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Shorthorn Cattle. Characteristics of Shorthorn Cattle. They are coloured red white or roan, however one type of short horn has been breed to be consistently white. Red cattle may be solid red or have white markings. They have short horns (hence the name!)
Characteristics of Shorthorn Cattle • They are coloured red white or roan, however one type of short horn has been breed to be consistently white. • Red cattle may be solid red or have white markings. • They have short horns (hence the name!) • They are usually grown specifically for their beef. • The solid red short horns are often used to help maintain solid colours in crosses. • The whites and roans can be used on black cattle to get both blues and blacks.
Short horn bulls are active aggressive breeders and they are many reports of bulls being used in commercial herds for several years. • An advantage of the short horn cross is that they have an excellent rate of gain, good feed conversion and increased tenderness. • So overall the shorthorn is the ideal breed for the production of choice high quality beef.
Reasons why farmers use Shorthorn Cattle • Farmers specialise in using shorthorn cattle for beef and milk. • Shorthorns have been developed to improve the muscling in the breed. • When a dairy shorthorn crossed on other dairy breeds brings improved fertility, improved feet and legs with the darker hoof unless difficulties with calving. These lead to more improved and more functional cows.
Shorthorn cattle are more expensive than your ordinary cows as they are bigger built and more stronger. • The average price would range between €700 and €2000.
History • The breed developed and originated in North East of England. • They were subsequently made for their beef quality. • They used to use the shorthorn for the wagon and the plough.
Interesting Facts • The salivary glands of cattle located beneath the tongue, produce 15 – 20 gallons of saliva per day. • a cow spends 6 hours eating and 8 hours chewing its cud each day. • The average has more then 40000 jaw movements per day.
A cowhide can produce enough leather to make 20 footballs or 18 soccer balls or 18 volleyballs or 12 basketballs. • Beef fat, called tallow, is an ingredient in soaps, cosmetics, candles and chewing gum. • Gelatin, made from bones and horns, is used in making candies, marshmallows, ice cream and photographic film.