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Google comes up with a new search algorithm that can make SEO analysts kneel down in front of its machine learning system. This Artificial Intelligence system learns and develops according to the unique search queries. Check this presentation for details.<br><br>Designed and Interpreted By – NOTO Solutions (http://www.notosolutions.com)
RankBrain Google’s Search Algorithm turns into artificial intelligence
Google always emanates up with an innovative update to bound spammers and admire a user with more precise search results. Panda, Penguin, Hummingbird, Pigeon and Mobilegeddon are becoming ancient now, as it announced its new search algorithm update named – “RankBrain”. What is RankBrain? RankBrain is a machine learning system developed by Google to construe search queries more precisely. Google’s artificial intelligence system automatically distinguish a user’s preference and deliver best matched solutions (results) to them. Previously this was operated by Google’s Engineers, but as the curb of human brain, they only solve 70% queries precisely, whereas RankBrain reached to 80% without any doubt.
How it works? According to Google’s stat, the most desirable search engine, completes around or more than 3 billion search queries every day and 15% of them are unique or fresh queries. Although human brain operated them very well, but they bound somewhere, which caused for a bad user experience. While RankBrainrecognizes those unique searches distinctly and catch out their synonyms from its database. Which makes it more focus and precise. According to Google, RankBrain works on artificial intelligence and its learning property makes it more contented and result oriented. As it can ripen unique codes each time to identify unique searches and can modify, update or recode rendering to its want.
Why RankBrain? In the earlier few time extent, Google has scrolled under several changes, especially recurrent big things done in this meantime. Matt cuts is no more a public face for operations, Sundar Pichai becomes CEO of GOOGLE, Google shadowed under Alphabet and different level one updates – Hummingbird, Pigeon and Mobilegeddon. RankBrain is a third most awaited update from Google that directly influences on the search results and plays a vital role in ranking factors. Although it is more likely “query processor” who can gulp different approaches of searching and develop unique algorithms to deliver more precise results to the users. While with the human based search algorithm, Google sometimes gets confused to some different search queries and provides irrelevant results which may cause worse experience.
Distinctive algorithm isn’t proper to set association in between several comparative nouns or other words likely: “Iced tea, Dissolved Sugar, Glass” For the above search query, current searching algorithm completely fails and provide more irrelevant results from chemistry, arts, etc. whereas RankBrain passes with better results. As its machine learning mechanism makes it more accurate, it learnt from other queries rather from humans. If learns, creates, and executes a different algorithm to identify relationships in between different words or phrases.
What about the fortune of SEO? According to different specialists around the world, RankBrain is a modified version of previous search update “Hummingbird”. Some of them even trusts that Google desires to prove its statement that “SEO is dead”, but according to Gary Illyes, this is just another variation of search algorithm and SEO still works well. So, hope for the better not for the worst and keep doing your efforts!
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