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Genesis 2:7. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. . Apparent Age and History. Some Short Readings linked on the Core 6 Webpage. Fossil Hominids: The Evidence for Human EvolutionAfrican Legacy N'tal DNA H. floresiensis The Man from Neander Valley .
2. Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
4. Some Short Readingslinked on the Core 6 Webpage Fossil Hominids: The Evidence for Human Evolution
African Legacy
N'tal DNA
H. floresiensis
The Man from Neander Valley
7. Some Extinct Hominines A. africanus A. afarensis
10. Out of Africa I 1.8 million years ago (1.8 Ma)
Homo ergaster/erectus populates the Old World
Fairly well established: (Consensus Science)
11. Out of Africa II 100,000 years ago (100 Ka)
Homo sapiens populates the Old World
Controversial: (Frontier Science)
12. Out of Africa I 1/2 700,000 years ago (700 Ka)
Homo antecessor (?) populates the Old World
Even more Controversial
13. TIME PERSPECTIVE of these lectures...
14. IN THESE LECTURES... We’re concerned with the last 2,000,000 years (2 Ma) or so of Earth’s 4.5 billion year (Ga) history
2,000,000 ÷ 4,500,000,000 = .044 %
If all Earth’s history were one day...
.044% X 24 X 60 X 60 = 38 seconds
15. THE ARCHEOLOGICAL AGES Classified by types of tools
17. PALEOLITHIC “Old Stone Age”
2.5 Ma => about 10 Ka
Started with Homo habilis (maybe Australopithecus garhi 2.5 Ma)
Chopped stone tools
18. NEOLITHIC ? 10 Ka => ?
Agricultural Revolution
A neolithic product: BEER!
19. Beyond the NEOLITHIC Copper, Bronze Age, Iron Age,…
Industrial Age
1700s in England
Now: Information Age?
20. Lumpers vs. Splitters Lumpers ==> Favor a “ladder” pattern to evolution (fewer species)
Splitters ==> Favor a “bush” pattern (lots of different species)
21. Anti-Evolutionary Creationists Can be both lumpers and splitters at the same time!
Lumping: All Australopithecines are “apes”, and all Homo are “humans”
Splitting: Yet, they complain about absence of “missing links”
22. The Changing Position of Homo erectus
23. First half of 1900s: Splitters Scholars commonly assigned a new species name to virtually each new fossil unearthed.
E.g., Pithecanthropus erectus was the name given to “Java Man”
Sinanthropus pekinensis was the name give to “Peking Man”
Later both became Homo erectus
24. Pre-1990s: Lumpers By 2 Ma in Africa, Homo habilis had evolved into Homo erectus.
By 1 Ma, some H. erectus left Africa for Asia and, later Europe
By 200 Ka, H. erectus had evolved to H. sapiens (either in Africa or separately in Africa and Eurasia).
25. Present view: Moderate Splitting From discovery of early (1.6 - 1.8 Ma) H. ergaster/ erectus outside of Africa
26. Moderate Splitting
27. H. ergaster/erectus Scholars still disagree on the taxonomy (family tree) of these species, but all believe they are an evolutionary “step up” from H. habilis
According to paleoanthropologists, “a new grade” of hominine evolution
28. H. ergaster/erectus “firsts” First hominines outside of Africa
Dmanisi (Georgian) skull D2700???
Systematic hunting
Beginning of “home bases”
Systematic tool making
Extended childhood
29. Something Between H. erectus and H. sapiens?
30. H. heidelbergensis Lived 500 Ka - 100 Ka
Little more “modern” than Homo erectus/ergaster ==> basically modern brain size
Heavy brow ridges like Neanderthals, but less “robust”, more “human” face
31. H. heidelbergensis “Heidelberg Man” in Europe (500Ka)
“Rhodesian Man” in Africa (200Ka)
Sometimes referred to as “Archaic” Homo sapiens
Evolved into Neandertals in Eurasia, into H. sapiens in Africa
34. Over 20 “ICE AGES” paired with “warm” interglacial periods In the past 2 Ma
35. THE LAST “ICE AGE” Lasted from 70 Ka to 10 Ka
36. American Midwest 16 Ka
37. Human ancestors in the North had to cope with these ice ages...
38. A BIT ABOUT DATING C-14 has a half life of 5,700 years, so only effective to about 70 Ka
Works on organic material - wood, bones, shells, etc.
