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EDCT 557- ETP. Rancho Cotate High School Video Brochure 2006. Audience. Primary audience consists of RCHS’s incoming students and parents.
EDCT 557- ETP Rancho Cotate High School Video Brochure 2006
Audience Primary audience consists of RCHS’s incoming students and parents. It is my goal to also show the video to members of the greater school community. Including board members, business owners, and other community groups.
Purpose/Need I’ve discovered that there is a high level of anxiety among incoming high school parents and students in regards to the school’s negative image. The project will be a video that could be used to help reduce the anxiety of incoming students. This video will be shown to all incoming students as part of a welcoming process to alleviate some of the anxiety.
Outcomes With the Video Brochure the user is able to view firsthand accounts of many of the positive things happening at RCHS. They are provided information on the various academics and extracurricular activities offered at RCHS.
Brief User Scenario/Demo All incoming 9th grade students and parents will view this Video Brochure as part of RCHS’s Freshman Orientation as well as those in attendance at RCHS’s Back to School Night.
Important things I learned through the ETP process The production of this Video Brochure was a valuable learning opportunity--both for me in developing the documentary and the cast and crew by providing an ongoing source of reflection and evaluation.
How have you, or will you, share this knowledge and expertise with peers? I have and plan to further share what I’ve learned with other school administrators and teachers so that they too may produce video brochures for their schools, class, or group.
If you had more time, support, and resources, what would you do next with this project to take it to an even higher level? More time, of course would enable me to develop better concepts and story lines for these videos. Also better equipment would be the biggest component for taking this project to a higher level.
Finally, Relation to cognate project Regular communication between school and home are known as vital factors affecting student learning and performance at the secondary level. Part of my cognate project is to improve these lines of communication. This Video Brochure is one tool that I will use to improve communication between RCHS and the greater school community.
URLs • School Accountability Report card. A power point presentation that explains the public school accountability measure- AYP and API. Also provides a test score comparative piece with schools within the district. http://rchs.schoolengine.com username: sonoma_joe password: 1234 • School Calendar. Includes important dates and times for the upcoming school year. http://www.crpusd.org/Calendar/0607/9%2012%200607%20Calendar%20(2).pdf • RCHS website. Outlines some of the various programs and organizations available at the RCHS. Also information regarding graduation and graduation requirements is available. http://www.crpusd.org/RCHS/ • RCHS school engine website. Curriculum, learning, and communication online! Parents and students can working on class assignments, check homework assignments, and check grades.http://www.rchs.schoolengine.com/
URLs • Guidelines for Positive Communication For All Students and Staff. At a large comprehensive high school such as Rancho Cotate, communication between parents and the school is a key ingredient to success. Parents/guardians and students should utilize the “Path to Successful Communication” to facilitate them getting the answers they desire in a timely fashion. http://rchs.schoolengine.com • RCHS Vision Statement. Includes information about the direction and goals of RCHS and CRPUSD for the future, as well as RCHS’s expectations for students. http://rchs.schoolengine.com • National Parent Information Network. Offers advice to parents on how to become more involve in their child’s education including resource links and ideas on how to help with homework. http://npin.org • RCHS Technology Plan. See what lies ahead with curriculum and learning for RCHS and CRPUSD. http://www.crpusd.org/techplan.htm