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Terms to Know. Angina PectorisLaser AngioplastyAtherectomyPlaqueAtherosclerosisPrinzmetal's AnginaCollateral Circulation. PTCACoronary Artery DiseaseStent PlacementLow fat diet. Medications: Familiarize Yourself!. Antiplatelet AggregationNitratesBeta-adrenergic blockers(b adrenergic blocker).
1. Nursing Management: Coronary Artery Disease NURS 1228
Class 17
3. Medications: Familiarize Yourself! Antiplatelet Aggregation
Beta-adrenergic blockers
(b adrenergic blocker) Calcium Channel Blockers
4. Diagnostic Tests: Familiarize Yourself! Chest X-ray
Lipid Level
Exercise Stress Test
Nuclear Imaging Studies LDH
Position Emission Tomography
Cardiac Troponin
Coronary Angioplasty Studies
5. Coronary Artery DiseaseWhat is it? How does it Happen? Atherosclerosis:
Stages of development:
Fatty Streak
Raised Fibrous Plaque
(Smooth muscle cell proliferation)
Complicated Lesion
6. Plaque Build Up
7. Collateral Circulaton What is it?
How is it formed?
8. Coronary Circulation
9. Risk Factors Modifiable
Diet: Serum lipid levels
Smoking (You would guess this one, wouldn’t you??!)
Hypertension (stress does it, too!!)
Physical Inactivity (sorry, student nurses…)
Age and gender
Family history and heredity
10. Modifiable Contributing Risk Factors Diabetes Mellitus
Stress and behavior patterns
This guy’s an MI and a cardiac arrest waiting for a chance to happen!! (To say nothing of a CVA which is not discussed in this class).
11. Health Promotion Identify and Manage High Risk Persons
Exercise: Begin young
Drug Therapy
Questran and Colestid
B vitamins
Lopid, Zocor, Lipitor, etc.
See table 32-7 on p.852
12. CAD: What does it look like? Insufficient blood supply to the heart itself
The heart muscle does not receive the oxygenated blood it requires
Atherosclerotic stenosis
Coronary artery spasm
Coronary thrombosis
All result in Myocardial Ischemia
Either silent or symptomatic (angina)
13. Angina When an occlusion occurs:
The myocardial cells do not get the glucose needed for aerobic metabolism
Anaerobic metabolism takes over; lactic acid produced (hence the pain)
Myocardial cells can live about 20 minutes without oxygen. When oxygen is restored, aerobic metabolism returns and things return to normal.
See p. 852 for precipitating factors that may be connected with myocardial ischemia
14. Types of Angina Stable Angina
Infrequent and controlled with medication; predictable
Unstable Angina
Unpredictable with less pattern discernable
Associated with seterioration of once stable atherosclotic plaque.
Thrombus formation occurs; can progress to an MI (Myocardial Infarction)
Treated with ASA and anticoagulants along with nitrates and Beta Blockers.
15. Types of Angina Continued Prinzmetal’s Angina
Occurs at rest; major coronary artery goes into spasm.
Patient may not have known CAD
May occur at night especially during REM sleep
May be cyclical
Confirmed with Coronary Angiography (detects obstruction of coronary arteries)
16. Types of Angina Continued Nocturnal Angina
Occurs only at night
Awake or asleep
Sitting up or laying down
Angina Decubitus
While the patient is lying down
Relieved by standing or sitting
17. What does it look like? Pain:
Feeling of anxiety
Shortness of breath, weakness, cold sweat, etc.
Prinzmetal’s: longer in duration; may wake patient from sleep
Can cause dysrhythmias, decreased myocardial contractility
18. Other Diagnostic Studies Chest x-ray
Lab tests: Serum Lipids, Cardiac enzyme values
ECG, ECG stress test
Ambulatory ECG Monitoring (“Holter Monitor”)
Angiography (Cardiac Catheterization)
Nuclear imaging (Thallium scan, Sestimbi)
Positron Emission Tomography (PET scan): identifies ischemia and infarcted areas.
Stress echocardiogram
20. Myocardial Infarction
21. Treatment Options Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty
Stent placement
Laser Angioplasty
Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
22. Drug Therapy Antiplatelet aggregation therepy (aspirin!)
Nitrates – vasodiltors
b-adrenergic blockers
Calcium Channel blockers
23. NURSING IMPLEMENTATION Health Promotion and Education
As discussed earlier
Acute Needs
Assessment: of pain, history, activity
Pain: deep or superficial? Diffuse or well located?
Care during anginal attack:
O2 therapy
Vitals, ECG
Pain relief with Nitrate (& narcotic analgesic if ordered)
Assessment of heart and breath sounds
Patient comfort
Assessment of patient response to therapy
24. Instructions regarding Nitrate Therapy Storage of medicaton
Sub lingual administraton
Immediate side effects and experience of medication working should be discussed with the patient.
Sitting and standing – postural hypotension
# of tablets to take to obtain relief of pain
25. End of ClassDrive Carefully!