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This Industry Look Book based on Consumer Durables Industry for<br>the financial year 2019 20.The research and learnings from this Look Book will definitely enrich<br>your knowledge and help you better understand the industry,<br>players and experiential marketing practices to have an intelligent<br>discussion with potential clients
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 C O NS UME R C O NS UME R DURA BLES a nd the c ha ng ing of trends...
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 O BJ EC TIV E This Industry Look Book based on Consumer Durables Industry for the financial year20 1 9 20,Itprovides: An in-depth analysis on the industry overview, working and trends along with analysis on top 5 marketing spenders in Indian Market. The way forward for NeoNiche on how we can help bring measurable results to various Brands with respect to their objectives. The research and learnings from this Look Book will definitely enrich your knowledge and help you better understand the industry, players and experiential marketing practices to have an intelligent discussionwithpotentialclients. All the best!
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 OV ERV IEW Indian consumer durables market is broadly segregated into urban and rural markets, and is attracting marketers from across the world. The sector comprises of a huge middle class, relatively large affluent class and a small economically disadvantaged class. Global corporations view India as one ofthe key markets from where future growth is likely to emerge. The growth in market would be primarily driven by a favourable population compositionand increasing disposable incomes. consumer Per capita GDP of India is expected to reach US$ 3,273.85 in 2023 from US$ 1 ,983 in 20 1 2.The maximum consumer spending is likely to occur in food, housing, consumer durables, and transport and communication sectors. Indian appliance and consumer electronics (ACE) market reached Rs 2.05 trillion(US$ 31 .48 billion) in 20 1 7. It is expected to increase at a 9 per cent CAGR to reach Rs 3.1 5 trillion(US$ 48.37billion) in 20 22. Electronicshardware productionin the country increased from Rs 1 .90 trillion (US$ 31 .1 3 billion) in FY1 4 to Rs 3.88 trillion (US$ 60.1 3 billion) in FY1 8.Demand forelectronics hardware in India is expected to reach US$ 40 0 billion by FY24* . Overall consumer durable exports reached US$ 0.78 billion in 20 1 7. Consumer electronics exports from India reached US$ 362.1 2 million in FY1 8 and US$ 267.1 5 million between Apr-Nov 20 1 8. Television industry in India is estimated to have reached Rs 660 billion (US$ 1 0.1 9 billion) in CY20 1 7 and projected to reach Rs 862 billion (US$ 1 3.31 billion) in CY20 20 . Notes: F Notes: F Forecast; CY Forecast; CY - - Calendar Year, E Source: Make in Source: Make in india india, , DeitY M&E sector , PWC M&E sector , PWC - - Championing change in the Indian appliance and consumer Championing change in the Indian appliance and consumer electronics industry electronics industry Calendar Year, E Estimate, F DeitY, Edelweiss research, FICCI , Edelweiss research, FICCI- -EY Re Estimate, F forecast, * * Provisional forecast, * * Provisional EY Re- -imagining India's imagining India's
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 OV ERV IEW Indian Appliance and Consumer Electronics Industry (US$ billion) 60 .0 0 CAGR 9% 50 .0 0 48.37 40 .0 0 30 .0 0 31 .49 20 .0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 .0 0 20 1 7* 20 22F Electronics Hardware Production in India (US$ billion) 80 .0 0 CAGR 26.7% 60 .0 0 60 .1 3 40 .0 0 31 .1 3 20 .0 0 0 .0 0 FY 1 4 FY 1 8 Television Market in India (US$ billion) 1 5.0 0 CAGR 9.8% 1 3.31 1 0 .0 0 1 1 .34 1 0 .1 9 9.1 8 5.0 0 0 .0 0 CY 20 1 6 CY 20 1 7 CY 20 1 8E CY 20 20 F Notes Notes: F Source: FICCI Source: FICCI- -EY Re the Indian appliance and consumer electronics industry, * Draft National Policy on the Indian appliance and consumer electronics industry, * Draft National Policy on Electronics 20 1 8 Electronics 20 1 8 : F Forecast; CY Forecast; CY - - Calendar Year, E EY Re- -imagining India's M&E sector , PWC imagining India's M&E sector , PWC - - Championing change in Calendar Year, E Estimate, F Estimate, F forecast forecast Championing change in
