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Air-Conditioner maintenance and repair seems to be amongst the most challenging jobs for many people. Apparently, all these tasks can be well undertaken by an air-conditioning maintenance and repair expert. However, just think of a situation if you will have to perform these tasks due to unavailability of the technician, then there are few things you need to know while performing the job of a technician.<br>
(http://www.houkac.com/) (https://plus.google.com/b/106519995625226948699/106519995625226948699/posts) (http://www.facebook.com/pages/HOUKAirConditioningInc/241441135923644) (http://www.twitter.com/) q=Houk+Air+Conditioning+Inc,+128+Fairview+Street,+Arlington,+TX,+USA&hl=en&ll=32.739133,97.085559&spn=0.009458,0.021136&sll=37.0625,95.677068&sspn=36.452734,86.572266&oq=houk&hq=Houk+Air+Conditioning+Inc,&hnear=128+Fairview+St,+Arlington,+Texas+76010&t=m&z=16&iwloc=A) 5 Pro Tips for Air Conditioner Maintenance and Repair (http://www.houkac.com/category/5protipsairconditioner maintenancerepair/) Posted on June 25, 2016 (http://www.houkac.com/category/5protipsairconditionermaintenancerepair/) by Prasoon Gupta (http://www.houkac.com/category/author/prasoon/) AirConditioner maintenance (http://www.houkac.com/colleyvilletexasairconditionerandheating repairserviceandmaintenance/) and repair seems to be amongst the most challenging jobs for many people. Apparently, all these tasks can be well undertaken by an airconditioning maintenance and repair expert. However, just think of a situation if you will have to perform these tasks due to unavailability of the technician, then there are few things you need to know while performing the job of a technician. 1. Filter management It’s extremely important to take care of filters especially during summers, thoroughly cleaning and washing of filters is the first step in the direction of managing filters. In case you find it overtly dirty, then you may replace it every month. Do you know that AC’s are rated according to their Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value that ranges from 1 to 12 for home air conditioning units. Hence if you are planning to change the filter, choose a filter with a higher number as it will provide better filtration and uses less energy. 2. Check Leaks A very effective way to check leaks is to hold an incense stick near the window and AC unit (http://www.houkac.com/), if you witness smoke around then there is a leak. Properly cover the leak / hole with tape and foam so that it is properly sealed.
3. Protect your AC grid from direct sunlight If your AC unit is directly exposed to sunlight, it will heat the unit badly resulting in excess consumption of energy. Try and cover your room with blinds, curtains and shades to protect your room from getting it heated directly. Additionally, try and place the AC unit which is not directly exposed to sunlight and where it is hidden from tress, wall or bushes. 4. Program Your Thermostat It’s ideal to set your AC at a certain temperature and for specific hours. Turning the AC on for the entire day is not good for the AC. A programmable thermostat will help in setting it in the right mode, as your AC will be switched on when you are at home and will be turned off while you are away. This will also help in reducing your electricity bills and thereby increasing the performance, efficiency of the AC and increase the shelf life of the product. Posted in All Services (http://www.houkac.com/category/category/allservicesbyhouk/), HOUK AC Blog (http://www.houkac.com/category/category/blog2/), Preventive Maintenance (http://www.houkac.com/category/category/blog 2/preventivemaintenance/) | Tags: ac maintenance (http://www.houkac.com/category/tag/acmaintenance/), ac preventive maintenance (http://www.houkac.com/category/tag/acpreventivemaintenance/), ac unit repairs (http://www.houkac.com/category/tag/acunitrepairs/), AirConditioner maintenance (http://www.houkac.com/category/tag/air conditionermaintenance/) | « TIPS FOR TALKING TO YOUR AC REPAIR SERVICE (http://www.houkac.com/category/tipstalkingacrepair service/) (http://www.houkac.com/signupheretoreceivespecialoffersand incentives/) We Provide: Over 50 Years Experienced and Professional Service Trained Comfort Specialists FREE Estimates on Replacements Quality Air Control Energy Savings Custom Home Installation
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