Older stuff must be dated with K-Ar method on surrounding rocks
But K-Ar only effective on rocks older than 100 Ka
39. RECENTLY... Newer techniques (Thermoluminescence, electron spin resonance)
Related to radioactive decay, but work in the “missing” time range (70 Ka - 100 Ka)
Fact: All dating methods agree where they overlap
40. How did early humans “make a living”? SCAVENGER OR HUNTER?
41. SOME EVIDENCE Suggests that early man (Homo habilis => Homo erectus) was a scavenger (lack of hunting tools, carnivore teeth marks on bones)
Later humans ... (Neandertal and moderns)
were foragers = hunters & gathers
Until the Agricultural Revolution
42. FOR SURVIVAL Foraging societies are adapted to their natural environment
E.g., they control population naturally by later breeding and prolonged lactation
44. Modern Example of a foraging society: Live in Kalahari Desert
Work 12-20 hours/week
Eat healthier diet than many Americans
Good article in Feb. 2001 National Geographic
46. But, Foragers In colder climates didn’t have as much fun ...
The “Ice Man”, whose preserved carcass was found in 1991, belonged to a foraging people in Europe about 5 Ka - Copper Age
48. Out of Africa II 100,000 years ago (100 Ka)
Homo sapiens populates the Old World,
Replacing Neandertals and Archaic Hs.
Controversy! (Frontier Science)
49. Neanderthal “MEN”
50. Neandertal remains were first discovered in 1856 in the valley (tal) of the Neander River near Düsseldorf
Thought to be a diseased Mongolian Cossack
Existed from probably at least 230 Ka to about 29 Ka
At least 350 individuals found
High brow ridges
Weak chin
Protruding face
Slightly bigger brain!
High brow ridges
Weak chin
Protruding face
Slightly bigger brain!
54. BRAIN SIZE Average Neandertal = 1450cc
Average modern human = 1360cc
Much variation in modern humans:
Jacques Anatole France 1,000cc
Ivan Turgenev 2,000cc
19th Century novelists - “geniuses”
55. WERE NEANDERTALS “HUMAN”? I.e., are they Homo sapiens
or Homo neanderthalensis
or Homo sapiens neanderthalensis ?
56. Or were they Homer sapiens ???
57. Three lines of Evidenceto establish Origin of Modern Humans Anatomy --> fossils
Genetics --> mostly on present-day humans
Archeology --> Tools and Art
58. Genetic Diversity Modern humans are genetically
less diverse than most other species
.08 F vs. >.20 F
59. Mitochondrial DNA Study
60. MtDNA Study conclusions... Genetic variability shows the greatest amount of diversity in sub-Saharan African populations
High variability suggests that the African populations have been accumulating genetic mutations for the longest time--i.e., they are the oldest living populations
61. MtDNA Study conclusions... Genetic distance is greatest between African populations and other groups
62. MtDNA Study conclusions... Tends to support the “Out of Africa II” (monogenesis) rather than the multiregional hypothesis
63. MODERN RACES ? "From a scientific point of view, the concept of race has failed to obtain any consensus and none is likely, given the gradual variation in existence." (Cavalli-Sforza, History and Geography of Human Genes, p 19)
64. N-tals HUMAN ? To answer this question, we must consider the meaning of culture, the uniquely human adaptation
65. RECALL CORE 5 (ow…) This course is about ...
Cosmic evolution (most of Core 5)
Biological evolution (Core 6 so far)
Cultural evolution
This lecture crosses the boundary between biological evolution and cultural evolution
66. CULTURE What it means to be “human”
67. DEFINITION Culture = the patterned behavior and mental constructs that individuals
learn, are taught, and share
within the context of the groups to which they belong
68. LANGUAGE Is essential for human culture
But not equivalent to it
69. Could N-Tals Talk? Had big brain with Broca’s Area, but...
Did they have the right “plumbing”?
