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Summer continues, bringing a unique set of safety challenges that demand heightened vigilance from businesses and their employees. As temperatures remain high, so do the risks of heat-related illnesses, sunburn, and other potential hazards. Business owners who take extra proactive measures during the summer have a better chance of protecting employees and maintaining their workforce productivity.
Summer Safety Tips for Protecting Employees
Summer continues, bringing a unique set of safety challenges that demand heightened vigilance from businesses and their employees. As temperatures remain high, so do the risks of heat-related illnesses, sunburn, and other potential hazards. Business owners that take extra proactive measures during the summer have a better chance of protecting employees and maintaining their workforce productivity. Below are some summer safety tips designed to safeguard businesses while prioritizing the wellbeing of employees: 1. Hydration The importance of proper hydration cannot be overstated. Dehydration can lead to decreased concentration, fatigue, and even serious heat-related illnesses. Ensure access to clean, cool drinking water at all times, and consider organizing regular water breaks – especially for those who work outside – to remind staff to stay hydrated throughout the day. 2. Identifying Heat-Related Illnesses Educating employees about the signs of heat-related illnesses and the importance of recognizing early symptoms is important – especially for those who work outdoors. Implementing a buddy system so employees can watch out for each other as time to response is a critical factor. Promptly reporting any concerning signs of heat-related illness can be the difference between a temporary set-back and a serious complication. 3. Air Conditioning and Ventilation Ensuring that workplaces are adequately cooled and ventilated are essential for everyone’s well-being. Scheduling regular maintenance of air conditioning systems goes a long way in preventing breakdowns during heat waves. For workplaces that rely on fans for cooling, positioning them strategically can help to promote proper air circulation.
4. Flexible Work Schedules Consider offering flexible work schedules during exceptionally hot days or heat waves. Allowing employees to adjust their work hours to avoid the hottest times of the day can significantly reduce their exposure to extreme temperatures, promoting better productivity and health. 5. Proper Attire and Sun Protection Implementing a summer dress code that allows employees to wear lightweight, breathable clothing suitable for warmer weather is smart, especially for those who work outdoors. Encourage the use of wide-brimmed hats, when possible, sunglasses, and sunscreen to protect against harmful UV rays during outdoor activities or daily commutes. 6. Summer Driving Safety For employees who drive as part of their job, emphasize summer driving safety. Remind them to check vehicle fluids and tire pressure and ensure that air conditioning is functioning before hitting the road. Encourage them to keep extra water and a first aid kit in their vehicles, particularly for longer trips or when traveling through remote areas. Businesses can create a safer work environment by implementing summer safety tips. For customized risk management, safety, and loss control services contact PMC Risk info@pmcinsurance.com or call us at (781) 449- 7744. Management services at