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Education Technology K-12 Voucher Program

Education Technology K-12 Voucher Program. Age of Computers in California Schools. Classrooms Connected to the Internet. Teacher Technology Training over 3 Years. How Ed Tech K-12 Vouchers are Allocated. Qualifying Schools – All benefits will go to:

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Education Technology K-12 Voucher Program

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  1. Education TechnologyK-12 Voucher Program

  2. Age of Computers in California Schools

  3. Classrooms Connected to the Internet

  4. Teacher Technology Training over 3 Years

  5. How Ed Tech K-12 Vouchers are Allocated Qualifying Schools – All benefits will go to: • Public schools at which 40% or more of the students qualify for free or reduced price meals through the National School Lunch Program • Public high schools serving students that come from eligible elementary or middle schools

  6. How Ed Tech K-12 Vouchers are Allocated • Districts must have a current, state-approved technology plan • Districts are required to apply for the vouchers on behalf of their eligible schools • State Special Schools, Direct Funded Charter Schools, and County Offices of Education do not have to meet the state-approved technology plan requirement and will apply on their own behalf

  7. How Ed Tech K-12 Vouchers are Allocated Vouchers • All program benefits will be paid to schools in the form of vouchers that can be redeemed for cash upon proof that eligible schools have purchased qualifying products or services • Vouchers must be redeemed by September 2012

  8. How Ed Tech K-12 Vouchers are Allocated Vouchers • The October 2005 CBEDS data will be used to determine the amount of vouchers for each eligible school • Allocation is based upon the total enrollment at eligible schools • The initial allocation will be approximately $50 per student and will be increased in early 2007

  9. How Ed Tech K-12 Vouchers are Allocated Two Types of Vouchers: • General Purpose Vouchers: 50% of the vouchers will be for a variety of hardware and software products and technology services • Specific Category Software Vouchers: 50% of the vouchers will be for specific categories of computer software

  10. How General Purpose Vouchers can be Used General Purpose Vouchers: • Computer Hardware • Computer Software • IT Support Services • Professional Development Services

  11. How General Purpose Vouchers can be Used Computer Hardware: • Desktop Computers • Laptop Computers • Tablet Computers • Server Computers • Printers • Scanners • Monitors • Keyboards • Pointing devices (e.g., mouse or trackball)

  12. How General Purpose Vouchers can be Used Computer Hardware (cont.): • Equipment for networking and infrastructure (e.g., routers, wireless network access cards, wireless access points) • Hardware for accessing the internet through television sets and internet access for such hardware for students’ homes • Non-custom assistive technology devices

  13. How General Purpose Vouchers can be Used Computer Software: • Any non-custom software sold by any software publisher for use on qualifying eligible computer hardware • Non-custom software for students with special needs • Evaluation tools to assist in monitoring use of the vouchers

  14. How General Purpose Vouchers can be Used IT Support Services: • Services that “primarily” involve the maintenance of hardware procured through this program • Services that “primarily” involve the installation and maintenance of software procured through this program

  15. How General Purpose Vouchers can be Used Professional Development Services: • Leadership development for school administrators in the use of education technology to improve learning at the site or district • General curriculum development and instructional strategies which utilize educational technology to improve instruction

  16. How General Purpose Vouchers can be Used Professional Development Services: • Improvement of technology integration for any software title acquired through this program • Training in use of hardware or software acquired through this program • Certification training for software and networking

  17. How Specific Category Software Vouchers can be Used Specific Category Software Vouchers: • Operating System • Word Processing • Spreadsheet • Presentation Software • Relational Database (oriented toward single users for desktop computers) • Web Authoring • Productivity Suite • Encyclopedia • Server Software (including client access licenses)

  18. How Specific Category Software Vouchers can be Used Specific Category Software Vouchers: • Any qualifying software from any publisher for use on any operating system platform • Includes qualifying software that is bundled with the computers purchased with General Purpose Vouchers • NOTE: You will want to use the Specific Category Software Vouchers for software instead of General Purpose Vouchers whenever possible

  19. IT and Professional Development Services • Approved provider • Eligible services • General Purpose Vouchers

  20. Approved Provider List • Platform neutral • High-quality professional development or IT services • Vendors and districts may apply • Listed on CDE websitehttp://www.cde.ca.gov/ls/et/st/etvproviders.asp

