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CNA Multiple Measures of Data. Region One Education Service Center Office of School Improvement, Accountability and Compliance. Comprehensive Needs Assessment. Comprehensive Needs Assessment 8 Components and Multiple Measures of Data. Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) Agenda.
CNAMultiple Measures of Data Region One Education Service Center Office of School Improvement, Accountability and Compliance
Comprehensive Needs Assessment8 Components and Multiple Measures of Data
Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)Agenda • TEA Strategic Priorites • What is a CNA? • Why conduct a CNA? • How do we engage the CNA process? • Next Steps • Multiple Measures of Data
Enablers 1-3: Increase transparency, ensure compliance, strengthen organizational foundations
What is a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)? Comprehensive Needs Assessment
The foundation of the Schoolwide Planning Process is theComprehensive Needs Assessment
Federal Requirements for Comprehensive Needs Assessment SCHOOLWIDE PROGRAM PLAN.—An eligible school operating a schoolwide program shall develop a comprehensive plan (or amend a plan for such a program that was in existence on the day before the date of the enactment of the Every Student Succeeds Act) Section 1114 (b)
Federal Requirements for Comprehensive Needs Assessment A Schoolwide Program Plan - is based on a comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school that takes into account information on the academic achievement of children in relation to the challenging State academic standards, particularly the needs of those children who are failing, or are at-risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic standards and any other factors as determined by the local educational agency;… Section 1114 (b)(6)
ESSA Schoolwide Requirements • Implementing a Schoolwide Program • There are three required components of a schoolwide program that are essential to effective implementation: • Conducting a comprehensive needs assessment • Preparing a comprehensive schoolwide plan • Evaluating annually the schoolwide plan • (Supporting School Reform by Leveraging Federal Funds in a Schoolwide Program, Non-Regulatory Guidance, September 2016)
Purpose ofComprehensive Needs Assessment To help the district/campus monitor and assess the impact of programs, instruction, and other resources related to the challenging State academic standards, particularly the needs of those children who are failing, or are at-risk of failing, to meet the challenging State academic standards, and any other factors as determined by the LEA Examine multiple sources of data to get a true picture of needs Identify Strengths and Weaknesses and set priorities
Comprehensive Needs Assessment The Comprehensive Needs Assessment is the Driving Force which impacts the development of the following: District/campus improvement plans District/campus parental involvement policies State and Federal Program Expenditures School-Parent Compact
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Public Law 114-95 Section 1114 A schoolwide program shall develop a comprehensive plan that "is available to the local education agency, parents, and the public, and the information contained in such plan shall be in an understandable and uniform format and, to the extent practicable, provided in a language that the parents can understand"
The aim of CNA... The ultimate aim of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment is to increase student performance.
Why Conduct a CNA? Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Comprehensive Needs Assessment • This is a requirement of, but not limited to: • Title IV • Equity Plan • ESSA Application • Migrant Program • EL Program • Performance-Based Monitoring (PBM) • SCE Program • Texas Education Code • Accountability Strategies
Comprehensive Needs Assessment Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 [As Amended Through P.L. 114–95 (ESSA), Enacted December 10, 2015] Sec. 1114. ”...takes into account information on the academic achievement of children in relation to the challenging State academic standards, particularly the needs of those children who are failing, or at-risk of failing, to meet challenging State academic standards and any other factors as determined by the LEA…”
Comprehensive Needs AssessmentDistrict LevelCampus Level Texas Education Code District Level Section 11.251 (b), 11.252 (a)(1) “(1) a comprehensive needs assessment addressing district student performance on the achievement indicators, and other appropriate measures of performance, that are disaggregated by all student groups served by the district, including categories of ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sex, and populations served by special programs, including students in special education programs” Texas Education Code Campus Level Section 11.253 (b) “(b) Each district's policy and procedures shall establish campus-level planning and decision-making committees as provided for through the procedures provided by Sections 11.251(b)-(e).”
Comprehensive Needs Assessment State Compensatory Education Sec. 29.081, Sec. 42.152(c), and State Compensatory Education FAQ ”The district/campus improvement plan or charter instructional plan must also include: Comprehensive Needs Asssessment
ESSA & Local Agency Requirements ESSA increases flexibility, authority, and responsibility for state and local agencies.
