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New Jersey Department of Children & Families (DCF). Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) RFP to establish County Councils for Young Children in Bergen, Burlington and Middlesex Counties--Pregnancy to Age 8
New Jersey Department of Children & Families (DCF) Race to the Top-Early Learning Challenge (RTT-ELC) RFP to establish County Councils for Young Children in Bergen, Burlington and Middlesex Counties--Pregnancy to Age 8 RTT-ELC funds are issued to New Jersey by the U.S. Departments of Education, and Health & Human Services. NJ Department of Education is the lead RTT administrative agency.
NJ’s Early Childhood Infrastructure • Early Learning Commission—DOE, DHS, DOH, and DCF Commissioners • Interdepartmental Planning Group—4 departments • NJ Council for Young Children (NJCYC)—general membership and designated committee meetings • County Councils for Young Children with representation on NJCYC and committees • Central Intake Hubs (to expand to 21 counties)
County Council for Young Children (CCYC)Funding Information (RFP page 6) • RTT-ELC funding for CCYCs ~ $1.5 million • $75,000 per county/per year (i.e. 12-month period) • Project period will begin March 1, 2015. RTT-ELC funds end December 31, 2017 • Contingent on continued federal RTT-ELC grant funds • Year 3 matching funds of 15% are required. • Start-up funds up to $20,000 per county are permitted. Detailed justification is required.
CCYC State and Local Infrastructure State Level: DCF Early Childhood (Lead) • Project Director (PD) – Sharon D. Budka, MSW • Three Regional Specialists • Kate DiMemmo • Deborah Johnson • Brenda Tift County Level (all 21 counties): • Local Lead Agency - designated Project Coordinator
County Councils for Young ChildrenPurpose: • Build strong partnerships with local constituents—parents/families, providers and other community stakeholders—to improve the health, education, safety and well-being of children, families, communities • Work together to develop mutually-established goals, and help to implement strategies that reflect the priorities of families and community stakeholders • Provide advice and input to improve early childhood service coordination and systems integration—collaboration with Central Intake, Community Health Workers, Grow NJ Kids, and more.
Local Constituents in Early Childhood Prenatal to Age 8 – Across Sectors • Expectant parents, mothers/fathers, grandparents & other caregivers • Health Care, Home Visiting, Early Head Start/Head Start, Family Success Center (FSC), Community Health Workers (CHW), Parent Linking Program, Early Intervention, Special Child Health, Special Education, Child Care Centers, Family Child Care, Preschools, Elementary Schools, Child Care Resource & Referral Agency (CCR&R), School Districts, Fatherhood Support, Human Service Advisory Council (HSAC), Public Assistance/Social Services, Child Welfare, Family Support Organization (FSO), and more… • Other stakeholders—local government, businesses, recreational services, libraries, civic groups, faith organizations, foundations, etc.
CCYC Priorities and ActivitiesRead all priorities and service activities on pages 4-5. • Shared leadership that supports parents in leading roles • Promote active participation of parents as a voice for change at the family, community, and state level • Outreach to engage/retain hard-to-reach parents and caregivers—mothers/fathers, grandparents, immigrants, migrant workers, military service members, etc. • Provide parents with orientation, ongoing mentoring, and leadership training opportunities • Provide concrete supports to enable family participation (e.g. childcare, transportation, light meal, etc.)
