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SIEMENS POWER GENERATION – Phil Scotson. Presentation structure. Company background ERP system background Scope of use – defining the interfaces Interfaces in detail Conclusion. The Organizational Structure of Siemens Business Segments and Groups. Managing Board. Siemens at a Glance

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  2. Presentation structure • Company background • ERP system background • Scope of use – defining the interfaces • Interfaces in detail • Conclusion

  3. The Organizational Structure of SiemensBusiness Segments and Groups Managing Board Siemens at a Glance Siemens PG Profile Siemens PG Key Figures Power Medical Information andCommunication Power Generation (PG) Information andCommunication Networks (ICN) Medical Solutions (Med) Power Transmission and Distribution (PTD) Information andCommunication Mobile (ICM) Lighting Automation and Control Siemens Business ServicesGmbH & Co. OHG (SBS) Osram GmbH Automation and Drives (A&D) Transportation Finance and Real Estate Industrial Solutions- and Services (I&S) Siemens Financial Services GmbH (SFS) Transportation Systems (TS) Siemens Dematic AG (SD) Siemens VDO Automotive AG (SV) Siemens BuildingTechnologies AG (SBT) Siemens Real Estate (SRE) Stand: 01.01.2001 Regional organization: Regional Offices; Regional Companies, Representative Offices, agencies

  4. Portrait Siemens Power Generation: A strong number 2 ranking in the global power plant market Concentration on fossil-fuelled power generation technology, components, systems and power plants Expertise in power plant and system services Long-term operation and maintenance (O&M) agreements Leading vendor of industrial applications Successful integration ofthe fossil division of Westinghouse Innovation and technical advancement Siemens at a Glance Siemens PG Profile Siemens PG Key Figures Power Generation

  5. C.A. Parsons Works Balancing Facilities Generator Repair Blade Manufacture Main Office Block Machining Facilities

  6. CA Parsons Works - Facts and Figures Circa 700 personnel Site covers 170,000 m2 OEM Status for over 60,000 MW of plant Fleet in over 32 Countries Worldwide Over 100 years on the site $ Turnover in excess of $100 million

  7. First Turbine Driven Generator 1884 First Industrial GT in UK 1945 Sir Charles Parsons Founded Parsons Works 1889 First Nuclear Power Station 1953 First Turbine Driven Ship 1897 First Condensing Turbine 1891 First 50 MW Turbine 1922 First 660 MW Turbine in UK 1986 First 500 MW Cross Compound Turbine -1961

  8. Large complex parts eg Casings and Rotors

  9. 80 CNC Machine Tools 170,000M2 Covered area Cranage up to 300 tonnes Over 12,000 Man Years of Experience All Major design types worked on Production Facilities Heavy Machining Turbine Assembly Generator Rotors Blade Manufacture

  10. Services to the Power Industry On-Site Maintenance Services Site Management Commissioning Dynamic Balancing In-Situ Machining NDT Technical and Operational Support Design Consultancy Metallurgical Services Technical Advice Spares and Repairs Outage Related Strategic Breakdown Retrofits Efficiency Improvements Life Extension and Integrity Maintainability Improvements Latest Technology

  11. Customers – Power Station owners SPG History SPG at a Glance SPG Capabilities SPG Customers & References

  12. ERP System background

  13. ERP Implementation plan • Steering group, Reps from all business functional areas • Evaluation process • Change business processes • Big bang implementation • Best fit for business - at the time !

  14. ERP Project Aims - Integrated Business System • Improve planning systems • Better ability to accurately predict, therefore to manage the business • Question and change our working practices as required • Single / correct way of operation (only one version of the truth) • Consistency and complete data • No islands of information • Reduce multiple data entry / increased reuse of data • Single user interface (expert in 1 system) • Get off obsolete / unmaintained databases & hardware • To keep our Business Systems up to date with evolving technology • GUI, potential for E-business

  15. Avante ERP Technical details • Avante from software company Epicor • U2 – Unidata PICK database - multivalue, transactional based • 120 concurrent user licence. • Multi processor server, 4 Pentium4, 2Gb memory, RAID discs • Live account = 1 000 MBytes

