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Saint Francis De Sales

Saint Francis De Sales. Anne Henry-Gross. Why Study St. Francis de Sales?. St. Francis de Sales is the patron saint of our school. He is the patron saint of the religious order that began our school, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales

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Saint Francis De Sales

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  1. Saint Francis De Sales Anne Henry-Gross

  2. Why Study St. Francis de Sales? • St. Francis de Sales is the patron saint of our school. • He is the patron saint of the religious order that began our school, the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales • He was the first to write about spirituality for the ordinary lay person and to teach them how to grow closer to God

  3. Salesian Spirituality • Salesian Spirituality gets its name from St. Francis de Sales • It is based on the writings of St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal and was given further depth through the writings of St. John (Don) Bosco who took St. Francis de Sales as his model.

  4. Salesian Spirituality • This spirituality is to help the ordinary Christian to: • grow in their relationship with God, • deal with the difficulties we find in our everyday life and • become more Christ-like in our words and actions

  5. St. Francis de Sales1567-1622 • St. Francis de Sales was born in 1567 in the Duchy of Savoy in France, to a family related to both the royal families of Italy and France

  6. St. Francis de Sales • The eldest of 13 children, Francis was born to Francois and Franciose de Boisy in Chateau du Thorens on August 21st, 1567

  7. Education and Childhood • St. Francis grew up and attended his first School in the city of Annecy on the shores of the alpine lake of the same name.

  8. Francis’ education • Monsieur de Boisy sends Francis to Claremont College in Paris under the care Of the Jesuits

  9. University of Padua • Francis is sent to the University of Padua to get a doctorate in Law and he continued his study of theology that he had begun in Paris

  10. Francis is called to the priesthood • After graduating, St. Francis felt called to be a priest, while his father planned for him to join in the practice of law and serve as senator in the local assembly. • He prayed for wisdom, riding to meet his father, his sword fell 3 times forming a cross with the scabbard.

  11. The Priesthood • With his father’s reluctant approval, St. Francis is ordained to the priesthood in 1593 and was named provost. • He becomes a missionary with his cousin in the Chablis region

  12. Missionary in Chablis • Francis and his cousin sought to re-convert this region from the Calvinists • People were not receptive initially and at the end of the year he only had 3 converts to show for his efforts • His cousin gave up and returned to Annecy.

  13. Writer Extraordinaire • St, Francis begin writing pamphlets to explain the Catholic faith and slip them under people’s doors • He wrote many letters giving advice on how to live a devout life to those who wrote to him for help • In 1608 the first edition of his book, The Introduction to the Devout Life is published

  14. Author • His writings include: • Controversies • Spiritual Conferences • Treatise on the Love of God • In Defense of the Standard of the Cross • More than 3,000 letters • books of Sermons on Prayer, Advent, Lent, the Blessed Mother and Christmas

  15. Spiritual Writer • Francis de Sales wrote about the issues that ordinary people face in their lives: friendship, anxiety, sadness, optimism, prayer and about the sacraments • St. Francis is the patron saint for writers and journalists

  16. Bishop of Geneva • In 1602 He was named the Bishop of Geneva, whose episcopal seat was in Annecy • As a priest and as a bishop he was concerned with teaching both children and adults about their faith • He is the patron saint of religion teachers • He is concerned with the needs of the poor

  17. At work in his diocese • St. Francis developed a sign language in order to teach a deaf man about God • He is the patron saint of the deaf

  18. Preacher for all • Francis de Sales became known throughout France for his preaching and was frequently requested to preach and help others how to have confidence in God • He was requested by King Henry IV to preach at Court • In his travels preaching, he met a young widow, Jane de Chantal, sister of the Bishop of Burgundy

  19. Founding the Visitation Community • With St. Jane de Chantal, St. Francis began a community of women to visit the sick, teach and feed the poor for Girls and widows

  20. Institute of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin • Francis and Jane begin the Institute at Gallery House in Annecy

  21. The Gentleman Saint • St. Francis was known for his practice of patience, gentleness and humility • St. Francis struggled all of his life with his temper and he sought to overcome it by practicing the opposite virtues

  22. Death • In December 1622 Francis accompanied the Court of Savoy into Lyon, France • In a small house in the garden of the Visitation convent, he had a stroke on December 28th and died • Immense crowds came to view his body

  23. Veneration & Canonization • Following his death, Francis de Sales body was brought back to Annecy but his heart was left in Lyons • He was beatified in 1661 • He was canonized in 1665

  24. Doctor of the Universal Church • Pope Pius IX in 1877, in recognition of his holiness and of the effectiveness of his writings in helping others develop their relationship with God • declared him Doctor of the Universal Church

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