CCYC Priorities & Activities (continued) • Promote parent/family participation over the next 3+ years that reflects the cultural diversity of the county • Recognize, support and encourage parents as decision makers and leaders, and create an engaging, respectful environment that welcomes their presence and input • Inform/impact/develop local (and state) policies, services, and/or practices to become more responsive to the needs of families in the county (and NJ). • Contribute to development/implementation of quality services, e.g. Grow NJ Kids quality rating system
CCYC Services Requirements & ExpectationsRefer to the RFP on pages 5 and 6. • Embrace the SF Protective Factors and Prevention Standards • Develop a viable sustainability plan to continue the coordination of the CCYC beyond 12/31/17. • Promote positive working relationships and work collaboratively with the local Central Intake site (currently in 15 counties)—actively promote linkages for families and providers to early childhood services. • Once fully developed, the CCYC will function as the local advisory board for Central Intake, CHWs, and Grow NJ Kids
CCYC Services Requirements (continued) • Participate in a joint needs assessment, environmental scan, and strategic planning process. • Track progress in reaching goals and performance benchmarks--status reports & updates to: a) local CCYC members, b) designated DCF staff, and c) the NJCYC. • Participation of CCYC Project Coordinator in statewide Peer Learning Collaborative, to be convened by DCF • Active participation from other DCF grantees (e.g. HV, FSCs, etc.) to invite families & attend CCYC meetings
DCF Applicant Eligibility RequirementsRead all eligibility requirements as stated on page 7. • For-profit or not-for-profit corporation registered to conduct business in NJ, or a local/county health department • In good standing with all State and Federal agencies related to any existing grant or contractual relationships • May not be suspended, terminated or barred for deficiencies in performance of any award, and all past issues must be resolved as demonstrated by written documentation • In compliance with terms & conditions of current DCF contracts • Non-governmental entities must have a governing body that provides oversight as is legally required
Eligibility Requirements - continued • Demonstrate the capability to uphold all administrative and operating standards as outlined in this document • Must comply with State Affirmative Action requirements • Must become fully operational within 45 days of contract date • Must have a viable plan to leverage matching funds in Year 3 and sustain the CCYC after RTT-ELC funds end on 12/31/17 • Provide a Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number – to acquire DUNS number go to www.dnb.com • Must be fiscally viable and meet eligibility, terms and conditions of the RFP, and DCF contracting requirements
Closing Date & Submission (RFP page 8) • Due Thursday, February 19, 2015 – by 12:00 pm • Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals on-line • In-person or commercial carrier--submit one original signed copy and 1 CD ROM with all documents • No faxed or e-mailed copies Administration and Review (RFP pages 9-12) • Upon receipt, all applications are screened for conformity with the stated RFP requirements. Applications will be disqualified if not in compliance. • Tentative date for funding decisions is March 20, 2015
Proposal Narrative InstructionsPages 12 to 21 IMPORTANT: As stated on Page 13 of the RFP guidance, a separate proposal is required for each county
Proposal Narrative1. Applicant Organization (RFP page 13) 20 Points A. Describe agency’s background, experience and qualifications to lead this initiative. • Agency’s history, mission and goals; and relevant accomplishments in with DCF and/or with other state entities—DOH, DHS, DOE • Agency’s background/knowledge of MCH, early childhood services, childcare/early education, family support, child welfare, or related services
1. Applicant Organization (continued) • Describe the governance structure and administrative, management & organizational capacity. Note the existence of professional advisory boards that support operations. • Attach a current organizational chart as Appendix 3 that shows placement of the CCYC within the agency. • Describe relevant programs/service, and include a brief summary of performance evaluation & outcome data.
1. Applicant Organization (continued) B. Current Parent-Centered Activities: Describe the participation of parents/families in your organization. Parent Roles may include: • Parent Consumers – Parents receive agency services (e.g. home visiting, food bank, child care, etc.). • Parent Involvement - Parents attend agency-sponsored events and support program/organization priorities (e.g. parents attend a monthly parent meeting).
1. Applicant Organization (continued) • Parent Engagement - parents routinely provide input/feedback (e.g. parents actively participate in meetings/board in an advisory capacity) and advise on setting program and/or organizational priorities. • Parent Organizing - parents are equal partners with agency organizers and help set priorities with broader community. Table 1 - Sample Format - for example (add as many rows as is needed):
1. Applicant Organization (continued) C. Commitment to Cultural Competency & Diversity (p. 14): • Current culturally responsive services—include related supports, such as, affiliations with natural helping networks, language services, neighborhood/civic associations, faith-based partners, etc. • Cultural competency planning and practices reflect the community & promote the organization’s cultural competence/diversity—governance, policies, materials, environment, staff recruitment, hiring, promotion, training, board membership, and community partnerships
Proposal Narrative 2. Community Needs Assessment (page 15) 10 Points • Provide an overview of community needs using the most recent relevant, county-specific data • This information may be presented in narrative and/or table format. • Include information forkey cities and municipalities, and sub-populations—age categories for parents & children (birth to age 8), race, ethnicity, immigrant families, migrant families, languages spoken, and other characteristics relevant to your county/community.
2. Community Needs Assessment (continued) Utilize local resources* and/or the following data sources to complete this section: • U.S. Census: http://quickfacts.census.gov • NJ Dept. of Health: http://www4.state.nj.us/dhss-shad/query/result/birth/BirthBirthCnty/Count.html • NJ Kids Count (2014) http://acnj.org/downloads/2014_04_24_kidscount_statereport.pdf *You are encouraged to draw from other recent county/local needs assessment sources, e.g. Humans Services Advisory Council (HSAC), that are relevant to the target population – pregnancy to age eight.
2. Community Needs Assessment (continued) From your agency’s perspective, and/or from your work with parents and families: • Where are their gaps in services? • Identify a few key priorities for the work of the CCYC—in health, child care, special needs, education, family strengthening/family support, family asset-building, child welfare, etc.
