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R-PLATINUM IAS welcomes you all! Before moving ahead, Civil Services Examination conducted by UPSC is one of the most prestigious Examinations in the Country. We are dedicated to serve aspirants of IAS Exam, We are here to mentor, motivate and guide students preparing for Civil Services examination. R-PLATINUM IAS Academy was founded in July, 2012 by a group of experts in Civil Services Coaching. We are providing quality IAS Coaching for both English & Hindi Medium students. Our focus is always on grooming candidates so that they meet the standards expected in UPSC. <br><br>We are passionate about your success in IAS Examination. Your Success is our prime goal. We, at R-PLATINUM, always try to ensure that our way of teaching makes the learning experience more enjoyable and fruitful. This is facilitated by a two-way interaction between teacher and students, rather than a monologue by teachers. We also try to ensure that your IAS preparation journey reaches its ultimate destination. We nurture and groom aspirants of Civil Services in such a way that paves the way to success in Civil Services examination. Our aim is to prepare right persons with caliber to opt for Civil Services and also succeed in examination.<br><br>IAS is known as steel frame of Indian Administration. Steel frames are known for their robustness, tensile strength and ability to withstand adverse conditions. R-PLATINUM IAS instills these qualities among candidates even before they join the esteemed services. Coaching for any examination means to develop interest among students about the syllabus and pattern of examination. R-PLATINUM IAS English Medium coaching Institute for IAS adheres to these two fundamentals very strictly.<br>
ABOUT US R-Platinum IAS is a pool of country’s too Intellectuals, Academician, experts and experienced people from distinguished fields. They are masters in their respective fields. They are competent to train aspirants of civil services to perform their best at all levels of examination. All ofour expertsare ofnational repute and havingnationalpresence. They areproficienttoimpartknowledgetotheaspirants.Theirroutinetaskincludesconducting drill, skill building sessions. They dedicate their most of the time with students in classroom as well as through technological aid. They believe in the philosophy of holistic teachingasitistheneedofchangedscenariooftheexamination. Theteaching/trainingmethodologyadoptedbyourexpertsisfocusedtowardstheobjective of information with involvement this approach would help the civil services aspirants to develops critical thinking and decision making approach as it is highly required for the publicservantsaswellasaresponsiblecitizenofthecountry.Anotherimportantaspectof outteaching/trainingprogrammesofourexpertsishowtoexecutetheirspeaking,writing andcriticalthinkingskillattheneedoftime.
The organization is very considerate for the talented candidates those have all the competencetocracktheexamination,butduetolackofopportunitytheycastigatetotheir fortune.Ourideologyisquiteliberal.Wetakecareofallthestudentsonequalfootings.We takeonlythatamountofcontributionthatissufficienttopayourexpertsandmaintainour core infrastructure. We are also in touch with renowned National and International Non Governmental Organization (NGOs) which provide assistance to different sections of students. Quality teaching is our habit. We inculcate standard and in-depth information of the subject matter in perspective. The contents of the study material have been designed and developedaccordingtothenewlyinductedsyllabusformainexamination.
Our Courses General Studies Batch Integrated Foundation Batch Public administration OPTIONAL SUBJECTS Geography Sociology History CSAT
CIVIL SERVICES CivilServicesisaprofessionalbodyofofficials,permanent,paidandskilled.CivilServices includesthosePublicServants(notbeingtheholdersofpoliticalorjudicialoffices)whoare employed in Civil Capacity. There salary is wholly and directly paid out of Public exchequer.The Civil Services is one of the most sought after career in our country. It providesgoodcareergrowthandopportunitytoserveindifferentpartsofthecountry.Itis acareerthatprovidesanopportunitytothecivilservantstodealwithdifferentpeopleofall walksoflife.CivilServantsserveindifferentcapacitiesanddealwithpeopleofallwalksof life;theyfeelasenseofself-efficacy.Careeravailableinotherprofessionsmaynotprovide suchdiversity.ThisiswhyCivilServicesprovidessuchsocialrecognitiontoanindividual.