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 MARKET SHARE The growing purchasing power and rising influence of the social media have enabled Indian consumers to splurge on good things. Importofelectronic goodsreached US$ 53 billion in FY1 8. Indian appliance and consumer electronics (ACE) market reached Rs 2.05 trillion (US$ 31 .48 billion) in 20 1 7. India is one of the largest growing electronics market in the world.Indian electronics market is expected to grow at 41per cent CAGR between 20 1 7-20 to reach US$ 40 0 billion. As ofFY1 8,washing machine, refrigeratorand airconditionermarket in India were estimated around Rs 7,000 crore (US$ 1 .09 billion), Rs 1 9,50 0 crore (US$ 3.03 billion) billion),respectively. and Rs 20,000 crore (US$ 3.1 India became world's second largest smartphone market with 4 0.1million units shipped between J uly-September 20 1 8. India is expected to have 829 million smartphone users by 20 22. Electronics hardware production in the country increased from Rs 1 .90 trillion (US$ 31 .1 3 billion) in FY1 4 to Rs 3.88 trillion (US$ 60.1 3 billion) in FY1 8. Demand for electronics hardware in India is expected to reachUS$ 40 0 billion by FY24* . Overall consumer durable exports reached US$ 0.78 billion in 20 1 7. Consumerelectronics exports from India reached US$ 362.1 2 million in FY1 8 and US$ 267.1 5 million between Apr-Nov 20 1 8. Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Budget 20 1 7 Budget 20 1 7- -1 8, Boston Consulting Group, International Data Corporation. 1 8, Boston Consulting Group, International Data Corporation.
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 INDUSTRY BREAK- UP Consumer electronics (brown goods) CD and DVD players Laptops Electronic accessories Audio and video systems Personal computers Digital cameras Camcorders Consumer electronics (brown goods) CONSUMER DURABLES DURABLES CONSUMER Air conditioners Washing machines Electric fans Microwave ovens Refrigerators Sewing machines Cleaning equipment Other domestic appliances Consumer appliances (white goods) Indian Appliance and Consumer Electronics Industry 201 7 Smartphones Other Appliances Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Budget 20 1 7 (PIB), Union Budget 20 1 7- -1 8, Boston Consulting Group, 1 8, Boston Consulting Group, International Data Corporation. International Data Corporation.
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 REC ENT DEV ELO PMENTS According to the data released by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DIPP), the electronics sector attracted foreign direct investment (FDI) worth US$ 1 .97 billion between April 20 0 0 and J une 20 1 8. The S&P BSE Consumer Durables Index has grown at 20 per cent CAGR between 20 1 0 -1 7. Following are some recent investments and developments in the Indian consumer market sector. India with presence of 1 20 factories as of J uly 20 1 8. In J uly 20 1 8, Samsung announced an investment of Rs 5,0 0 0 crore (US$ 745.82 million) for expansion of manufacturing capacity to 1 20 million from 68 million devices at its Noida plant in India. Intex Technologies will invest around Rs 60 crore (US$ 9.27 million) in 20 1 8 in technology software and Internet of Things (IoT) startupsin India in order to create an ecosystem for its consumer appliances and mobile devices. Micromax plans to invest US$ 89.25 million by 20 20 for transforming itself into a consumer electronics company. Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Budget 20 1 7 Budget 20 1 7- -1 8, Boston Consulting Group, International Data Corporation. 1 8, Boston Consulting Group, International Data Corporation.
