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. etp -- 13 aa 2010

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Presentation Transcript

    1. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 1

    2. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 2 ?e??da ??????S ??????S ??? ??????S ????O???S

    3. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 3 ?p? ?????? ?a?????te? ??a?t?ta? ? ?p?t?????? S???s?; ?as???? ?????et?p????? ????? t?? ?.?. [& p?. ???ed???], Euromines S?????? ?p??e???se??, Natural Resources GP

    4. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 4 ?e??e??e?a ??p???? ???????e? ?a?ade??ata s??se?? t?? eta??e?t???? ????a??a?, st?? ????da ?a? st? e??te???? S?et??? epe???a se ???e? ?????????? d?ast????t?te?. S?pe??sata, ???t?se??

    5. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 5 ?? e??? t?p??? ????? ??p???st?? ?a??p?pt?? ??at???? ??????st?? ?e??a????t?st?? ?esa ????e??? ???? ?a?: Tet??? ep??ea??e??? 1. ?????s? ??p???? ?????????

    6. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 6 ?? e??? t?p??? ????? S?????? e ?a????? ? ?a?? p????f???s?

    7. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 7 ??a?t??? ???t??? t?? ??????, d??. ????a???? eta????? p?? ?????ta? e ????a???? e????se?? ???????ta? ap? t? d?????t??? ap????t??s? ?a? ap? t? ?t? ta ?s??ata p???????ta? st?? ?e?t???? d?????s? ??p???st??

    8. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 8 ?e? ep?ste???ta? st???e?a eta?????, ??te e????se?? ?e?t????? ??at???? d?????s?? ??sp?st??? & ?? p??? t???s? ???? e????se?? ??p?te as????ta? se p??????e?? ?a?? epe???a, ?st? & ??? te?e??? s??af??? d?ast????t?t??, p? e??ata?e?e???a ?ta???a ?a??p?pt??

    9. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 9 ?a s??d?a ?p??????ta? ap? ?ap?ta??st???? ep??e???se?? S??at??? : ta ??at??? ??a?????a de? e??????? ?s? ta ?d??t???, ? ??at???? a?a?t?? de? e??a? ?a? t?s? ?ae??? ??at????

    10. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 10 ? ep??e???s? e??a? ???? ?a??as? ap? ?????? st? pe???????: pe??s?te?? e?????t??? ap? ?d??? e?????? e??????? pa??as? ??????st??

    11. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 11 ?a?a??? pe??a????t?st??: sa? ??a a????, e????st? ? ?a????? ep?as? st? pe???????. S????, de? p???e?ta? ??a t?p???? a??? ??a e?????? ? d?e??e?? ???a??se?? ?s????p?? pe??a????t?st??: ?a ?p???e? ?s????p?a pe???????t??/a?apt??e?? a???, se ??ad?p?te af????a, ?a ep???ate? t? pe??????? ?e??a????t?st??

    12. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 12 ???a?, ? as??t??, t?? pe??a????t???? pa??as?? ???s?????te? ??a p??a?? e??s? a??a? a????t?? pe????s?a? t??? (????peda, a????, d?ae??sata) d??. ?????????? s???pe?e? se ???? d?ast????t?ta, [p?? t?? ?e?????] a?ta????st??? t?? eta??e?t???? ?????? de? e??a? ??t????? t?? pe?????? ?? ep??ea??e??? ap? p??a?? apa???t???s? ?esa ????e???

    13. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 13 ?? e??a??e???, ?esa ? ?esa, se e? ?e?t?????a eta??e?t??? ???a ??t?? p?? ?a apas???????? se e????t??? projects ? f??? t??? de? a????eta? pa?? ??? -a? p.?. ape??e?ta? e ??e?s?? (a?e???a) ??a ???? ? -af?? ??e?se? (TVX) ? -a? de? ???p????e? ??? Ge????te?a, ? t?p??? ????????? & ep????? ???????a [?s? p? ?p?e??t?????] Tet??? ep??ea??e???

    14. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 14 ?????a ??a ???s??t?ta eta??e?t???? p?????t??, ??a & t?? ep??d?s??. ???s??: ????st? p???te??? ?ta??? ????? d????e?a ?f?????, e?? ? ep?pt?s? st? pe??????? ?a e??e? S?as?a Integrated Closure Planning, e????t???? ep?st???? Me????t??? p???t??? ?a????a ???s???? ap? t??? a?t?t???e???? (t?p???, e?????, ????pa???): p??s?et?, ap?te??, ????t?? a??? & a?t?st??fa: p???t???? se business [Al Gore] ???s?et?? pa?????te?

    15. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 15 2. ?a?ade??ata eta??e?t???? ????a??a? [-] TVX Ge??e??a ??? ????? ????? ????? ?at?e?a & ????e?a

    16. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 16 2. ?a?ade??ata eta??e?t???? ????a??a? [+] ?????a Social Licence Social License to Operate rapidly becoming new vision for companies to recognize and embrace to ensure economic certainty w/ respect to new projects However, presently intangible [no] systematic method of evaluating and monitoring a project. Sustainable economic development drives the need for mining engineers to have parameters and modeling techniques that integrate social dimensions into project design etc S??af??: -Integrated Closure Planning -- A key area for industry improvement - e????t??? ep?st???

    17. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 17 2. ?a?ade??ata eta??e?t???? ????a??a? [+] Project ???s?? st? S??a??a S&B ????????? ?e???????? Rio Tinto

    18. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 18 3. S??se?? ????? t???? e t?p???? ???????e? -??G?S?/??a? ?e??p????s??: ?????????? ?st??= e?????a??e?a a?t?d??????! -T?a: st? N?a S????, ??a ?e??a??, -????se?? p???t?? e?a?t??? ?e?a??? ????t?? t??ef???a? -???t?a ?a? ?/S ?????? ?a? ?pe??????? t?s?? -??p???a a?????? ???a -F/? ?e?a??p????: t?p??? fa???e?? ?e????p???! -??? st? ???????a?a -????, ?a?s? t?? s???p?d??? ?? +????: ???? ???? ???: e??s? t??? ?e?at?? ??a t??? ?at??????

    19. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 19 ??? ed? ????s? ????? p??t?se?? ???????a e ??? d??a??ata, ????? ?p???e?se??! ????ta????, ?t?at??????, das?????? ?? ?saf?? d?????s? ????? ?????t??/St?/d?????s?? ?at?stas? ?? p??? ta eta??e?a: ??? p??? d?af??et??? ap? ?????? t?e?? a??? ta eta??e?a de? p????? ?a eta????????! 4. S?pe??sata

    20. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 20 4. ???t?se?? ?a?? p???es? e? ????? ???? ?a e??a? saf? ta s?f????ta ap? t? ?a p?e??? a??? & ?a ?? ?p???e? ?pe????a ap? t?? ???? p?e??? ??te, ?a? ??? t?te : S??a??es? ?pa?a?t?ta ?sa ??a ???p???s?: -e??t? ??e?d?? pe??pt?se?? e??te????? -???a???, e?????????, s??e??? e?????s? -a?tap?d?t??? - se t?p???, at???? ep?ped? -f??? se a?t??? p?? ?a e??as???? ??d??? s?e?a, ?a?e?? [& ?a???a ????] de? pe??sse?e?!!

    21. ?. ?????et?p????? -- ??? 13 ?a???a???? 2010 21 ???a??st? p???! ?as???? ?????et?p?????

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