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Stress by a cow produces less milk. There are many external things that slows down the production, growth, and reproduction of livestock. All physical symptoms cause stress. Infections, poor feet, that danger is lurking. Flu, infections, poor farms, predators and so on. Here is a brief example of how the stress caused by predators can be reduced.
How to protectyoursheep, goats, against wild animals liketigers, wolves and puma. Howcan we stop the tigersfromhuntingus?
The tigerscannotjumpso high. We are save. We willbe back.
Stress by a cow produces less milk. There are many external things that slows down the production, growth, and reproduction of livestock. All physical symptoms cause stress. Infections, poor feet, that danger is lurking. Flu, infections, poor farms, predators and so on. Here is a brief example of how the stress caused by predators can be reduced. Stress Stress Stress
birinektarafındanStresdahaazsütüretir. birçokdışşeyvarüretim, büyümeveüremehayvancılıkazalmaolduğunu. Bütünfizikselbelirtilerstresnedenolabilir. Enfeksiyon, zayıfayaklar, butehlikegözlemliyor. Grip, enfeksiyon, zayıfçiftlikleri, saldırganları vb. Buradaazaltılmışyırtıcıolabilirnedenörneğinkısabirstresolduğununasıl. Turk. Stress Stress Stress