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Mission Repair centre is committed to deliver the highest in standards of IT services, repairs and customer service. Our mission is to reinvent the technology repair landscape. Helping you to keep all of your technology devices performing like new, delivered with first-class service and convenience. Our highly experienced and certified technicians perform almost all work on-site, providing you with fast turnaround and devices fixed properly the first time. If you arenu2019t able to bring your equipment to the store, we will come to you.
MiissiionRepaiirCentre MissionRepairCentreoffersexpert accessory repair services in Winnipeg.
Overtheyears,wehavebecomeahubforpeoplelookingforallkindofrepairs. Whether you enjoy the freedom that an android phone offers, or you love the security of your apple products, Mission Repair Center will take care of all your MobileRepair,LaptopRepairandComputerRepairinWinnipeg,Canada. About us
OurATHOMESERVICES Our technology devices have become an enjoyable part of our homes and personallife.Whether it’stextingwith friends, sharing stories through Facebook, watching funny youtube videos, or playing scrabble with friends online – wecankeepallyourdevicesworkinglikenew. Ensure that you don’t have any downtime. Ask about our maintenance contract options available at a competitive monthlyrate.
HOMESERVICES PCComputerRepair MacComputerRepairApple MobilePhoneRepair Tablets And Ipad Repair Gaming
ComputerRepair Services&VirusRemoval Thereliabilityofcomputershasincreasedsteadilyoverthe last decade but just like an automobile – breakdowns do happen and repairs are occasionally required. Whether it’s your laptop or desktop, it is our priority to get your PC back to you as fast as possible. And in the very rare case whereyourcomputerisnotfixable,wecanusuallyretrieve keyfilesfromyouroldmachinesothatyourmost is not lost.Our technicians are important information trained and qualified to perform work on all types of PC units so no matter how old or new your computer is, we canusuallyfixit.
MacBookPro&iMacAppleComputerRepair Despite the fact that Macs are extremely stable and reliable, they are susceptible to breakdowns like any other computer. We are one of the few companies in Winnipeg that have Apple-certified technicians that can return your computer to working order, without ever leaving the city. We are qualified to work on all models of Mac units so no matter howoldornewyourcomputeris,wecanusuallyfixit.
Iphone&SamsungCell PhoneRepairs For many of us, our mobile phones have become an extension of our life and anytime without them ishighlydisruptive.Sowe’lldoeverythingpossible to get your phone working like new and back in your hands as soon as possible. Find a list of the common problemsandmodelsthatwe repair below.
Tablets,iPadandiPodRepairs Has your tablet or iPod stopped working? Did the glass or plastic covering break? Tablets and iPods can malfunction for numerousreasons–beit asoftwaremalfunction, viruses,orcomponentissuessuchasdefectiveUSBportsor a bad screen. Don’t worry, our technicians have extensive experiencewithtabletsandiPodssowecanusuallybringit backtolifequicklyand you’llbeenjoyingyourtabletagain innotimeatall. And in the very rare case where your tablet or iPod is not fixable, we can usually retrieve key files from your old machinesothatyourmostimportantinformationisnotlost. At the outset of every project we will give you a free cost estimate as well as our professional opinion as to whether themostcosteffectiverouteisiPad Repair Winnipegorreplacement.
VideoGameRepair Is your console or gaming PC broken? Our gaming repair service can help you by performing a quick, reliableandaffordablerepair.Therearelotsof components that can malfunction in a gaming unit, sowewillperformanefficientbutthorough diagnostictodeterminethesourceoftheissue. Oncewe’ve repaired everything is repaired it,wemakesurethat byperforminganintense testingsession. Ourtechniciansaretrainedandqualifiedtoperform workonthemostpopulargamingconsolessoeven ifyourunitisgettingupthereinage,wecanusually fixit.Attheoutsetofeveryprojectwewillgiveyou a free cost estimate as well as our professional opinion as to whether the most cost effective route isrepairorreplacement.
ContactUs GetInTouch Dropusalineandwewillgetbacktoyouas soonaspossible,usuallywithin24hours. Telephone 204.800.2460 Website www.missionrepaircentre.ca Location 3-2077PembinaHighwayWinnipeg, MBR3T5J9