How Do We Engage In The CNA Process? Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Pre-Work for the Comprehensive Needs Assessment Step 5 Step 4 Step 3 Step 2 Step 1 Source: Texas Education Agency, Schoolwide Programs: Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Step 1: Establishing a Schoolwide Planning Team... Use of an existing group will avoid duplication of effort and capitalize on the collective experience and expertise in the school as long as all the appropriate participants are represented. Parents and business community members should also be actively recruited.
Establishing a schoolwide planning team... • How will the team organize work? • How will members establish effective working relationships with self/constituent groups? • How will members communicate with groups they represent/community members who have a stake in success of program? • How much autonomy does team have in decision making?
DOCUMENT! Who Are the CNA Members? • Community/Business Members • Parents • Principals • Pupil Services Personnel (Counselor, Nurse, etc.) • Paraprofessionals present in the school • Special Education Staff • Students (Secondary) • Teachers • Technical Assistance Providers • To the extent feasible, tribes and tribal organizations present in the community ESSA Section 1114 Texas Education Code: §11.252(a)(1-2) & §11.253
Document, Document Document! • Sign-In Sheets Include the date, names, role of participants, and location of meeting. • Minutes – date and summary • Agenda – date, time, location • CNA summary (to be included in the DIP/CIP
Document, Document Document! • Documentation of data sources • Evidence that all DIP/CIP are incorporated into the CNA • Evidence of follow-up meetings for program effectiveness • Evidence that appropriate consultation with private school officials occurred. NCLB Documentation Guidance Document page 3
Step 2: Clarifying a vision for reform ... • Clarifying vision serves to: • Inspire, motivate, and engage all stakeholders • Sets the context for systemic change • A collective vision is the engine that drives school reform.
Clarifying a vision for reform ... • A collective vision that reflects the intents and purposes of schoolwide programs will capture the school’s response to some or all of these important questions: • What is our purpose here? • What are our expectations for students? • What are the responsibilities of the adults who work here? • How important are collaborations and partnerships? • How are we committed to continuous improvement? The Stages in the CNA Process Handout
Step 3: Creating the School Profile Creating a school profile begins with collecting baseline information around the following focus areas: Demographics Student Achievement Climate & Culture Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Curriculum & Instruction Family and Community Involvement School Organization Technology Pages 5-6 on the link above list guiding questions to use when developing the school profile.
Step 4: Identifying Data Sources Organize data in easy to read formats Collect data for the 8 Focus Areas: Demographics Student Achievement Climate & Culture Staff Quality, Recruitment, and Retention Curriculum & Instruction Family and Community Involvement School Organization Technology
General Guiding Questions What are the strengths and the challenges of the current school program? Does the evidence gathered support staff assumptions about strengths and needs? Are there information gaps? What more do we need to know? What priorities does the information suggest?
Data Analysis Process Example • Review Vision/School Profile/Data Sources • Review Data • Group stakeholders (no more than 8 in a group) • Group data to match the number of stakeholder groups (6 groups = 6 tables of data) • Review data and write down strengths/weaknesses supported by the data • All stakeholders rotate through all of the data tables • Gallery Walk • Post each data point on a chart with a column for strengths and weaknesses • Stakeholders choose their top two strengths and weaknesses for each data point • Review and agree on the top three weaknesses identified for each data point • Gather more data, if needed, to support these identified weaknesses • As a group, review and agree on top weaknesses in each area.
Next Steps Comprehensive Needs Assessment
Annual Review The comprehensive needs assessment is an on-going process of review, revision, improvement, and then clarifying the vision/mission of the Local Education Agency.
NCLB Livebinder CNA - Guidance
TEA Strategic Priority Each Strategic Priority page offers ESSA resources for continuous improvement planning, instructional best practices aligned to the State Consolidated Plan and TEA Strategic Priorities, and monitoring student outcomes.
Agree Assumptions Argue Aspire
DEMOGRAPHICS • Describe the context of the school and school district. • Help us understand all other numbers. • Are used for disaggregating other types of data. • Describe our system and leadership.