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In light of the comparatively slow rate of comments, the production procedure takes longer, leading to an increased amount of unfavorable adverse consequences with a yield that is lower. The impeller, or turbine, is a mechanism which solely serves for propelling hydrocarbons down the bottom of the hydrocarbon section. precisely a result, it consumes a smaller amount of energy.
R-333 TTC, MIDC Rabale, Navi Mumbai-400 701 +91-22-27696614 / 15 ABOUT US PRODUCTS ENQUIRY CONTACT US DOWNLOAD PRODUCTS Home Products Gas Induction Reactor Gas Induction Reactor In the Process Industry, many chemical reactions are carried out between liquids / slurries and gases, Traditionally, such gas-slurry reactions have been carried out with the help of equipment, where basically, an agitator was used to stir the liquid in the Reactor. This somewhat clumsy method resulted in less than satisfactory performance, due to non-ideal mixing, which led to poor catalyst suspension, negligible gasliquid interfacial areas, as well as low heat and mass transfer coef?cients. An Omega Kemix Gas - Induction Reactor offers a radial change from this conventional approach. Instead of churning the liquid reaction mass, a hollow agitator pumps gases from the head space to the lowest part of the Reactor vessel, as shown in the picture. A specially designed impeller vigorously disperes these gases into the reactor bottom, resulting in a mixture akin to a boiling liquid. Gas bubbles react with liquid/ slurry as the as they rise. Unreacted gases are re-inducted into the liquid. Applications Hydrogenation Oxidation Ozonisation Carboxylation ❮ ❯ Amination Aminolysis Chemical reaction in viscous liquids and slurries suppliers in Ethoxylation Similar Gas - Slurry Reactions mumbai ,Chemical reaction in viscous liquids and slurries suppliers in India, Pressure Reactions, Hydrogenation, Catalogue Enquiry Amination , Supplier of Pressure Reactions, Hydrogenation, Amination, shaft punctures Reactor , shaft punctures Reactor Manufacturer, shaft punctures Reactor Manufacturer in mumbai, shaft punctures Reactor manufacturer in india , supplier of shaft punctures Reactor, Manufacturer , supplier of catalyst ?lters for hydrogenators and autoclaves, catalyst ?lters for hydrogenators and autoclaves Manufacturer in mumbai, catalyst ?lters for hydrogenators and autoclaves manufacturer in India, Hydrogen gas in reactor headspace, Hydrogen gas in reactor headspace Manufacturer , Hydrogen gas in reactor headspace Manufacturer in mumbai , Hydrogen gas in reactor headspace Manufacturer in india Mixing mechanism The self-aspiration agitator Vigorous Gas Liquid mixing A Gas-Induction Reactor is ?tted with Hollow rotating shaft with aspirating holes Minimal side reactions Blower-like impeller at its lower end Reduced Batch times
Since the gas is pumped against the static liquid head, there are restrictions on Excellent Batch-to-Batch Repeatability the L/D ratio of these reactors. Economical designs have L/D ranging from 1 to Large gas-liquid interfacial areas Typical, interfacial area is 100 to 300 m2 1.6, where L is the Tan Height of the vessel. Thorough suspension of solid components (e.g Catalyst) Enhanced Gas-Liquid and Liquid Mass Transfer Rates Very high vessel side heat transfer coef?cients, which approach boling coef?cients Heat Transfer Limpeted Reactor with Magnetic Seal Limpeted Reactor with Mechanical Limpeted Reactor with Magnetic Seal Jacketed Reactor with Magnetic Seal: and internal coils; Agitator Type: Seal; Agitator Type: PBT and Plate Coils; Agitator Type: Gas Agitator Type: OKPL Ef?ciency Combination of OKPL Ef?ciency & Induction Agitator Turbine Semi Anchor GAS INDUCTION REACTOR VS. CONVENTIONAL AGITATED VESSELS GAS INDUCTION REACTOR CONVENTIONAL AGITATED VESSELS Designed for Gas-Liquid reaction applications Suitable for stirring of liquids and slurries. Impeller is designed only to pump gas at the bottom of liquid column. Impeller designs are not energy ef?cient. Hence consumes less power. Gas-Induction creates uniform catalyst suspension resulting in optimum Catalyst suspension may not be uniform and some quantity may settle at the use of charged catalyst quantity. bottom resulting in non participation of this catalyst in the reaction. Generates huge amount of Gas-Liquid interfacial area resulting in fastest Interfacial area is very poor as the agitator is designed only for stirring the mass. possible reaction time with comparatively lower catalyst loadings. Extra catalyst quantity is required to improve sluggish rate of reaction. Faster reaction leads to shortest possible batch time resulting in lesser Due to sluggish rate of reaction, batch time is longer resulting in many unwanted impurities and higher yields. side reactions and lesser yields. Vigorous gas-induction leads to boiling heat transfer co-ef?cients. Hence, Due to sub optimal heat transfer co-ef?cients, heating and cooling times are fastest possible heating and cooling time. longer. Utility loads will be higher. Available with Magnetic seals which are maintenance free and no spares Mechanical seals tend to leak frequently resulting in downtime and production are required to be maintained by user. loss. Expensive seal spares are required to be stocked by user. In-situ Removal of (By) Products
Product Links Quick Links Gas Induction Reactor About Us 022-27696614 / 15 Magnetic Seals Industries Catalyst Filter System Products sales@okpl.com Online Sampling Company journey Gas Induction Reactors Enquiry Downloads R-333 TTC, MIDC Rabale, Navi Mumbai - 400 701 Catalyst Filter Enquiry Training Copyright © OMEGA - KEMIX PVT. LTD... All rights reserved. Designed by: Dreamsoftindia.com