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Cryptfunder is a decentralized funding source for the cryptocurrency community, startup ICOs and other blockchain companies. We will filter out the best blockchain candidates deploying expert analysts to identify the projects with the greatest potential and fund these projects. These disruptive startups will be chosen based on their potential market value, quality of their team and the real world application of their technology. for more update visit : https://icocrown.io/ico/cryptfunder
4.3 4.6 ICO PROFILE 4.3 TEAM 4.9 VISION 6 expert ratings Cryptfunder Decentralized Funding Cryptfunder is a decentralized funding source for the cryptocurrency community, startup ICOs and other blockchain companies. We will filter out the best blockchain candidates deploying expert analysts to identify the projects with the greatest potential and fund these projects. These disruptive startups will be chosen based on their potential market value, quality of their team and the real world application of their technology. Cryptfunder will find inspiring and disruptive startup ICOs including blockchain companies in various stages of development. Target those startups and other companies that break the established mold and thus present opportunities to achieve stratospheric results for Cryptfunder and its token holders. Enable participants to easily apply online through a comprehensive, multi-part application process, secure data entry and upload capabilities, and save and return functionality. streamline the funding application process through the Cryptfunder application portal and other modules. Banking Business services Cryptocurrency TIME Start in 28 Days 0 Hours 2018-05-25 - 2018-07-08 Token CFND Price 1 CFND = 0.003 ETH Tokens 20000000 Token Type ERC20 Hard Cap 60,000 ETH Soft Cap 6,000 ETH Platform Ethereum Distributed 50% Minimum investment 0.1 ETH Accepting BTC, ETH ICO Start 2018-05-25 ICO End 2018-07-08 Country Cayman Islands MORE ON ICO Report
About Team Milestones Ratings Public Discussion White paper SHARE CRYPTFUNDER - DECENTRALIZED FUNDINGYOUR GATEWAY TO EMERGING STARTUPS BEFORE THEY SOAR. WELCOME TO THE GROUND FLOOR. Cryptfunder (CFND) is a decentralized funding source for startup ICOs and other blockchain companies. Cryptfunder is committed to fueling the progress and development of newer and better technologies with the goal of generating value for Cryptfunder, the community, and CFND token holders. We will essentially be holders of multiple startup ICO tokens before even their pre-sale tokens are available to accredited investors. Cryptfunder will be a token that will fund pre-ICO startups and will employ expert analysts to identify the projects with the greatest potential market value based on the quality of their team and the real-life application and utility of their technology. We will perform a rigorous analysis into each ICO candidate for funding and ?lter out the best of the best. We will essentially build a 'family' of pre-vetted ICOs, each one with rock solid attributes, innovative, disruptive and trustworthy. At the same time, these startup ICOs will be properly funded to enable them to achieve their full potentials. In exchange for funding, Cryptofunder will negotiate a level of pre- ICO tokens at a discounted rate or other method of compensation, guiding developing ICOs to success and developing a diverse portfolio of new and developing cryptocurrencies providing value for all of our participants. Twitter feed ICOCrown is an ICO rating platform supported . © 2017 - 2018 All rights reserved. Mail at : info@icocrown.io Premium listing | Terms | Privacy policy | Contact Us