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 EMERG ING TRENDS Xiaomi will enter the segment Transsion Holdings will launch its entire range of consumer durables in the country during the year. white 20 1 9, goods while in India in In J anuary Hero Electronix, part of the Hero Group announced that consumer goods and will artificial intelligence (AI) products in the nextfive years. Between FY1 3-1 8, free cash with Indian consumer durable companies increased at 1 9 per cent CAGR, leading to organic and inorganic expansion along with consolidation. entering launch 1 0 Expansion into new segments Rentals ofhome appliances are growing in urban areas of India due to free add- on services like relocation and periodic maintenance which are not available in the ownership model. Start-ups like Rentomojo, Furlenco and Rentickle have come up inthisspace and offerrentals on furniture, appliances and otherproducts. Shared Economy Growing number of workforce is boosting demand for luxury products Luxury brands like Porsche, Jimmy Choo are increasing theirstorepresence Luxury brands are launching their own websites to cater to Indian luxury brand market and women in Growing luxurymarket Source: CEAMA, India Retail Report, Source: CEAMA, India Retail Report, Aranca India, Economic Times India, Economic Times Aranca Research, Business Line, IMAP Research, Business Line, IMAP
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 G G OV ERNMENT INITIATIV ES A draft National Policy on Electronics Policy was released by the Ministry ofElectronics & InformationTechnology in October20 1 8. A new Consumer Protection Bill has been approved by the Union Cabinet, Government of India that will make the existing laws more effective witha broaderscope. The mobile phone industry in India expects thatthe Governmentof India's boost to production of battery chargers will result in setting up of365 factories,thereby generating 80 0 ,000 jobsby 20 25. The Union Cabinet has approved incentives up to Rs 1 0,000 crore (US$ 1 .47 billion) for investors by amending the M-SIPS scheme, in order to further incentivise investments in electronics sector,create employmentopportunities and reduce dependence on imports by 20 20 . The Government of India has allowed 1 0 0 per cent Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) under the automatic route in Electronics Systems Design & Manufacturing sector. FDI into single brand retail has been increased from 51percentto 1 0 0 percent;the governmentis planning to hike FDIlimitin multi-brand retail to 51percent. Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Budget Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Budget 20 1 7 20 1 7- -1 8, Boston Consulting Group, International Data Corporation. 1 8, Boston Consulting Group, International Data Corporation.
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 RO AD AHEAD Indian appliance and consumer electronics (ACE) market is expected to increase at a 9 per cent CAGR to reach Rs 3.1 5 trillion (US$ 48.37billion) in 20 22. Demand growth is likely to accelerate with rising disposable incomes and easy access to credit. Increasing electrification ofrural areas and wide usability ofonline sales would also aid growthin demand. Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Budget Source: Media reports, press releases, Press Information Bureau (PIB), Union Budget 20 1 7 20 1 7- -1 8, Boston Consulting Group, International Data Corporation. 1 8, Boston Consulting Group, International Data Corporation.
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 IN NEW S Outlook 20 1 9: Stocks down sharply, but consumer durables holds durable promise //economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/67347558.cms?utm_s ource=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst Consumer durable makers eye revival in 20 1 9; FMCG players bet on rural push //economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/6730 8335.cms?utm_s ource=contentofinterest&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=cppst 20 1 9 will give true picture of rising consumer demand https://www.thehindubusinessline.com/economy/20 1 9-will-give- true-picture-of-rising-consumer-demand/article259340 0 6.ece
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 The pursuit of customer centricity Exciting advancements in technology are becoming increasingly entrenched in the consumer products (CP) industry, helping fuel growth and ensuring benefits to both companies and their consumers. These developments are likely driven, in part, by CP continued commitment approach to responding to marketplace trends, understanding consumer preferences, and deepening one-on-one connections withtheircustomers and consumers. to a customer-centric In the past, CP companies being at the technology. But as a growing number of consumers research, purchase, and engage with brands digitally, it will likely become imperative forCP companies to adoptnewertechnologies orrisk being outdated. generally been associated with forefront of implementation of cutting-edge Technology advancements, coupled with the continued pursuit of customer centricity, are at the heart of industry trends we foresee in 20 1 9: Consumer technology to drive innovation and create a continuous and interconnected supply chain to drive operational efficiencies. product companies are developing proprietary Technology is at the heart of industry and consumer trends, such as: the growthofdirect-to-consumer(DTC) brands; the emergence ofbranded pop-up stores;and online retailers developing a brick-and-mortar presence, while also investing in smart packaging and exploring newer trends in neuro-nutritionand biohacking. Technology makes on-demand access to information possible, leading to full transparency in healthand wellness,organic foods,and sustainability. ongoing interest in Source: Deloitte Source: Deloitte
