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eLearning for Health and Social Care, Our team are experts in their field, and we continually strive to provide you with the best learning solution.<br>
Over 15million learners have trusted us with their Learning andDevelopment READ ME TO FIND OUTWHY
Contents AboutUs 1 Our LearningEnvironments: FullyLoaded Parent andChild 3 4 KeyFeatures 5 OrganisationBenefits 6 On theMove! 7 BlendedLearning 8 Testimonials 9 Company No: 08191627 | VAT Reg:GB162501441 RegisteredAddress:SouthWing,AdmiralHouse,43HighStreet,Fareham,Hampshire,PO167BQ
AboutUs We are the blended and e-Learning specialists, that empower Health and Social Careproviders with user-centriclearning. All of our 100+ e-Learning courses are CPD accredited by the CPD Certification Service, ensuring our course content isof the highest standard. Our expertise, tools and guidanceenables your care organisation to upskill your team, ensure compliance and deliver the best qualitycare. Our status as a Skills for Care Endorsed Provider and Centre of Excellence, confirms our commitment to the Continued Personal Development (CPD) of those working withinthe Health and Social CareSector. Our team are experts in their field and we continuallystrivetoprovideyouandtheHealth and Social Care Sector with the best learning solution wecan. Our tailored Learning Environments and accredited content, written by our qualified Subject Matter Experts, allows your care organisation to confidently manage anddeliver compliant, higher standards ofcare. 1 2
FullyLoaded Parent andChild Our Parent and Child Learning Environment buildsonthefunctionality ofourFullyloaded Learning Environment and allows you to log in to any child platform, giving you complete visibilityofeachsitelocation. Our Fully Loaded Learning Environment is designed to truly reflect your organisational learning needs, allowing you tocustomise it and make it yourown. Our Learning Pathway feature enables youto create and control a staff member’s learning journey from start to finish, set custom cycles and your own passmarks and validityperiod. click of a button, allowing your organisation to have complete oversight on how each location isperforming,providingyouthepeaceofmind that all your locations are compliant, ensuring a standardised approach to all processes and qualityacrossyourwholeorganisation. The features included allow your organisation totakecontrolofyourtraining,witheverything you need in one place. This means all of your learning, administration and compliance inone user-friendlyenvironment. At My Learning Cloud we know a Learning Environment is only as good as its administration. With the powerAdmin Centre, you can make changes to your Learning Environmentquicklyand easily,updatelearner details, branding or manage workshops all in oneplace. Our Parent and Child Learning Environment is perfect for large or multi-sited organisations, whereby your Head Office can set the rules and parameters for each individual location, whilst providing the freedom for each location to manage the LearningEnvironment as their own. Our Parent and Child Learning Environment, provides the ability for you to set licences acrosseachlocationcentrally,ensuringyouare getting the most use out of purchasedlicences. We understand that each organisation is differentandthiswhyourFullyLoadedLearning Environment allows for a blended approach and manages all formats oflearning. With more than 35 reports available,My Learning Cloud ensures you have all the information you need, whenyou need it. With Centralised Reporting, your Head Officeis able run aseries of 23 Collated Reports, at the CustomBranding Helpful WelcomeTours Simple SetupWizard Dynamic ReportEngine Whether you’re on ourFully Loaded or Parent and Child Learning Environment, your organisation will benefit from the following preloadedfeatures: Insightful Evaluation Centre TrackablePolicies andProcedures UnlimitedSupport asStandard In-Built SupportSystem Multi-Device Compatibility Customisable LearningPathways Innovative Learning MOT Powerful AdminCentre 3 4
KeyFeatures OrganisationBenefits FullyCustomisable OurFullyLoadedLearningEnvironmentputsyouincontrol.OurAdminCentrefeature streamlines the process of managing your organisations complete learning journey, savingyoutime,moneyandunnecessaryadmintasks. Administration TimeSaving Our Learning Pathways feature enables you to create and control your staff’s learning journeyfromstarttofinish.WithLearningCyclesyoucansetupatrainingplanwhich, oncompletionofacourse,canautomaticallyenrolanemployeeontothenextstageof their training,saving countless hours of administration. Maximise yourSavings Whether virtual or face-to-face, Learners can pro-actively request to book onto a workshop,reserveandconfirmtheirplace,ensuringyouhavemaximum attendance, saving you time andmoney. IncreasedCompliance Allofyourreportsareliveandcolourcoded;thismeansthemomentalearnercompletes a piece of learning, an e-Learning course, or reads a policy for example, the reports will reflect thischange. Management MadeSimple With our built-in integration features, you’ll be able to manage all aspects of your organisation inoneplace.Zoom™integrationmeansyoucantakeadvantageofhaving Virtual Training Sessions with up-to 100 delegates, saving you money on face-to-face training orworkshops. Your Learning, YourWay Our Course Uploader features allows your organisation to upload your own specific coursecontent,ensuringthatanylearningbespoketoyourorganisationorlearners, can stillbecomplete andtrackedinoneplace. 6 AdminCentre Thereisnoneedlessdataentry,orhavingtorememberspecificprocesses-justfollow the simple on-screen instructions to process any changes you wish to make. You’ll be abletocompletelyconfigureallareasofyourLearningEnvironment,suchasbranding and OrganisationalHierarchy. LearningPathways Learning Pathways enables you to set learning to reflect the person, their place of work oreventheirrole.Youcan automatetheentireprocessofassigningcourseswithpre-set pathways. WorkshopManagement Ourworkshopmanagementfunctionalityallowsyoutosetup,manageandrunallof your workshopseffortlessly. PowerfulReporting Youcansearch,filter,exportandprintallofyourreports,collatingalltheinformation yourequireatthetouchofabutton.Wehaveover35reportsavailableforyoufroma complete training record report to the compliancematrix. Integrations Our Learning Environments are fully customisable and can be integrated with your existingHRorROTAsystem,aswellasZoom™andiCal,tofullyautomateyourLearning andDevelopment. CourseUploader One ofthekeybenefits ofourtailoredLearningEnvironments,isourin-builtCourse Uploader. This feature is available on our Fully Loaded Learning Environments and includesupto 1GBofstoragespace. 5
On theMove! BlendedLearning Many studies have shown that blended and digitally-driven learning models have led to higher levels of engagement and My Learning Cloud are the blended and e-Learning specialists for the Health and Social Caresector. Our tailored Learning Environments and accreditedcontentareavailableonboththe Google Play Store and the iOS App Store, allowing you to complete your learning anywhere,anytimeandonanydevice. Each organisation is provided with a Unique ID CodethatgivesthemthepowerofMyLearning Cloud, in the palm of their hand and on any device! Our Learning Environment has beendesigned to empower Health and Social care providers with user-centric learning and we’ve been very mindful of the design of our Learning Environment and e-Learningcontent. Ifyouhaveinternetaccess,youhaveaccessto yourlearning. Ensuring it’s motivating, engaging and supportive of the learning journeys for the learner, their manager and the organisation to deliver successful outcomes. With blended learning,yourlearnerscantakecontroloftheir trainingbyprovidingthemwithapersonalised experience and your employees can overcome time constraints and study at a pace that is convenient tothem. 7 8
Testimonials 9 10
SpeaktooneofourExperiencedTeamtoday! 0800 0886109 enquiries@mylearningcloud.org.uk mylearningcloud.org.uk