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Amenorrhea. Absence of mensesPrimary- menses not established by 14 no secondary sex, or 16 with secondary sex Primary causes- wgt, fat, stress, pregnancySecondary causes- pregnancy, tumors, BFNursing
1. Reproductive Health Ricci Chapters 4-9
3. Cause of Discomfort/Primary Dysmenorrhea Pain during menses
Role of prostaglandin
Oral contraceptives
Diet- Vitamins
Rest exercise
4. Secondary Dysmenorrhea Define- pain with menses after menses well established.
Etiology: reproductive tract pathology
Assess- reproductive hx
Interventions: DX and treat cause
5. Abnormal Bleeding Amenorrhea- lack of menses
Menorrhagia- excessive bleeding- 5 days
Metrorrhagia- bleeding between cycles
Oligomenorrhea-infrequent periods
Polymenorrhea-too frequent
Menometrorrhagia-irregular with heavy flow
Risk for anemia- causes-hormones, fibroids, weight
6. Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Extremes of reproductive years
Progesterone- estrogen imbalance
Tx- hormones, OC,NSAIDS IUD
Nursing- Education, information, if untreated can lead to infertility
7. PMS Exact etiology unknown
Thought to be:
Hormonal imbalance
Nutritional deficiency
Prostaglandin excess
8. Symptoms of Syndrome DX takes 3-5 months
Physical symptoms include: fluid retention-weight gain-H/A- backache-N/V- diarrhea-constipation- craving- sleep disturbance
Emotional- Mood changes-hostility- depression-labile-anxiety- lethargy
Resolves with onset of menses
9. Endometriosis Endometrial tissue outside of endometrium
Hormonal changes cause bleeding and inflammation, scarring
S/S- pain, bleeding, painful intercourse.
Tx- remove tissue, OC
Nursing- explain tests, pain management
10. Infertility Definition unable to conceive after 1 yr
Female - blocked tubes, endometriosis, 40% of cases attributed to women
Tx- surgery medications
Male- sperm problems, 40% attributed to male
DX- semen analysis
Tx- artificial insemination- donor
11. Health promotion Related to Infertility Physiological
Psychological- self esteem, scheduled intercourse, expense
Sociocultural expectations
Developmental expectations
Spiritual- grieving
12. Behavioral Contraception Abstinence- other activities beside intercourse
Fertility awareness-know cycle and S/S of fertility
BBT-post ovulation increase in temp,temp before rising
Sympothermal- BBT,cervical mucosa+ positioning
13. Behavioral Contraception Coitus Interuptus-withdraw before ejaculation.
First few drops of sperm have high concentration of sperm
Lactation Amenorrhea-prolactin inhibits gonadatropin
Effectiveness depends on exclusivity of BF
14. Barrier Methods Condoms-placed correctly, STI protection
Diaphragm- covers cervix
Must be refitted for weight loss or gain
Cervical cap-smaller, insert 12 hours before intercourse
Sponge- no protection against STI
15. Hormonal Contraceptive Oral-combination of estrogen or progestin
Suppresses FSH- LH makes mucosa hostile
Take at same time each day
Contraindicated- women over 35 & smokers
Can take for up to 3 months
Report to HCP if side effects occur
16. Hormonal Contraceptives Lunelle injection- once a month
Depo provera-progesterone every 12 weeks
Vaginal Ring-place for 3 weeks
Norplant-implantable- last 5 years, same S/E as the pill
IUD- endometrium hostile to implantation
Emergency Contraception- within 72 hrs
17. Permanent Sterilization Tubal ligation- dissect piece of fallopian tube
Trancervically- coil blocks fallopian tube
Vasectomy-cut vas defrens
Need 2 ejaculates with no sperm
Use alternative form of birth control
18. Termination of Pregnancy Physiological
Surgical vs. medical
Mode of termination dependent upon gestation
Psychological tasks of the trimester
Informed consent
Legal parameters
Religious ethical
19. Nursing Considerations Cost
Will both use
Religion- Culture
Medical History
Reproductive History
20. Menopause Ovaries decrease production of estrogen
Cessation of menses before menopause
Peri menopausal 3-5 years
Average age is 51
Estrogen produced by fat replaced by estrone
21. Characteristics of Menopause Physiologic
Hot flashes-CV-osteoporosis-skin-urogenital changes
Psychological- empty nest-new beginning- not hot flashes------power surges
22. Physiological Changes R/T Menopause Osteoporosis- bone loss related to aging
Risk factors- familial hx, steroids, smoking, lack of exercise
Nursing-Increase calcium (1200mg), exercise, eval for height change
Cardiovascular- loose protection of estrogen
Nursing- Promote healthy lifestyle
23. Interventions Estrogen replacement at risk for Ca
Hormonal replacement at risk for breast Ca
Calcium- 1200mg-1500mg
Natural sources of estrogen
24. STI Vulvovaginal candidiasis-change in flora
Nsg-hygiene, cotton underwear, douching
Nsg-condoms, do not share towels
BV-alteration in flora
Nsg- treat partner for reoccurrence
25. STI Chlamydia-men/women asympomatic
Nsg- treat both, no intercourse until TOC
Genital Herpes-itching/burning lesion
Nsg-need C/S for outbreak
Syphilis-progressive -at risk for HIV
Nsg- RPR, VDRL,Pen G
26. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Bacterial infection of pelvic organs
Leading cause of infertility
S/S-cramping, painful intercourse, temp, bleeding, foul smelling discharge
Nsg- assess for sexual activity, risk for infection, STI, full course ABX
27. HIV World wide epidemic
Women of color at risk
Dx based upon CD4 count less than 200
Antiviral decrease of transmission to newborn
Nsg- understand illness, stay on meds, help with side effects
28. STI HPV- genital warts, most common viral infection
Some strains=95% relationship with cervical ca
Nsg- can have removed, virus remains
Hep A/B-viral infection
Nsg- safe sex, immunizations
Scabies/ lice- tx with OTC meds
29. Breast Disorders Fibrocystic breast- common benign tumor
S/S- lumpy, pain tenderness
Nsg-Diet changes, analgesic
Fibroadenoma-moveable cyst, benign
Nsg- mammogram, biopsy
Intraductal papilloma- may be cancerous
S/S- discharge from nipple
Nsg-excision to r/o ca.