How technolog y is sha ping new C P stra teg ies CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Enabled by technology, many consumer products companies are engaging with their consumers in more innovative and direct ways. The continued growth of direct-to-consumer brands, the emergence of pop-up stores, and online retailers developing a brick-and-mortarpresence are all accelerated by the deployment of disruptive technologies, creating more avenues for brands to have a dialogue withconsumers. re- Direct-to-consumerbrands Pop-up stores E-retailers Neuro-nutrition Connected supply chains Source: Deloitte Source: Deloitte
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Direct- to- consumer bra nds The phenomenon of brands selling directly to consumers and skipping retailers altogether continues to grow in popularity. Apart from convenience and competitive productpricing,many consumers appreciate the personalized service they receive from these brands and frequently develop a special bond with them,which also plays a vital role in nurturing brand loyalty. In addition to DTCs likely realizing greater margins on sales of their own products, having direct access to their consumers can allow these brands to collect valuable consumer data had typically only been the property ofretailers. Source: Deloitte Source: Deloitte
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Pop- up stores Another avenue allowing brands to more intimately engage their customers is through the re-emergence of pop-up stores. Creating an opportunity for brands to interactwith their consumers withoutthe need to visit a conventional store, pop-up stores can be a fun alternative to traditional distributionchannels. These temporary stores can also give brands the opportunity to collect customer information preferences. and better understand their Source: Deloitte Source: Deloitte
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 E- reta ilers ironic that after years of creating operational efficiencies and building online dominance, large e-retailers like Amazon are building a brick-and-mortar presence. This trend likely resulted from recognizing thatconsumers are interested in in-store before purchasing them online. It also acknowledges the importance of engaging with consumers at the ground level to gain insightinto theirpreferences. products E-retailer stores are also able to build upon the seamless online experiences created for their consumers powered by technologiessuch as the InternetofThingsand artificial intelligence. Source: Deloitte Source: Deloitte
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Neuro- nutrition Neuro-nutrition, a relatively new concept in the wellness space, involves understanding how foods affect the brain. Proponents of neuro-nutrition believe that eating certain feel-good foods can stimulate the brain to be happy. This has led some companies to develop and market DNA test kits thatwill help consumers determine whatfoods provide them the best pathforward forhealthy nutrition. Source: Deloitte Source: Deloitte
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 C onnected supply cha ins With the remarkable growth in digital connectivity and technological advancements, the established model of a traditional supply chain that entails a sequential movement of materials, finished goods, capital, and information through assets and from place to place oftenbeing disrupted. is Many CP companies are choosing to move away from a set arrangement to a dynamic,interconnected system thatcan integrate consumerdemand patterns and ecosystem partners conveniently. Source: Deloitte Source: Deloitte
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Hold on, I have to post this on Instagram Muriel Ruckeyser J ust a few years ago, consumers proudly showcased material purchases of the latest fashion accessory or technological gadget. Now they are more likely to post online about experiences, rather thanthe consumptionofproducts. This and the consumers that characterize it are real phenomena and are showing up in travel trends, industry conversations, and even in communications about where people stay, eat, and visit is the content that gets the most and it enables consumers to share experiences and storieswithfriends. By its very nature,hospitality is a natural beneficiary ofthese trends in consumption but how can the capitalize financially on experiences? transactions. Social media industry target audiences to
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 practices to S Sustainable responsibly deliver S D Deliver value convenience competitive tobe and D C O N S U M E R A Accelerate investments to cater to shoppers new-age digital A brand connect E Engage with consumers to enhance E millennials for and strategy innovation L Learn from L
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Ma croeconomic indica tor a nd consumer beha viour After the apparentbrakes demonetisation and the introduction ofthe Goods and Services Tax (GST) applied on the growth rate in the country, recent reports issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) suggest that India has stepped up the gas on its rate of development. Earlier in 20 1 7, it overtook France to become the sixth largest economy in the world,measured in terms of GDP, and is expected to surpass the UK in 20 1 8 and secure the fifthposition. This is particularly impressive considering the overall strain the global economy (except for the possible exception of the US), including China, is continuing to experience. If this upward trend continues, GDP isexpected to touch9.6 trillionUSD by 20 20 . Country/ Country/ Region Region Expected GDP growth rate (%) Expected GDP growth rate (%) 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 20 20 21 20 22 20 23 India 7.3 7.7 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.2 China 6.5 6.4 6.2 6.0 5.7 5.5 United States 2.9 2.7 1 .8 1 .7 1 .4 1 .3 EU 2.5 2.1 1 .8 1 .7 1 .7 1 .7 Source: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/CR/Issues/201 8/08/06/India- 201 8-Article-IV-Consultation-Press-Release-Staff-Report-and-Statement-by- the-Executive-461 55
