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We bring to you some of the highly demanding and nutritious grocery items. Pahadilala Having wholesale organic pahadi grain seeds in Uttarakhand like, Mandua Atta, Barnyard Millet, Jakhiya Seeds, Soyabean Pulse, and Kulthi dal. Visit:- https://www.pahadilala.com/pahadi-product <br>Call :- 91-7217874902
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Jakhiya Seeds • Jakhiyaor Cleome viscose used in Gharwalidishes, they use Jakiya for tempering. It enhances the unique and delicious taste of your dish, In Gharwal, they use also use the Faran,choru,dolu and chippi in Gharwali dish. • Jakhiyaseed spices grow in wild or fallow Gharwallands. The Indo-Mongoloid Bhotia (PahadiLala ) tribe of Gharwalhas traditionally collected their spices from high alpine zone riches and arid temperate forests in areas ranging from 600 m to 1,600 m altitude. They also grow spices in their cropland and kitchen gardens and sell them to people living in India.
JhangoraMillets | Barnyard Rice | Sanwa Millets • Buy PahadiJhangora free from chemicals. It is pure and 100% organic product suitable for all age consumers. PahadiJhangora is grown in the fields of Uttarakhand. It can be used as an alternate for rice. It is available in different packaging. • This PahadiJhangora has numerous health benefits and can be used as a regular food intake.
SoyabeanPulse • Order the premium quality Soyabean brought to you from the quality house of PahadiLala Consumer products. This Soyabean is high in nutrition value. It is a pure vegetarian food loved by men and women of age group. Even children love it very much. • Use Soyabean to make varied mouth-watering dishes. It has its multiple health benefits when consumed in recommended quantity. It is high in protein and a must buy consumable product. Visit PahadiLala right now to order the premium quality Soyabean available in different packs.
Mandua Atta • Owing to the Green revolution in the last few decades, the popularity of Mandua Atta or Finger Millet has taken a back seat in the Indian food market. Rice and wheat substituted this highly nutritious cereal in almost all households across the country. It is proven that millet and its variety can improve health when consumed regularly. A high-fiber, vitamin, and antioxidant-rich cereal, millets are one of the healthiest foods available. • Among all the millets- finger millet known by many other names in India is a great aid to health.
Kulthidal • Uttarakhandproduces a large amount of kulthiDal annually and is also one of the preferred foods of the people in Uttarakhand. KulthiDal of Uttarakhand is highly demanded in the market as this pulse is grown without using any adulterant and has a natural texture and taste to it. Producers in the hilly region of Uttarakhand, this pulse is backed with a lot of nutrients and healthy properties. Uttarakhand prepares a wide range of delicacies using kulthi . North Indians enjoy eating kulthidal mainly in winter because of its warming properties. The yield is exceptionally high in high-risk areas of Uttarakhand.