30. Breast Disorders Mammary duct ectasia-inflammation of duct
Common in women with children, have not breast feed
S/S- discharge, pain, puritis
Nsg- take ABX, warm compress
31. Breast Cancer Hereditary component
Usually over 50- under 50 aggressive Ca
Upper outer quadrant
Family hx- prolonged exposure to estrogen-nullipara-early menarche- late menopause- HRT-ERT- breast d/o-obesity- alcohol
32. Detection Breast self exam- one week past menses
Ab. Finding- lump –dimpling-vein-nipple discharge or retraction
Mammogram- biopsy
Baseline at 40
1-2 years 40-50
Yearly past 50
Earlier if family hx
33. Cancer Staging Stage 1- less than 2cm and in breast only
Stage 2- less than 5cm, mobile lymph node- not attached
Stage 3-greater than 5 cm/ fixed lymph/ local extension
Stage 4- distant metastases
34. Treatment Options Surgical
Radical vs. partial
Hormonal suppression
35. Nursing- Mastectomy Preoperative- Discuss tx options
Support decision
Reduce fear- improve coping
Pain control
Maintain skin integrity
Self care
Sexual adjustment
Prevent lymph edema
Promote screening and prevention
36. Types of Prolapse Cystocele-posterior bladder protrudes towards ant wall of vagina
Rectocele-rectum sags into post. Wall of vagina
Enterocele- Sm. intestine bulges posterior wall of vagina
Uterine prolapse- through pelvic floor and out vagina
37. Risk Factors Children
Weak muscles
Lifting, coughing, straining can exacerbate
38. Nursing Assess degree of discomfort
Degree of incontinence
Diet and lifestyle-Kegels, straining,fiber, weight, girdle, no lifting
Pessary- can support structures
39. Incontinence Embarrassing, reluctance to discuss, can cause emotional problems
Cause- weakness in pelvic floor- aging
Urge-urgency, frequency, nocturia
Stress- coughing, laughing, exertion
Tx- Kegels, anticholinergic,estrogen lifestyle changes
40. Polyps/Fibroids Appear on reproductive organs-benign
Will remove with forceps or laser
Fibroids- masses inside uterus
Pain, pressure, bleeding, infertility
Tx- hormones, myomectomy, hysterectomy
41. Female Reproductive Surgeries Hysterectomy- vaginal vs. abdominal
Laproscopic- visualize abdominally remove through vagina
Abdominal more trauma and longer recovery
42. Nursing Care Nursing Diagnosis
Pre-op- pain, deep breath, and cough
Give information, loss of childbearing
Post operative interventions
Pelvic rest, no lifting, S/S of infection, rest, good diet
43. Cysts Follicular cyst-failure of ovarian follicle to rupture
Corpus luteum-failure of C.L to degenerate
Theca Lutein-high levels of hCG
Polycystic ovaries-hyperandrogenism, insulin resistance, hirsituism, infertile
OC to suppress androgen, restore reproductive fx
44. Reproductive Cancers Cervical- most preventable-Pap smear
R/T-HPV, early intercourse, multiple partners, STI, HIV
Coploscopy- stained cells sent for biopsy
Cone biopsy-remove precancerous cells
LEEP-heated or electrical current
45. Endometrial Cancer Most caught early- post menopausal bleeding
Risk factors- nulliparity, obesity, infertility
Dx- biopsy-UTZ
Tx- hysterectomy, ovaries and tubes
Need follow-up chance or reoccurence
46. Ovarian Bad outcomes due to late diagnosis
Risk factors-nulliparity, late menarche and menopause, obesity
Postmenopasusal cyst- must evaluate
Tx- hysterectomy
Nursing is primary prevention-early symptoms
47. Vaginal/Vulvar Rare slow developing
Risk factors-HPV, HIV, age
S/S- painful intercourse, discharge, pain
Tx- laser, radiation, hysterectomy
Vulvar-ext genitalia
Risk factor- HPV, smoking, age
Tx-laser, cryo, may need skin graft
48. Violence Not always physical
Abusers are from all SES
Violence is learned and perpetuated
Children develop mistrust of world
49. Phases of Violence Tension building- unresolved issues
Violence-physical and emotional abuse
Types of abuse
Mental-threatening, demeaning, controlling
Physical- hitting, grabbing
Sexual- forced sex
50. Violence During Pregnancy Can escalate during pregnancy
Should screen during PNC and ER
Spouse may feel threatened
She is vulnerable
More likely to have mental health issues
51. Sexual Violence May be under reported
Sexual violence is about power and control
Person abused more likely to abused again
Incest- forced by family members
Aquaintance rape- under reported, feel guilty
52. Female Genital Mutilation Female circumsicion- practiced in other countries
Leave opening for urine and menstrual flow
May need reconstructive surgery
53. Violence Human trafficking-mostly children, sold into prostitution, porn
PTSD-re-experience event, flashbacks, avoidance
54. Nursing Evaluate for injuries
Is partners behavior suspicious
Use non-judgmental approach
Support decisions
Use community resources
Help to develop coping skills
Help to break cycle of violence