70. Could N-Tals make all the same sounds as modern humans? Another example of “Frontier”science…
Well, at least about the “plumbing” part
71. Position of Larynx… Would indicate N-tal speech was probably very nasal, couldn’t make certain sounds:
“ee”, “ah”, “oo”, as well as “g” and “k”
72. But fossil Hyoid bone is like modern humans… Which supports the possibility of modern speech abilities…
73. N’Tals had a shorter childhood than us… So perhaps N’tals didn’t have time to develop language skills as moderns
These controversies show why this kind of thing is called “frontier” science…
74. Neandertal Cultural Activities
75. SPECIALIZED TOOLS Levallois technique (flaking)
20 different types discovered ==>
76. HUNTING STYLE Did not know how to throw !
77. HUNTING STYLE Did not know how to throw !
78. Just Like the Rodeo
79. BURIAL OF DEAD Ritual ?
Evidence of plants in grave
Shanidar Cave 60 Ka
80. Shanidar Cave, Iraq
81. ALTRUISM ? Some evidence of altruism
This specimen was “old” and crippled
Chimpanzees, e.g., abandon their sick
82. ART ? No evidence of genuine “art”
Were they too dumb or
Just too busy?
83. LANGUAGE ? Already discussed N-tal speech
Did they use human language?
How does human language differ from animal communication?
“Evolution of Communication” lecture by Dr. Martin Nickels, March 24...
84. LAST N-TAL FOSSILS Found are 29 - 32 Ka
In Gibraltar (Portugal)
85. Are N-tals “Human” DNA evidence…
86. 1997 Mitochondrial DNA analysis from bones of the “type specimen” (the original one found in the Neander valley)
Concluded common ancestor of Neandertal and H. sapiens to be 600 Ka
Supports N-tals aren’t “human”!
87. 1997 mtDNA Study Also gives powerful backing to the theory that all humanity descended from an "African Eve" about 100 Ka to 200 Ka =>”Out of Africa” hypothesis
and that Neandertals were an evolutionary dead end
88. CRO-MAGNONSandCAVE ART More in Jody Watkins’ lecture
89. Point of Information “Cro-Magnon” is an historical but not scientific term… Very few if any paleoanthropologists use this terminology…
90. CRO-MAGNONS First fossil found near Hotel Cro-Magnon in Les Eyzies in SW France - 30 Ka
They are modern Homo sapiens AmHs = Anatomically modern H. sapiens
Africa 130 Ka => present
Europe 35 Ka => present
91. CRO-MAGNONS Had better tools than Neanderthal
Gave C-M a competitive edge over N-tal
92. BETTER TOOLS ... E.g., spear thrower
Note also the carving (art)
93. An Unanswered Question Did C-M outcompete or outfight Neanderthals ?
Only 1% “competitive edge” in niche could lead to extinction in 5,000 years!
Or were N-tal genes absorbed into C-M population?
94. N’tal replacement by modern H. sapiens … or absorption?
95. CAVE ART Cro-magnons had a truly human culture
Chauvet cave art 32 Ka
Discovered in 1995
What’s the “meaning” of this art? ===>
96. Chauvet Cave
98. Paleogeography of Modern Humans Very simplified here…
When were each of the continents settled by modern humans?
99. Assuming “Out of Africa II”
100. Continents were peopled in this order Africa (130 Ka)
Middle East (100 Ka)
Remainder (60 Ka)
Australia (60 Ka)
Europe (35 Ka)
Americas (20 - 30 Ka) Dec. 2000 Nat’l Geographic
101. Native Americans - Florida 14 Ka
102. Midterm Exam Wednesday March 1
Here in the Shen
103. Recent Cro-Magnons in the field