THE LEXICAL APPROACH Professional Development Line Manager Mr. Mohammed JamaPresented byDr.Moustafa Shalaby Dr.Moustafashalaby
"LEXICAL APPROACH." • The Lexical Approach is a unique approach in TESOL methods. This approach starts from the position that language learning is not about the individual word but rather multi-word chunks. As such, a student should focus learning various combinations of word chunks. It is a language teaching method published by Michael Lewis in 1993 (Lewis, 1993).It emphasizes developing a vocabulary of significant chunks that can be modified, combined, and rearranged to serve various functions or purposes. Dr.Moustafashalaby Dr.Moustafashalaby
Thebasicconcept Dr.Moustafashalaby
Languageis grammaticalized lexis not lexicalized grammar. Dr.Moustafashalaby
Implications in Language Teaching: Dr.Moustafashalaby
Idioms • Idioms are expressions whose meanings are not predictable from the usual meanings of their constituent elements. They often convey a figurative meaning that is culturally understood. • Example: Shed Crocodile Tears • Explanation: This idiom means to display false or insincere sorrow. The phrase originates from an ancient belief that crocodiles weep while eating their prey. • Use in a Sentence: "The politician shed crocodile tears over the budget cuts, but everyone knew he supported them." • Example: Dead Drunk • Explanation: This idiom describes someone who is extremely intoxicated. • Use in a Sentence: "After the party, he was dead drunk and couldn’t even stand up." • Example: To Run Partnerships • Explanation: This idiom means to manage or be actively involved in cooperative ventures or collaborations. • Use in a Sentence: "She is known for her ability to run partnerships smoothly, making her an invaluable asset to the company." • Each type of expression serves a unique role in language, enriching communication by adding nuance, emotion, or cultural context. Understanding and using these expressions effectively can enhance clarity and engagement in both written and spoken language. Dr.Moustafashalaby
Collocations are vital for achieving natural-sounding language, enhancing fluency, and ensuring clarity. Recognizing and using these common word pairings can significantly improve both written and spoken communication. Each type of collocation serves a specific function, contributing to the richness and expressiveness of the language. Dr.Moustafashalaby
Six types of collocations Dr.Moustafashalaby
PROCEDURE Dr.Moustafashalaby
Example Lesson Plan Breakdown Focusing on teaching chunks of language, or "lexical phrases," rather than isolated words or grammar rules. Tips for Success • Context is Key: Always introduce lexical phrases in context to help students understand their usage. • Repetition and Recycling: Regularly recycle phrases in different contexts to reinforce learning. • Encourage Noticing: Teach students to notice and record useful phrases they encounter outside of class. • Authentic Materials: Use authentic materials to expose students to natural language usage. Dr.Moustafashalaby
BIBLIOGRAPHY Henry, A., 1996. Natural Chunks of Language: Teaching Speech Through Speech . [pdf] Available at: https://www.academia.edu/3442670/Natural_chunks_of_language_Teaching_speech_through_sp eech Krashen, S.D., 2003. Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition . [pdf] Available at: http://www.sdkrashen.com/content/books/principles_and_practice.pdf Lewis, M., 1993. The Lexical Approach. London: Language Teaching Publications. Lewis, M., 2000. Teaching Collocations: Further Developments in the Lexical Approach . London: Language Teaching Publications. Nation, I.S.P., 2001. Learning Vocabulary in Another Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Richards, J.C. & Rodgers, T.S., 2014. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. Third Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Scrivener, J., 2011. Learning Teaching: The Essential Guide to English Language Teaching. Third Edition. London: MacMillan Education. Lewis, M. (1993). The lexical approach (Vol. 1). Language teaching publications Hove. Dr.Moustafashalaby
Get in touch corpus_ling mshalaby1.c@ksu.edu.sa Mostafa.shalaby1970@gmail.com Moustafashalaby