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Demonstrating the Cost Effectiveness of Homelessness Prevention. Phil Turner Specialist Advisor. Making the Case. 130,000 statutory homeless acceptances reported by LAs during 2003/04 130,000 preventions reported by LAs during 2008/09...
Demonstrating the Cost Effectiveness of Homelessness Prevention Phil Turner Specialist Advisor
Making the Case • 130,000 statutory homeless acceptances reported by LAs during 2003/04 • 130,000 preventions reported by LAs during 2008/09... • 53,370 households were in temporary accommodation on 31 December 2009 • 47% fewer households were in TA at the end of 2009 than at the end of 2004
Making the Case • Research from Heriot-Watt University in 2007 demonstrated significant savings can be achieved when compared to the costs of fulfilling statutory duties for homeless households • Research from York University showed homelessness resulted in detrimental costs to the well being of homeless families
Making the Case • Research from National Centre for Social Research shows that street homeless people have multiple and complex needs (74% of rough sleepers having more one or more need) • The National Audit Office estimate that £1 billion is spent annually by the government on administering homelessness. They also state that £40-50 million has been saved from ending the use of bed and breakfast accommodation
Making the Case • Analysis by London Housing Federation has shown that preventing homelessness can contribute to achieving local area priorities; preventing homelessness can make a positive contribution to 42 national indicators THERE IS A STRONG ARGUMENT TO SHOW THAT INVESTING IN HOMELESSNESS PREVENTION PROVIDES SIGNIFICANT BENEFITS...
How can we make the case locally? • Establish the cost of homelessness in your area • Establish the cost of each prevention scheme operated in your local area • Establish the cost of temporary accommodation used by the local authority • Use the evidence from taking these steps to understand the amount of savings that can be achieved per prevention
How can we make the case locally? • Use the evidence to understand the average amount of savings that can be achieved • Undertake an evaluation of the expenditure of homelessness grant in the local area • Map the impact of homelessness prevention schemes on achieving national indicators and local priorities • Report the findings to decision-makers setting out a clear and robust argument on the cost effectiveness of homelessness prevention
Capturing the right data? • Review the information that is being captured locally (eg LAs with low levels of statutory homelessness – how much wider information do you collect – are you reporting ‘unsuccessful outcomes’ through E10?) • Develop information sharing agreements – partners work together to demonstrate;
Further information • Publications on Statutory Homelessness Data, Communities & Local Government http://www.communities.gov.uk/housing/housingresearch/housingstatistics/housingstatisticsby/homelessnessstatistics/publicationshomelessness/ • Homelessness Prevention and Relief: England 2008/09 Experimental Statistics; Communities & Local Government; November 2009 http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/statistics/pdf/1393543.pdf
Further information • Profiling London’s Rough Sleepers: A Longitudinal Study of CHAIN data; Andreas Cebulla, Becky Rice, Wojtek Tomaszewski, Juliette Hough, Edited by Tamsin Savage, National Centre for Social Research; Broadway Homelessness and Support; June 2009 http://www.broadwaylondon.org/ResearchInformation/Research/ProfilingLondonsRoughSleepers • Statutory Homelessness in England: The Experiences of Families and 16-17 Year Olds; Nicholas Pleace, Suzanne Fitzpatrick, Sarah Johnson, Deborah Quilgars, Diana Sanderson, Centre for Housing Policy, University of York; Communities & Local; March 2008 http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/housing/pdf/733835.pdf
Further information • Demonstrating Your Contribution: Homelessness and the New National Indicators; Sara Burns, Joy MacKeith; London Housing Foundation; January 2008 (revised February 2008) http://www.homelessoutcomes.org.uk/resources/1/PDFs/NIsDemonstratingaContribution.pdf • Evaluating Homeless Prevention; Hal Pawson, Gina Netto, Colin Jones, Fiona Wager, Cathie Fancy, Delia Lomax; School of the Built Environment, Heriot-Watt University; Communities & Local Government; December 2007 http://www.communities.gov.uk/documents/housing/pdf/573347.pdf
Further information • Causes of Homelessness Amongst Ethnic Minority Populations; Dr Marie-Claude Gervais and Hamid Rehman, ETHNOS research and consultancy; Office of the Deputy Prime Minister; September 2005 http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/housing/causesamongstethnic • More Than a Roof: Progress in Tackling Homelessness, National Audit Office, February 2005 http://www.nao.org.uk/publications/0405/more_than_a_roof.aspx