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Very often business owner face problem to select which part to outsource. Here I just help to understand properly.
Some optionsthatsmall businessshould outsource Platform workflow and process automation forcompanies of all sizes, SharePoint and Sales force, the companyleveland for small and medium businesses. However, theprocessautomation requires alot ofworkload foreverycompany. For astart-up orsmall business, reducedcost allowsyou to changethecourseofgrowth of the operatingresult whileyou releaseyour time. Outsourcing can bethe continuity, control over the operation and therisk managementcosts. You canalso improve your work/ lifebalance. Here are fivethings that you can easilyoutsourceto help the growth ofyour business whileyou releaseyour time. 1. ContentMarketing Content marketingis theuseof easyto digest content thatyour targetaudienceis designed toeducatewithout havingto “sales”. Thegoal is to generateleads, but thecontent feeds also therelationships thatyou havewith potential customers to improvetheir chances of makingasale. Morethan 40 percent ofcompanies havean executivein their organizations, which is directly responsible for marketingcontent. Unfortunately,small businesses likeyours cannot havethe budget for it. Instead of spendingtheirtime, producing and distributingthe content orrentingamarketing team,Irecommend outsourcing.Accordingto a report by LinkedIn is basedon asurveyof marketingprofessionals,75 percent of marketers postponethe content in anyway. You can startas afreelancewriter byhiringsmall, oryoucan hire an agency.Both options will saveyou moneyand helpyou build betterrelationships withyour customers. 2.Accounting The surveywasconductedby the AmericanPsychologicalAssociationthatshowsthat inmultitaskingor tomanagemultiple projects, youcanexperiencea40percent productivity.Yourprojectstakelonger andyouwill increaseyouroverallstresslevel. On average,multitaskingcoststhe global economy morethan 400,000milliondollars ayear. Youreallydonotwant tomakemistakeswhen the finances arehandledforyour business. I’veoutsourced almostallmy adventureaccounting. Often, the experienceof ateamis obtained whenoutsourcing. I usedservices likeIndinero.comformany ofmy backofficetasks.
3. Compensation Irecommendyour payoutsourcing,faced with themanyrequirements, regulations and taxlaws.The“billing”goes far beyond the simple calculation ofhours and salarypayments to employees.A mistakecan trigger taxcontrols on wagesand the cost ofyour business thousands of dollars. In 2014alone theIRS has collected morethan $ 2billion in fines against small businesses as a result of errors, omissions and misrepresentations. Instead of runningyour own salarybill, or keeping the hassleof a full-time accountant, outsourcebillingto a reliable service. CompanieslikeIntuit Wagepoint orcan helpyou avoidexpensive mistakes and freeyour timeso thatyoucan focus onyour business. 4.Conversionoptimization Most companies generatesalesopportunitiesthroughonlinemarketingand contentworks producing themintopotentialcustomers. AccordingtoSearchEngine Land, theaverageconversionrate inmost industriesis morethan2percent,with25percentofsitesseeingsalesat5percent ormore. There’sa lotyoucandotoimprove your conversionrate, but it’saprocessthat takestime. Dependingonbusiness model andmargins, even a smallincreasein conversions canaddtens tohundreds of thousandsormoreof the annual revenue. Data entry This is widelyrecognized option for outsourcebecausemost of business owner never liketo spend on data entryclerk. So forthem ultimate solutions isoutsourcing. Havebetter days!