  16. Sample Avante GUI screen

  17. The extent of Avanté

  18. Scope of ERP use – therefore integrated • Quotations & Sales Order acknowledgements • Order BOM configurations • Material Control • Purchasing, MRP & buy to order • Quality Control, Stock control, Tool mgt • Manufacturing • Work order routings, progress status • Lead time Planning, + feeding details for finite scheduling • Change control & Locking • Project / order management • Costing – standard, budget, actual hours & costs • Shipping / despatch control • Financial control • Supplier invoices, payments, cash mgt • Sales invoices • All official company external documents

  19. Out of scope – therefore interfaces to other systems • Engineering – to & from in-house PDM system, future – global PDM • SFDC – to & from in-house timelines, clock card system • Site Operations – to & from in-house system • Payroll / personnel – to & from • APS – Advanced Planning System – finite scheduling module • NB. Non to customers / suppliers via Ebiz

  20. Why out of scope ? • Forced • Working within a Global company • Helping implementation, practicalities • By design, optimum use • Better ‘external’ software solution eg APS • External process eg payroll

  21. Engineering PDM System interface • In-house PDM simulates future global Siemens solution • To Engineering • Order MBOM configurations • Generic components, required dates & priority order • Changes to dates, emerging extent of supply • From Engineering • Order EBOM configurations • Specific items (parts) with all associated attributes • Changes to items & drawings • Polling for data, every minute • Token codes dictate process

  22. Shop Floor Data Capture interface • To SFDC • Work order operation routings – what to make, when, on what machines • Changes • From SFDC • Progress status • Timelines, hours taken • Clock cards, overtime & shifts • Polling for data, every minute • Token codes dictate process • Batch ASCII files manually invoked, schedule time

  23. Other interfaces • Site Operations • To Site Ops - Work order routings – for validation @ source • From Site Ops - Timelines, clock cards • Payroll • To Payroll - Overtime & Shifts • From Payroll - Full payroll costs into Financial journals • Personnel • From Personnel - New starters, leavers, movements • APS – Manufacturing Finite scheduling key resources • To APS – outstanding work, estimated hours, earliest start dates • From APS – priority work lists, expected completion dates

  24. How the interfaces work • Polling, auto running 24x7 • Every minute searching for a file on network drive • First section of each line is a token code • Each code calls specific interface process or simulates a manual menu process • Batch file updates, scheduled day & time or manually control when run • Each line predefined format, usually csv • Error files log any problems • Simulating manual processes, same validations as for users • Populate database records directly • Archive copies held to enable re-runs

  25. Positive aspects • Allows split between global & local business systems • Eg global PDM Engineering & local ERP • Allows phased implementations, avoids too much of a big bang • Functionality not yet available, training users • Eg SFDC • Out of scope of the ERP system • Better specialist software used for specific tasks • Eg APS finite scheduling & its what-if scenarios • Remote users, not on network • Eg Site Operations @ Power Stations

  26. Negative aspects • Cost of developing • Specification, writing, testing all envisaged permutations • Delays on implementation time schedules • Not moving off legacy systems, not a clean break • Extra links in information chains, PC – Unix, debugging • Ongoing maintenance costs • External bespoke software support • Internal system support

  27. Negative example - Avante / PDM interface • Not originally envisaged • Global initiative, optimistic time scales for availability • Costs (man hours) • Internal – defining functional specification, testing • External – detail system spec, writing software • 100 k but capped ! • Delay whole ERP implementation project plan - 8 months • Originally planned (optimistically) 9 months (Oct 99 – July 00) • Actual project time 17 months – live in Mar 01

  28. Future interfaces - XML • Standardised approach • Predefined, standard format of files • Simulates manual menu screen process • Mapping of XML fields to process fields (screen variables) • Designed for Ebiz but wider application • Off the shelf interface solutions !?!??

  29. Conclusion • Overview of the Avante ERP system at SPG • Large traditional manufacturing industry, global organisation • Other systems - existing, legacy, global, external • Reasons for interfaces to & from ERP • Details on the interfaces • Positive aspects • Negative aspects • But usually critical, KIS - Keep It Simple

  30. The End Any Questions

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