I will them pass out maps to every one in class and give each student names of cities and countries to find on the map. I will then give the students the name of a country and they would need to tell me the name of a major city in that country or the other way around. I would give them the name of a major city, and they will need to find the country. Feedback/ Assessment: At the end of the exercise I will have students get to in pairs and I will hand out a piece of paper with 10 locations to find on the map with the help of each other. There will also be a quiz to check that the students learned how to use the map. The quiz will ask questions on how to use the map. It will ask them how to locate cities and countries on the world map.
Slide 5:Lesson #2For Grade 2
Standards: Reading 2.5; Listening and Speaking 1.3 and 1.8 Lesson Objective: To teach the students a way to decide what to include in and how to write a summary. I will do this by reading them a story about The Lonely Scarecrow. Motivation: I would ask the students if any one knows what’s a scarecrow? I would also show the students the front cover of the book, and ask them to tell me what they think the story is going to be about to gain their interest in the story that we are about to read.
Slide 6:Lesson Plan #2 cont…
Learning Experience:. Tell them what a summary is. It is a shorter version of the story only telling the things that cause a change in the story’s plot (important). Tell them how to decide what to put in a summary and what makes a good summary: short, gives enough details that someone knows what happened, but doesn’t tell the whole story. Tell them that we will be writing a summary about the Lonely Scarecrow. Read story aloud to class seated on the carpet. After second page stop and ask questions. “Why is the scarecrow lonely?” “Why are the animals afraid of the scarecrow?” After the scarecrow is a snowman and the animals are playing on him stop and ask, “Why are the animals playing on the scarecrow?” At the end ask, “What happened when the snow melted?” “Did the animals still play with the scarecrow?” Words to stop and explain: jagged, marooned, combine, churning, ravaged, and nestle. Feedback/ Assessment: Talk about the story a little, what they thought about it. Ask if any of them can remind me what a summary is. Have them tell me what makes a good summary. Write it on the board. Talk about the other aspects of a story: plot, setting, main characters, problem, and solution. Talk about the feeling that the scarecrow had. Have any of the students ever felt lonely and isolated. Talk about scarecrows. What are they used for and why the animals were afraid of the scarecrow. Have the students reread the text on their own and look up or ask about any of the words that they don’t understand. Then talk about their understanding of the text after knowing all the words; was it better or the same. Students could draw their own picture of something that they are afraid of and then talk about the pictures and their fears in small groups. Have the students write their own summaries about the next book they read. Have students write their own story about a time when things were not as they seemed or when someone misjudged them. Then have students revise and type their stories on a computer to print out and post in the classroom.
Slide 7:Lesson Plan #32nd Grade: History-Social Science
Standards: 2.5 Students understand the importance of individual action and character and explain how heroes from long ago and the recent past have made a difference in others' lives (e.g., from biographies of Abraham Lincoln, Louis Pasteur, Sitting Bull, George Washington Carver, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein, Golda Meir, Jackie Robinson, Sally Ride). Lesson Objective: I will teach them the importance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I will do this by reading a short biography of Dr. King, and reading parts of his work such as quotes from his speech, “I Have a Dream”. Motivation: I will start by asking the students if any one knows who Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is? Then I will read them a quote from his speech, and ask the students what it means to them. This will bring the student’s attention into the lesson.
Slide 8:Lesson Plan #3 cont…
Learning Experience: I will read the students the biography of Dr. King pointing out important dates and events in his life. Some of this important events would be things such as where he was born, and when he was born. I will also stop, and ask the students questions about the information that I am presenting to them. I will also read to the students parts of the “I Have a Dream” speech to demonstrate how Dr. King make an impact in other’s lives by promoting social change and how his actions shapes the lives of people today. Feedback/ Assessment: The students will need to find a partner and together they will come up with five things that they learn about Dr. King. The students, then will be able to share with the rest of the students what they came up with. For homework, I will have questions that the students will need to answer, but the questions will be simple and they will be pertaining to what they learned about Dr. King.
Slide 9:Description of Technology
The class room has 6 computers and some of the computers have internet that can be use for research. The computers also have games that can be used to learn countries and continents to enhance their use of maps. Some of the students also have computers at home were they can use if for home work. I will also use the T.V. to show video clips of the speeches that Dr. King made.
Slide 10:Technology available to Organize and assess student learning.
The internet was a great source for me to find information about the requirements and for ideas to come up with the lesson plans. Now that I have the skills to use power point, I can use it to better serve my students by adjusting to the needs of different students. Some of them may like to see things on the screen, and other students may want to hear. By using T.V. and power point I can achieve both.
Slide 11:Sites That Were Useful
http://www.cde.ca.gov/board http://www.ncte.org/index.html http://www.mcrel.org/standards-benchmarks/index.asp