G rowth in young urba n consumers a nd nuclea r CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 fa milies Forty-seven percent of the population is under the age of 25 years and India is slated to be the youngestcountry by 20 20 . Further, rising urbanisation (27% at the beginning of the century to 32% in 20 1 5) and increase in the female participation in the workforce are also creating a time-starved consumer group which is likely to pay a premium forconvenience. Nuclear families are also increasing, with 70 % households with a nuclear construct, up 1 3% over the past two decades families spend 20 30% higherthanjointfamilies. and nuclear
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 G rowth in a spira tions There is a growing trend among Indian consumers to uptrade to branded products from those sold convenience. paying for service and This is driven by the shift in demographic structure, increased awareness about global trends, quest for better products and focus on healthierliving. The rapid rate of urbanisation and the growth ofa young population that is enjoying rising incomes is creating a large emerging middle class in India.This segment of the population is expected to grow by 21 % over the next decade, from about 470 million people in 20 1 0 to 570 million by 20 21 , constituting about 42% of the population. total As digital access becomes more and more affordable, along with increasing product awareness and a shift in lifestyle patterns, consumer spending on electronics and home appliances could see strong growthin the nextfive years. (November 201 7)
Household penetra tion of consumer dura bles a nd CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 electronics 95% 1 00 % 92% 89% 88% 87% 85% 90 % 80% 70 % 70 % 65% 70 % 60 % 54% 60 % 50 % 47% 50 % 40 % 31 % 30 % 23% 20 % 1 3% 8% 4% 1 0% 0% 20 1 8 20 1 9 20 20 20 21 20 22 20 23 India China Global Average (November 201 7)
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 THE V ERDIC T Product-specific demand drivers will lead to strong growth across all consumer durables and electronics product segments. Smartphones Feature phone to smart phone; increased penetration of Internet payments Washing machine Shift from semiautomatic to automatic; penetration in tier 2, 3 towns Refrigerators Penetration in tier 2, 3 towns Televisions Shift to larger screen size; Internet penetration driving demand for smart TVs; increase in demand for flat panel TVs ACs Shift to split ACs; new energy-efficient inverter technology
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 THE V ERDIC T Forecasted growth in consumer durables and electronics product categories CAGR 20 1 7-22 Forecast 2 <1 0 % Microwave 8 9 Air conditioner 1 3% 2 1 8 4 Washing machine 5 11% 1 8 1 2 Refrigerator 9% 1 3 Television 6% 250 11% 1 50 Smartphones 20 1 7 20 22 (November 201 7), CEAMA, India Retail Report, Aranca research, India Brand Equity Foundation 201 8
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Emerging Trends Expansion into new segments:Many new players are entering the consumerdurable sectoras the future looks promising. Increased affordability and rising incomes: technology and higher competition are driving price reductions across various consumer durable productsegments. Advancement in Focus on energy-efficient and environment-friendly Companies also plan to increase the use of environment-friendly components and reduce products: e-waste by promoting product recycling. India has mandatory for manufacturing companies to from climate-damaging refrigerants many companies have started focusing on only invertorACs). made it control emissions (e.g. in the AC segment, Powerful competitive and marketing strategy: Traditional sales models are slowly giving way to online and social media related sales and helping increase the footprint of many of the mobile handset providers as well as new entrants to the market
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Social Media Imprint* Consumer Consumer Durables Durables Facebook Facebook Twitter Twitter Video Video Uploads Uploads in 20 1 9 in 20 1 9 Follower Follower s s Total Total Tweets Tweets Name Name Likes Likes Samsung 1 59668768 8 1 1 440 0 0 3420 IFB 1 22650 0 1 70 8 1 0 30 0 Voltas 479870 3 3360 0 21 90 0 Panasonic 34380 63 3 1 61 50 0 9785 Whirlpool 2961 44 11 2790 0 1 31 0 0 * Data as of 1 8 March 201 9
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Social Media and Analytics In God We Trust. Everybody Else Must Bring Data to the Table. In God We Trust. Everybody Else Must Bring Data to the Table. Marketing and advertising budget making in corporations across the world have evolved from a state of being outlay based to one of being outcome based. The return on investment is a key metric.User engagement is the second metric to look forward to. Third, surveys and feedback from respondents in the marketing industry are also important pointers in the direction. Here are the answers to the question thatwe have raised. Facebook Live, Twitter Live Stream, Netflix, Snapchat, Instagram and WhatsApp have video streaming features thatallow video contentto be shared among communities. The fact that the total hours of YouTube viewing per day is no less than one billion hours says much on the tectonic shift towards video content distribution. Consumer durable brands can reimagine customer journeys with pop up advertisement banners, pay per click advertising services and paid social media marketing campaigns to measure and monetise return on investment while reaching out to consumers on their personal devices. Virtual reality video content for example offers a great opportunity for consumer durables brands to associate with extreme adventure sports and lifestyle events to redefine consumer connect.Ecommerce brands can also leverage VR video content to showcase a wide variety of products to augment user experience. 360 degree video content is yet another immersive technology that consumer durable brands can leverage to showcase their products and brand associationsatevents ofsportsand entertainment.
CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Play Up Group Tech Experiences Another hot trend is using tech to create social experiences out of what was previously alone time. Friends are watching movies together from thousands of miles away. another on video games across continents. This has some fantastic implications for your event attendees and those who are following the excitement at home.They no longer have to be mere voyeurs but can joinin.Linkup people online forstrongerconnections: competing with one Use live 360-degree video (what many refer to as VR) to connect remote audiences. Give them the opportunity to attend an event togetherin orderto bolsterbuying online-only tickets. Create content for sharing. YouTubers make a living out of commentary on videos. Their commentary becomes additional content and a way to enjoy a video or event.You can use industry influencers for play-by-play commentary on your events, creating a secondary event(and additional content) in the process. Develop tracks for niche interests at your event.With a virtual ticket and a paired up guests could experience inside tracks in a way much different than in prior events. They could attend meetups and the hallway track by being able to select from in- person led experiences notjustwatching sessions.
Employ Voice for Greater Engagement CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 AI is increasingly becoming the norm behind attendee experience. Even if you started using it at your events, your attendees are using it athome and work.In fact,according to Google,in 20 1 6 20% ofsearcheswere voice searches.Use voice to drive engagement: Look into ways for your voice tech to perform actions. People are moving away from asking questions to asking voice assistants to perform commands,from forthe sessiononX." Create scenarios that are helpful to attendees. Be proactive in your voice assistance. For example, if someone asks where vendor X is on the exhibitfloor,the assistantcould then askif like to schedule some one-on-one time withthatvendor. Linkthe ability to read badges with your chatbot or voice assistant so it has all the information about the attendee it needs to be helpful. is my next to me up
Connect with a Greater Number of People Through App Interpreters CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Electronic translators undergone some much-needed maturation. These apps are now reliable enough to offer a positive experience for event attendees and help bridge some of the previously-existing communication gaps.Traverse the communication gap: new for 20 1 9 but the technology has Use remote translation services. Finding local translators always easy. With this type of technology, translators could be available remotely or through an app giving your attendees a good communication experience regardless of time and where they are atyourevent. Save money using remote translation services. Apps be paid hourly,fortravel,orincidentals. Use subject matter experts regardless of their knowledge of the language that most of your attendees speak. This frees up the selection process to find the person who knows the most without sacrificing attendee experience orunderstanding. have to
Improving Attendee Experience Through Personalization Tech CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 Personalization has been tops on most trends lists for a few years now but with event tech, becoming even more actionable. According to Statista, the average personalized message was 1 8.8% versus 1 3.1 % for one that was not personalized at all. But personalization is about more than just adding name to an email. email open rate for a Personalize yourapproach to make an impression: Use activity history forpersonalization such as removing those who have registered already from the to email list. Analyse throughs and noting which URLs drive clicks.Presentcontentbased on those interests. preferences by keeping track of their click- Alert attendees when they are in close proximity to their contacts or to list. The dating apps do it and many event networking apps have those abilities as well.
Win Over New Attendees and Larger Audiences with Influence Marketing Tech CONSUMER DURABLES INDUSTRY LOOK BOOK 20 1 9-20 There are a lot of marketers doing influencer marketing wrong.They understand the importance of it and how suggestions from a tribe have greater conversions but they fail to understand the importance of the approach. Propositioning a complete stranger and asking for a favourwill undoubtedly yield horrendousresults. But how do you develop those relationships over time? How do you scale for it and make it worth your while? Is there an efficient way to approach it.There is withtech. Build valuable relationshipswithinfluencers: Lookpast numbers.The number of followers means very little ifthe said influencer motivate their tribe into action.Lookfor a high interactionratio,notjustaudience numbers. Approach the midrange of influencers. Most marketers look at the same A-listers as someone to target for their marketing efforts. While these names are well-known,they are often more difficult to approach and win over.Midrange influencers still have adequate- sized followings and you have to hurdle their gatekeepers to gettheirattention. Look at influencers who are already among your supporters. Those are much easiersells.