Proposal Narrative 3. Program Approach (RFP page 15-17) 40 Points A. Council Structure & Development / Staffing & Oversight • Describe CCYC structure, implementation & staffing plan, i.e. FTEs & qualifications of staff, consultants, volunteers. Attach resumes of Project Manager and CCYC Coordinator (if known) as Appendix 2. • How will lead agency facilitate a supportive climate for success of the CCYC and Project Coordinator? • Describe the process for management and supervision that will support project coordination and day-to-day responsibilities. • Revise job description on page 28 of RFP. Insert it as Appendix 1. • One-page timeline with key steps for start-up and implementation. Insert this as Appendix 4 in your application.
3. Program Approach (continued) B. Mobilizing for Parent Involvement & Shared Leadership • Based on Needs Assessment data (Section 2), how will you recruit & engage parents for community action and parent leadership? • Identify the number of parents/caregivers you will recruit in Yr 1 implementation, and rationale for how you will reach this number. • Strategic use of supports/incentives for parent participation—stipends, transportation, child care, refreshments, meals, etc. • How will the project recognize the contributions of parents? • Describe how the CCYC will meet the needs of various and diverse cultures within the target community.
3. Program Approach (continued) C. Partners to Support Parent Involvement/Shared Leadership • How will you facilitate the commitment of community partners to promote parent involvement & leadership • Identify a plan to work collaboratively with local Central Intake and, if applicable, Community Health Worker lead agencies; and ensure coordination/collaboration within the local system of care. • Describe your plan to develop and maintain effective relationships with community-based programs across early childhood sectors to facilitate active participation and shared leadership in CCYC workgroups and key activities. • Attach Letters of Commitment/MOUs—include these as Appendix 7.
3. Program Approach (continued) D. Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Support • Identify your plans for supplemental trainings for the CCYC--staff, parents, community agency partners, and volunteers. • Note: CCYCs to receive TTA from DCF staff & other partners: • Project Planning and Development--Environmental Scan, Strategic Plan, Logic Model, and Evaluation/CQI Plan • Strengthening Families Protective Factors Framework / Parent Cafés • Parent Advocacy and Leadership • Additional TTA as needed for related projects RTT-ELC, ECCS, LAUNCH • Describe additional training/technical assistance needs that may be needed to support successful implementation of the CCYC.
3. Program Approach (continued) E. Protective Factors / Standards for Prevention Programs • Design and implementation of the CCYC must align with and incorporate the Strengthening FamiliesProtective Factors Framework & the NJ Standards for Prevention • SF Protective Factors (Center for the Study of Social Policy) --http://www.cssp.org/reform/strengthening-families/the-basics/protective-factors • Standards for Prevention–NJ Task Force on Child Abuse & Neglect (2003 version) http://www.nj.gov/dcf/documents/about/commissions/njtfcan/StandardsPrevention.pdf • Complete Exhibit C (page 26 of the RFP) and include it in your proposal as Appendix 6
Appendix 21Sexual Abuse Safe-Child Standards RFP Page 17 -- DCF endorses the and the Sexual Abuse Safe-Child Standards, developed by the NJ Partnership to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse and the Enough Abuse Campaignas a preventative tool for organizations working with children to minimize the risks of the occurrence of child sexual abuse. http://www.state.nj.us/dcf/SafeChildStandards.pdf Attachas Appendix 21, a brief description (maximum of 2 pages double spaced) of how your agency operations support and/or mirror these standards.
Proposal Narrative4. Data, CQI & Evaluation (RFP page 18) 10 Points • Reflecting on the program priorities/services outlined in the RFP (pages 2-6), identify at least five preliminary core objectives for your proposed CCYC. • SMART—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely • Be sure to specify the measures and timeframe for each objective. • How will you monitor your progress in achieving program objectives, and ensure continuous quality improvement (CQI). • Note: Awardees will be required to participate in DCF’s data collection, evaluation and CQI process for RTT-ELC.
Proposal Narrative5. Budget (RFP pages 18-19) 10 Points Applicants must provide a feasible & cost efficient budget that supports program activities & outcomes, and includes: • Budget Spreadsheet: One-page 12-month operating budget (RFP Exhibit D-page 24) fourcolumns: 1) Total costs for each line; 2) DCF grant funds requested; 3) Funds from Other Sources, if any; and 4) Start-up Funds, if requested. Attach the spreadsheet as Appendix 5. • Budget Narrative (Section 5 of the Proposal Narrative), clearly describe & itemize program costs in each budget category for an initial 12-month period.
