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Development that got it right (or almost right ... ) Good examples of BAP delivery as part of development in Northampton

Development that got it right (or almost right ... ) Good examples of BAP delivery as part of development in Northamptonshire. Rachel Gorman Team Leader for Northamptonshire Natural England. Kettering East. Kettering East

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Development that got it right (or almost right ... ) Good examples of BAP delivery as part of development in Northampton

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  1. Development that got it right (or almost right ... )Good examples of BAP delivery as part of development in Northamptonshire Rachel Gorman Team Leader for Northamptonshire Natural England

  2. Kettering East Kettering East Proposed Development: SUE of 5,500 dwellings to the East of Kettering Baseline Situation Relatively low ecological interest Some areas of nature conservation value: Woodland Water-bodies River Ise Great Crested Newts recorded in ponds Badger setts located on site & within woodland Mature trees provide potential bat roost locations

  3. Kettering East (Cont.) Habitat Enhancement & Creation • Enhancement of existing habitats • Creation of links between new & existing habitats across site • Creation and enhancement of BAP habitats: Rivers Ponds / Standing waters Species rich hedgerows Lowland meadows Wet & marshy grassland Deciduous woodland • Inclusion of SuDS within the development • Enhancement of habitats for local fauna / protected species • Ecological Management Plan(s)

  4. Upper Redhill (Wellingborough) Upper Redhill Proposed development: SUE of 3000 dwellings to the North of Wellingborough Baseline Situation Existing land use predominantly intensively managed arable fields Some areas of nature conservation value: Woodland Harrowden Brook Blackberry Fox Covert LWS 3 badger setts within site Potential foraging opportunities for bats

  5. Upper Redhill (Cont...) Habitat Enhancement & Creation • Retain & enhance habitats of highest biodiversity value • Habitat creation to achieve a net gain in biodiversity • Contribution to Northamptonshire BAP targets: Deciduous woodland Species rich hedgerows Reedbed Wet woodland Ponds / Standing waters Lowland meadows • Creation of wildlife corridors • Ecological Management Plan(s)

  6. Other Examples • Priors Hall – 40% built : 60% open space ratio; habitat enhancement for GCN, improved woodland management • CVLR / Upton Flood Alleviation Scheme – enhancements for bats & otters; creation of wet grassland, ditches & scrapes • Development at Upton – Extensive SuDS system • SDLR – protection & enhancement of Storton’s Pit Nature Reserve; on and off-site mitigation / habitat creation; project officer employed • WEAST / Stantons Cross – habitat creation and management along the Ise Valley

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