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PPS by Nubia_group - https://nubiagroup-powerpoint-collection.blogspot.com/2010/11/beauty-of-myanmar-burma.html
Procession of Buddhist statues near Golden Pagoda in Tachileke
About 470 monks arrive daily at the monastery to eat. Picture taken December 20, 2007 in Bago
Two giants! Reclining Buddha 90 meters long, and stand-up - 115 meters. Picture taken December 30, 2007 in Mounyua, Sagaing Division.
Armies of the two giants of December 30, 2007 in Mounyua, Sagaing Division
Bagan at dawn. Picture taken February 24, 2008 from the balloon
Amarapura - one of the most amazing places in Myanmar, there is no equipment, no cars, no noise - only people living in harmony with nature. The bridge was built by Mr. Bain, the king Bodavpaya of teak planks, when the capital was moved to Amarapura. The bridge stood two centuries, so it's pretty shaky, and between some planks large gaps. Bridge over 1 km in length, for it is constantly walking children to and from school, traders jadeite necklace of seeds and watercolors, monks, women with heavy baskets and cyclists, although they were not allowed to cross the bridge. Picture taken February 13, 2008.
Bright umbrellas, handmade in Pateyne known throughout Myanmar. Locals call them "Pateyn HTI.
Pagoda Maha Shop Marazeyn in the center of the pagoda in Mandalay Kutodav
An elderly woman in the market in Inle
Temple Tatbini 61 meters in height - the highest in Bagan. It was built in the mid 12 th century during the reign of King Araungsithu
Ananda Temple was built in 1105 AD during the reign of the dynasty Kyanzitta Pagan. This impressive temple is also called the "Westminster Abbey of Burma »
In the temple Pop Taungkalat lives 37 Mahagiri Nats, or spirits. Statues spirits are at the base of the temple. Climbing up the 777 steps, you'll be forced to remove socks and shoes. You will also encounter hungry monkey, so you better take anything and keep an eye on things, or were missing something at the end of the tour.
Numerous statues of Buddha in the temple U Min Thonze in Pegu Reynd
Aung San Suu Kyi - Burmese woman politician. Over the past 20 years she spent in 1914 under house arrest. In 1991 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for peace.
Shwezigon-Paya-Bagan-Myanmar Ananda-Temple-Bagan-Myanmar