5. Budget (continued) • General & Administrative (G&A) up to 10% of the program’s direct costs. If your agency’s G&A costs exceed this rate, the applicant must provide this overage as an in-kind contribution, and explain this in the budget narrative. • One-Time Start-Up Budget: Start-up funds are permitted. If requesting Start-up Funds, add a 4th column to the 1-page worksheet (attach as Appendix 6) • If selected as a grantee, you will then be required to complete the full DCF Annex B multi-page form.
Proposal Narrative6. Leveraging & Sustainability (RFP page 19) 5 Points • Leveraging: Identify total amount & source of any additional financial resources to be committed to the proposed project. • Matching funds are not required in Years 1 and 2, but additional consideration will be given to proposals that identify specific leveraged in-kind and/or cash resources. • In Year 3, awardees will be required to provide a 15% match, therefore applicants will need to address this in your proposal. • Sustainability: Describe ideas & concrete plans to ensure that the CCYC remains an active community resource beyond 12/31/17. • Include Letters of Commitment or MOUs, especially to document any cash match. Attach these in Appendix 7.
Proposal Narrative – Special Note7. Completeness (RFP page 19) 5 Points Please Note: Page 19 of the RFP 7) Completeness of the Application No narrative is expected. This is to notify you that proposals will be reviewed for completeness and a 5-point deduction will be take for incomplete applications.
Organizing the Application (page 20-21) Proposal Authorization Cover Sheet (no page number) Table of Contents (Page 1) Part I. Proposal Narrative (25-page maximum) • Applicant Organization • Community Needs Assessment • Program Approach • Data Collection, CQI and Evaluation • Budget Narrative • Leveraging and Sustainability Plan • Completeness (no narrative required)
Organizing the Application (continued) Part II. Appendices (do NOT count toward 25-page limit) 1. Job description for Key Personnel 2. Resumes - Program Manager & Key Staff, as appropriate 3. Organizational chart–show placement of the CCYC 4. Proposed Program Implementation Timeline (one-page limit) 5. One-page Operational Budget, including Start-Up Budget, if applicable (use the template format in RFP Exhibit D) 6. Protective Factors/Standards for Prevention (Exhibit C) 7. Letters of Commitment, Agreement/MOUs; and All Other Supporting Documents
Organizing the Application (continued) 8. Current List of Lead Agency Board of Directors 9. Statement of Assurances* 10. Certification Regarding Debarment* 11. Chapter 51 Certification Regarding Political Contributions** 12. Source Disclosure Certification** 13. Ownership Disclosure-Certification and Disclosure Forms** 14. IRS Determination Letter regarding charitable contribution or non-profit status (if applicable) 15. Copies of applicable licenses/licensure status, if appropriate 16. Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS)number—acquire at http://www.dnb.comor call 1-866-705-5711
Organizing the Application (continued) 17. Copies of audits/reviews completed or in-process by any State entities from 2013, with corrective action plan, if applicable 18. Current Form 990 for non-profits 19. Current Single Audit Report for non-profits/ Current Audited Financial Statements for for-profit entities 20. Signed Standard Language Document* 21. Safe-Child Standards - description of your agency’s implementation of the standards (maximum of 2 pages) PLEASE REFER BACK TO THE FULL RFP (page 21) FOR INFORMATION ON ALL ITEMS MARKED WITH ASTERISKS (* and **)
REMINDER: Format Requirements Proposal Narrative Format (RFP page 12-13) • Spacing: Double-spaced • Page Limit: 25 pages (excludes Cover Page & Appendices) • Font Size: Size 12, easily readable font style • Margins: 1 inch top & bottom -- 1½ inch on left & right For the Entire Document: • Page Numbers: On ALL pages, starting with the Table of Contents, through the Proposal NarrativeandAppendices • Binding: For paper submissions, use one binder clip to assemble all pages the original proposal. Do not staple or use other types of binding.
REMINDER: Submission Timetable Application Forms: http://www.state.nj.us/dcf/providers/notices/ • Proposals must be received by: Thursday, 2/19/15 - 12:00 PM • On-line submission (RFP pages 8-9) to DCF is preferred !! • Training for online submission is available at www.nj.gov/dcf/providers/notices/ • OR, submit by Mail/Commercial Carrier or In-Person (pages 7-8) One (1) original and 1 CD-ROM with all documents--deliver to: Catherine Schafer, Director of Grants Management, A&R NJ Department of Children and Families 50 East State Street, 3rd Floor, Trenton, NJ 08625-0717
RFP Questions & Technical Assistance Please submit all your questions on or before January 28, 2015!! GOOD LUCK!!