  21. IT Support Services Primarily Involve: • Maintenance of hardware procured through this program • Installation and maintenance of software procured through this program

  22. Professional Development Solely Directed at: • Leadership development • Curriculum and instructional strategies • Software integration • Training on hardware or software acquired with vouchers Must incorporate the use of education technology

  23. Approval of Products and Services • By the Settlement Claims Administrator • Only schools and districts may inquire • Vendors cannot inquire

  24. Vendor Marketing • Do not rely on vendor statements • About product approval • About voucher program • Direct questions to the Settlement Claims Administrator

  25. Possible Consequences for Vendor Misrepresentations • Legal liability • Removal from Approved Providers List • Disapproval of Products and Services

  26. Required Documentation for Product and Service Purchases • Completed Original Voucher Redemption Form • Original proof of purchase • For purchases from vendors, the original itemized receipt or invoice • For services provided through the district, the original spreadsheet, worksheet or internal service order

  27. Voucher Redemption Process • Districts must submit an original Voucher Redemption Form for reimbursement of purchases made for eligible schools

  28. Voucher Redemption Form • Page 1 of the Voucher Redemption Form contains the balance statement for the district • Page 2 is separated into sections for Product Purchases and IT Support Services and Professional Development (PD) Services Purchases

  29. Page 1: Balance Statement

  30. Page 2: Product Purchases

  31. Page 2: IT and PD Services Purchases

  32. Proof of Purchase Circle items on the original receipt or invoice that are submitted for reimbursement

  33. Proof of Purchase If claiming individual items on an invoice or receipt, circle the dollar amount of the products submitted for reimbursement

  34. Proof of Purchase If claiming all items on the invoice or receipt for reimbursement, circle the total invoice price paid

  35. Proof of Purchase If only a portion of a purchase is being claimed for reimbursement, clearly indicate the amount claimed on the invoice or receipt

  36. Proof of Purchase Clearly indicate amount of rebate/discount and actual price paid on the receipt or invoice

  37. Proof of Purchase • Prices for products and services must be itemized • When a computer is purchased with operating system or application software pre-installed, the price of the software must be itemized on the proof of purchase if you wish to apply Specific Category Software Vouchers to cover the cost of the software

  38. Price Certification • Vendor price certification must be clearly visible on the proof of purchase • Vendor certification may be typed or handwritten

  39. Price Certification Examples Sample certification wording for vendors without academic pricing Sample certification wording for vendors with academic pricing

  40. IT Support Services • Documentation must show: • Name of products procured through this settlement being installed or maintained • Flat rate, or hourly rate if applicable • Number of hours spent on the installation or maintenance • Date of installation or maintenance

  41. IT Support Services Documentation Example

  42. Professional Development Services • Documentation for Professional Development services must show: • Name of PD event • Agenda and summary of content • Flat rate, or hourly rate if applicable • Number of hours spent on the PD • If products procured through this settlement were the focus of the PD, then the names of those products should be listed • Dates of the PD • If products received as part of the PD, products and their cost listed separately

  43. Approved Providers • All services must be provided by an Approved Provider of Professional Development or IT Support Services • Note that Approved Provider list does not mean that all services offered by the provider are eligible

  44. Voucher Restrictions • Vouchers may not be redeemed for: • Costs for substitute teachers • Salaries (unless directly related to goods and/or services purchased with program vouchers- such as IT support and professional development, andthe district is an approved provider) • Insurance on goods acquired with program vouchers (warranties are OK) • Indirect costs

  45. Voucher Redemption Timeline Reimbursement checks will be mailed to districts within approximately 30 days from receipt of voucher redemption transaction requirements

  46. District submits voucher redemption requirements to Settlement Claims Administrator (SCA) SCA reviews redemption transaction for requirements District submits requested information Deficiencies? SCA contacts district with request for information Yes No SCA processes voucher redemption transaction SCA distributes check, updated balance statement and redemption form to district SCA updates balances on the distribution date at http://EdTechK12VP.com Voucher Redemption Flowchart

  47. Purchases for Reimbursement • The start date for purchases eligible for redemption is July 1, 2006 • Vouchers must be redeemed by the districts within six years

  48. What determines the date for a purchase? • Vendor products or services: Date of the invoice received from the vendor • District services: Date the service was completed

  49. Examples of Ineligible Products • Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) • Laptop carrying cases (unless purchased with the laptop)

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