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The Road to War 1920-1941

The Road to War 1920-1941. Isolationism War Clouds Japan, Germany, and Militarism Time Line Convincing the Americans Lend-Lease, The Atlantic Charter and the Grand Alliance A Day that will live in Infamy. Disarmament. Disarmament. Five Powers Naval Treaty-1921: Limited Naval Tonnage.

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The Road to War 1920-1941

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Road to War1920-1941 • Isolationism • War Clouds • Japan, Germany, and Militarism • Time Line • Convincing the Americans • Lend-Lease, The Atlantic Charter and the Grand Alliance • A Day that will live in Infamy

  2. Disarmament

  3. Disarmament • Five Powers Naval Treaty-1921: Limited Naval Tonnage

  4. Disarmament • Five Powers Naval Treaty-1921: Limited Naval Tonnage. • Kellog-Briand Pact-Outlawed War as an instrument of national policy.

  5. Time Line

  6. Time Line • 1931-Japan invades Manchuria

  7. Time Line • 1931-Japan invades Manchuria • 1935-Italy invades Ethiopia

  8. Time Line • 1931-Japan invades Manchuria • 1935-Italy invades Ethiopia • 1935-Germany reclaims the Saar

  9. Time Line • 1931-Japan invades Manchuria • 1935-Italy invades Ethiopia • 1935-Germany reclaims the Saar • 1936-Germany re-arms the Rhineland

  10. Time Line • 1931-Japan invades Manchuria • 1935-Italy invades Ethiopia • 1935-Germany reclaims the Saar • 1936-Germany re-arms the Rhineland • 1936-Spanish Civil War

  11. Time Line • 1931-Japan invades Manchuria • 1935-Italy invades Ethiopia • 1935-Germany reclaims the Saar • 1936-Germany re-arms the Rhineland • 1936-Spanish Civil War • 1937-Japanese and Chinese at war

  12. Time Line • 1931-Japan invades Manchuria • 1935-Italy invades Ethiopia • 1935-Germany reclaims the Saar • 1936-Germany re-arms the Rhineland • 1936-Spanish Civil War • 1937-Japanese and Chinese at war • 1938-Hitler announces the Anchluss

  13. Time Line • 1931-Japan invades Manchuria • 1935-Italy invades Ethiopia • 1935-Germany reclaims the Saar • 1936-Germany re-arms the Rhineland • 1936-Spanish Civil War • 1937-Japanese and Chinese at war • 1938-Hitler announces the Anchluss • 1939-Germany claims Czechoslovokia

  14. Time Line Continued • 1939-German-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty

  15. Time Line Continued • 1939-German-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty • 1939-Germany and Soviet Union invade Poland: WW II starts

  16. Time Line Continued • 1939-German-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty • 1939-Germany and the Soviet Union invade Poland: WW II starts • 1940-Germany conquers all of Europe except England.

  17. Time Line Continued • 1939-German-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty • 1939-Germany and the Soviet Union invade Poland: WW II starts • 1940-Germany conquers all of Europe except England. • 1940-Destroyers for Bases and Lend-Lease

  18. Time Line Continued • 1939-German-Soviet Non-Aggression Treaty • 1939-Germany and the Soviet Union invade Poland: WW II starts • 1940-Germany conquers all of Europe except England. • 1940-Destroyers for Bases and Lend-Lease • August 1941-The Atlantic Charter

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