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Embark on a journey towards optimal pet health at Oxford Veterinary Clinic! Wondering how often your furry friend should visit us? It depends on their unique needs! Puppies and kittens may need more frequent check-ups, while healthy adults typically benefit from annual visits. Senior pets and those with specific conditions may require extra attention. Trust Oxford Veterinary Clinic for expert guidance on your pet's wellness journey. Book a visit and let's ensure a vibrant and thriving life for your cherished companions!
HowOftenShould YourPet Visit Oxford Veterinary Clinic forOptimalCare? oxfordveterinaryclinic.com
AboutUs At OxfordVeterinaryClinic, you areingreathands! From making the appointment to the discharge of your pet, our goal is to provide the best communication and care possible. AtOxfordVeterinaryClinic, weoffer awiderangeof veterinary services including preventative care and cutting edgediagnostic tools. With the latest technology, our new modern office is able to providefasterdiagnosis andtreatmentforyourlovingpet.
StandardGuidelines forPetCheckups Puppiesandkittens They should receive comprehensive exams every 3-4 weeks until they turn four monthsold. Thisis crucial, as younger animals have weaker immune systems and are more susceptible to illnesses. Seniorpets Afterturning seven,dogs andcats are considered seniors.Suchpetsshould visitthevettwiceayear,astheir age makes themsusceptibletoavariety ofage-relatedhealthissues. Seniorpets Cats and dogs aged one to seven years should have annual checkups. Regular visits help detecthealth issues before they become severe and costly.
TheImportanceofPreventativeCare Vaccinations Preventative care is a crucial aspect ofpet healthcare. At Oxford Animal Clinic, veterinarians work with you to establish a comprehensive regimen for your pet, which includes vaccinations,dental care, and parasitecontrol. Vaccinations protectyour petagainstvarious contagiousandlife- threatening diseases. Your pet'svaccination schedule depends on factors like age, medical history, lifestyle, and locallaws. Consult your Oxford AnimalCare veterinarian to discuss an appropriatevaccination plan.
KeepingYourPetHealthy Ultimately, the key to your pet's optimal care involves a combination of regular visits to Oxford Animal Hospital and a vigilant observation oftheir health and habits. Be proactive in seeking professional guidance when necessary and follow yourveterinarian'sadviceforpreventativecare. 662-234-3930 oxfordveterinaryclinic.com
DentalCare Preventing bad breath and gumdisease Preservingyourpet'steeth Neglecteddentalcarecanleadtonumerous healthissues.Regulardentalcheckupsand teethcleaningsatOxfordAnimalHospital areessentialfor: Reducing the risk of heart, kidney,andliverdiseases oxfordveterinaryclinic.com
GetinTouch withUs Email oxfordvetclinic@gmail.com Phone 662-234-3930 Location 1623Highway30East,Oxford,MS38655,USA