CIVIL SERVICES PREPARATION Civil Services examination is termed as mother of all examination. This examination evaluates candidates’ Intelligence, Aptitude, Attitude, and Personality Knowledge. Therefore,toprovideCivilServicesCoachingisnotaneasytask. R-PLATINUM Civil Services Coaching in Mukherjee Nagar Delhi has a very long experienceoftrainingcandidatesforCivilServicesExamination.Wetakeallstudents,at equal footing. First, we transfer knowledge to allstudents. Thereafter, we cater to specific needs of every student. Our objective is to help students to be on level required for Civil Services examination.To Crack Civil Services Examination two essential qualities are neededwithinthestudents.Thesequalitiesareperseverance&patience.
R-PLATINUMCivilServicesCoachinginMukherjeeNagarDelhibetterunderstandsthatR-PLATINUMCivilServicesCoachinginMukherjeeNagarDelhibetterunderstandsthat astudentcannotsustainperseverance&patienceforlongtime. OurTest&tutorialsareaimedatprovidingstudentsadequatefeedback.Withour,feedback& counseling,astudentalwayshashighmotivation. “Readingmakesapersonknowledgeable,writingmakesefficient&discussionmakesperfect.” ThisproverbisverymeaningfulforastudenttohaveselfConfidence
IAS COACHING These days any competitive examination requires thorough preparation and guidance for whichattendingcoachingclasseshasbecomeimperative.Interalia,theroleofacoachingis tofamiliarizewiththesyllabusinshortspanoftime.Qualityofcoachingcanbejudgedon how itisable to generate an insight aboutthe subject and to whatextent the studentgets motivatedtoworkhard. Coaching forIASrequiresalot ofexpertise. InIndia, the examination for IAS isstill the toughestexam.Also,patternoftheexaminationdemandsbothscholasticachievementand above average intelligence. In such a situation task of coaching is to provide enough knowledgeaboutthesubjectsandtodevelopthoughtpatternamongstudents.R-Platinum coachinginstituteforIASinMukherjeeNagarunderstandstheseaspectswell.Ouraim istoprovidequalitycoachingtoinculcatequalityknowledgeamongstudents.Weprovide ample opportunities to students to interact with teachers to help evolve the thinking patternrequiredatvariouslevelsoftheexamination.
IAS COACHING FEATURES IAS Coaching for Undergraduates Hindi Medium Coaching for IAS English Medium Coaching for IAS IAS Coaching for SCs/STs Minorities IAS Coaching with Hostel IAS Coaching for Girl Students
UPSC COACHING UPSC is the country’s premium examination conducting body. It conducts various examinations of which Civil Services examination is the most prestigious examination conductionbytheCommission. UPSC has a very large team of experts who are involved in the process of conducting examination. It has a very dedicated team of experts who do research before conducting examinations.If one goes through questions of various examinations conducted by the UPSC, he/she will easily conclude that the questions are rarely repeated by the Commission. Also, questions of UPSC are not very easy to answer. Even if a question appears to be easy one must be careful enough otherwise they may get trapped into answeringthequestioninwrongway. R-PLATINUM UPSC Coaching has a distinction of providing expert guidance to IAS aspirants. We better understand questions of UPSC can be only answered with proper insight on the topic with updated knowledge of current affairs. We follow a teaching methodology which seeks to develop ability of students to interlink core concepts with currentdevelopment.
R-PLATINUM UPSC Coaching in Delhi gives emphasis on answer writing by the candidatesalongwithimpartingknowledge. Logical thinking is an essence of UPSC examination. This habit is required at all stages ofIASExamination.Withinclusionofethics,integrity&aptitudepaper,criticalthinking hasbecomemoreimportant. R-PLATINUM UPSC Coaching in Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi gives emphasis on personality development of the candidates. We believe knowledge, thinking, attitude etc. arepartofpersonality. PiecemealapproachdoesnotpayatUPSCexamination.TocrackUPSCexamination,one shouldalwayshaveholisticapproach. R-PLATINUM UPSC Coaching is dedicated to the cause of success of candidates. All expertshavelongexperienceoftrainingofUPSCaspirants.
Thank YOU B-4, A-35, BhandariHouse [Behind MukherjeeNagar Post Office], MukherjeeNagar, Delhi, India –110009 011-45120333 +91 9599388972 +91 9953852355 info@rplatinumias.in