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How To Pass The KNAT WRITING 21 Questions | 45 Minutes Conventions of Standard English Parts of Speech MATH 28 Questions | 45 Minutes Rations, Proportions, and Percentages Decimals and Fractions Solving Real World Mathematical Problems Equations with One Variable READING 22 Questions | 45 Minutes Main Idea and Supporting Details Making Inferences and Drawing Conclusions Understanding the Author’s Purpose Evaluating and Integrating Data 5 SCIENCE 20 Questions | 30 Minutes Organization of the Human Body Cardiovascular System Gastrointestinal System Endocrine System Reproduction System Respiratory System STEPS TO PASSING THE KNAT 1 Take a diagnostic KNAT practice test to determine your strengths and weaknesses in each subject area. 2 Create a study schedule with subject specific resources. For example, make a plan to watch a KNAT Tutor Math Video Lesson on your top 3 weakest scoring areas for 20 minutes a day. At the end of the week, retake a diagnostic math section to measure improvement. 3 Focus on learning, not memorizing. Use your preferred learning method such as flashcards, video lessons, or practice problems to learn the skills being measured on the KNAT. Memorizing the answer to a question does not mean you’re knowledgeable. Review the answer analysis and video lessons to confirm you understand why the answer is the answer. 4 Set Realistic Expectations. Studying is equally as important as taking as many accurate practice tests. Taking a realistic KNAT practice test allows you to set realistic expectations of how much time you need for each section, how reliant you are on a calculator, and what kind of questions are going to be asked. 5 Become confident. Taking the proactive step to study and prepare allows you to feel more ready and confident. It is natural to be nervous, anxious, and overwhelmed, but those negative feelings can actually hinder your ability to perform well on a test. Be confident in the time you’ve spent preparing for this test. You got this! ON TEST DAY DO BRING DON’T BRING Government approved photo ID Personal calculator. Log-in Information for online test takers Non-government issued identification Two #2 pencils Electronic devices Mandated facial coverings, if applicable in your state. Oversized personal items Study materials Food or beverages For KNAT study guides and practice tests Visit www.smarteditionacademy.com