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Summer is talking a toll on all of us and to beat this extreme heat, it becomes imperative to ensure that your Air –conditioner is running well. In today’s time air-conditioner maintenance is quite expensive and if the AC is not maintained well, you will end up incurring huge expenses for the upkeep of the AC. Read about the things through which can safeguard your AC for a long time and lower your electricity expenditure.<br><br>Info: http://houkac.com/category/air-conditioner-maintenance-and-operation-tips-for-electricity-savings/<br>
Info PR: n/a (http://toolbarqueries.google.com/tbr?client=navclientauto&hl=en&ch=62605462623&ie=UTF8&oe=UTF8&features=Rank&q=info:http%3A%2F%2Fhoukac.com%2Fcategory%2Fairconditionermaintenanceandoperationtipsforelectricitysavings%2F) (http://houkac.com/wp) (http://www.facebook.com/pages/HOUKAirConditioningInc/241441135923644) (http://www.twitter.com/) q=Houk+Air+Conditioning+Inc,+128+Fairview+Street,+Arlington,+TX,+USA&hl=en&ll=32.739133,97.085559&spn=0.009458,0.021136&sll=37.0625,95.677068&sspn=36.452734,86.572266&oq=houk&hq=Houk+Air+Conditioning+Inc,&hnear=128+Fairview+St,+Arlington,+Texas+76010&t=m&z=16&iwloc=A) Air Conditioner Maintenance and Operation Tips for Electricity Savings (http://houkac.com/category/airconditioner maintenanceandoperationtipsforelectricitysavings/) Posted on June 19, 2015 (http://houkac.com/category/airconditionermaintenanceandoperationtipsforelectricity savings/) by Prasoon Gupta (http://houkac.com/category/author/prasoon/) Summer is talking a toll on all of us and to beat this extreme heat, it becomes imperative to ensure that your Air –conditioner is running well. In today’s time airconditioner maintenance is quite expensive and if the AC is not maintained well, you will end up incurring huge expenses for the upkeep of the AC. There are small things through which can safeguard your AC for a long time and lower your electricity expenditure. First step in this direction: Proper air conditioner installation: (http://houkac.com) 1) It’s important that you select a right area which has enough space for the fitment, maintenance and repair of the air conditioning system. If your AC is installed at a confined space, it will be difficult to do the maintenance and hence will result in hiking your electricity bills. Cleaning of the filters from timetotime is very important. 2) Always install the outdoor unit for split air conditioner in a shaded spot. Experts advise that installing AC on the North or east side of the house is better as it prevents direct sunshine hence preventing it from absorbing excess heat.
Secondly it’s important to know best ways of Air Conditioner maintenance:Secondly it’s important to know best ways of Air Conditioner maintenance: 1) At the onset of summers or just before summers approach, you should get the filters of the air conditioner cleaned. Dust particulates inside the filters restrict the inflow of air into the air conditioner and thereby puts pressure on the AC which enables it to consume more electricity. 2) Changing the refrigerant of the air conditioner periodically and cleaning the condenser regularly will enhance the efficiency of the air conditioner. 3) Ensure that the air conditioner settings are up to the mark and air vent is closed as fresh air vent gets the air from outside. Air conditioner works by cooling indoor air, opening the fresh air vent will get excess hot air from outside, inside the room making the condenser to work harder to normalize the temperature and cool it. 5) Running the ceiling fan with air conditioner helps in reducing the air conditioner load. o 6) Maintain the air conditioner temperature at an ideal temperature of 2425 C for effective cooling. This also saves energy and control your electricity bill. Proficiently maintaining and operating an air conditioner can save your electricity cost in a big way. So make sure that your AC works in the right way.
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