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Integrated Science Background Information

Integrated Science Background Information Pamela J.W. Gore Georgia gets Serious about Science Education About 1/3 not passing HS science graduation test (>26,000)

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Integrated Science Background Information

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  1. Integrated ScienceBackground Information Pamela J.W. Gore

  2. Georgia gets Serious about Science Education • About 1/3 not passing HS science graduation test (>26,000)

  3. December 7, 2005 – University System of Georgia Educator Preparation Academic Advisory Committee (EPAAC) recommends new science courses for Early Childhood Education majors in Area F

  4. Reasons given: “Teachers do not have the science knowledge they need. It is also hard to hard to entice those majors into a science course to excite them about science.” Teachers “rote know a lot of stuff but do not understand and cannot explain to students.” Virginia Michelich

  5. Numerous studies have shown that show that science courses should be taught “with interactive activities, cooperative learning, and supportive cultures that positively influence teacher confidence in teaching science, which in turn plays an important part in the quality and quantity of science taught by in-service teachers.” Michelle K. Guziec and Holly Lawson. Journal of College Science Teaching: Mar/Apr 2004; 33, 5; Platinum Periodicals pg. 36.

  6. “Data has shown that students must have opportunities to learn science actively by working with peers and instructors. Conceptual understanding of science and the processes of experimentation and theory-building are more important than memorizing accepted facts and theories.” Change, September/October 2002

  7. “A new set of courses designed to align with the GPS will make sure future K-5 teachers will have content. The intent is to ascertain what they already know and build on that. When we use the term activity-based, I don’t think we are dumbing down the course. Get teachers away from worksheets for their students. This is an opportunity to look at courses and develop them in a different way.” Dorothy Zinsmeister

  8. “This needs to be presented in a manner that is a little more exciting than chemistry and physics are presented now. Make it activity-based and make it more exciting. … There are some faculty members that I would not put in this class. This is not science for science majors.” Tim Goodman

  9. Course Overview as mandated by University System of Georgia EPAAC

  10. Life Science A. Characteristics of Life B. Biodiversity/Heredity C. Energy Flow D. Interdependence of Life/Ecology E. Cells

  11. Earth Science • Earth Systems • Lithosphere (including formation of the solar system) • Hydrosphere • Biosphere

  12. But first…Some background

  13. What does GPS mean?

  14. What does GPS mean? Georgia Performance Standards

  15. Georgia Department of Education Revised the K-12 Curriculum in 2003 • Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) replace QCCs • Fewer topics • More in-depth

  16. February 2004 GA Board of Education decides to adopt National Standards

  17. What are the National Standards?

  18. What are the National Standards? • National Science Education Standards – National Academy of Sciences http://www.nap.edu/html/nses/html • Benchmarks for Science Literacy - Project 2061 - American Association for the Advancement of Science http://www.project2061.org/publications/bsl/online/bolintro.htm

  19. Project 2061?

  20. Project 2061? • Halley’s Comet • Every 75-76 years • 1986-2061

  21. Science teaching is front page news Science tests coming to elementary & MS Need: • Hands-on learning • Better-prepared teachers February 13, 2005

  22. Result of change to the GPS? Fordham Institute Study August 31, 2006 says: • Georgia's New Curriculum: No. 5 in the Nation!The state's new curriculum, the Georgia Performance Standards, is the fifth-best state curriculum in the nation. • The report gave Georgia's curriculum an overall grade of B+, up from a C- in 2000 http://public.doe.k12.ga.us/pea_communications.aspx?ViewMode=0 http://public.doe.k12.ga.us/pea_communications.aspx?ViewMode=1&obj=1241

  23. Good News for Science! • The Science standards received a grade of "B," which is up from an "F" in 2000.

  24. State Grades in 2006

  25. Science standards for 2005

  26. Science Graduation Requirements 2009 Update – Georgia now requires 4 years of science as a high school graduation requirement!!

  27. What are the new Georgia Performance Standards for Science in Elementary grades?

  28. Science StandardsTwo co-requisite sections • Characteristics of Science • Habits of the Mind • The Nature of Science • Content • Earth Science • Physical Science • Life Science

  29. Habits of the Mind S5CS1. Students will be aware of the importance of curiosity, honesty, openness, and skepticism in science and will exhibit these traits in their own efforts to understand how the world works. S5CS2. Students will have the computation and estimation skills necessary for analyzing data and following scientific explanations. S5CS3. Students will use tools and instruments for observing, measuring, and manipulating objects in scientific activities.

  30. Habits of the Mind S5CS4. Students will use ideas of system, model, change, and scale in exploring scientific and technological matters. S5CS5. Students will communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly. S5CS6. Students will question scientific claims and arguments effectively.

  31. The Nature of Science • S5CS7. Students will be familiar with the character of scientific knowledge and how it is achieved. • S5CS8. Students will understand important features of the process of scientific inquiry.

  32. Summary of Science Content Standards – List of major topics

  33. Kindergarten • Day and night sky; sun, moon, stars • Sort rocks and soils on physical attributes • Motion • Living vs. non-living • Animals and plants • Parents and offspring

  34. Grade 1 • Weather patterns • Seasons • Light • Sound • Shadows • Magnets • Characteristics and needs of living things

  35. Grade 2 • Sun, moon, and stars • Seasons • Changes of Earth’s surface • Physical changes • Solid, liquid, gas • Energy and motion • Life cycles

  36. Grade 3 • Rocks & minerals of GA • Soils • Weathering • Fossils • Habitats, organisms in GA • Pollution & conservation • Heat energy, magnets

  37. Grade 4 • Stars and constellations • Solar system • Weather data and forecasting • Water cycle • Light, sound, force, mass, motion • Gravity • Ecosystems, food web/chain • Adaptation, survival and extinction

  38. Grade 5 • Landforms of GA • Constructive & destructive forces (earthquakes, volcanoes, deposition, erosion weathering) • Role of technology in control of the above • Biological classification, inheritance • Cells, microorganisms • Matter, physical and chemical changes • Electricity and magnetism

  39. Standards are online at http://georgiastandards.org

  40. Frameworks are Developedfor Each Unit by DOE • Standards addressed • Enduring Understandings • Essential Questions • Knowledge • Concepts and language (vocabulary) • Misconceptions & proper conceptions • Tasks (activities) • Culminating Activity (evidence of learning)

  41. See Frameworks and Tasksfor each grade levelon DOE website http://georgiastandards.org

  42. What does our new course look like?ISCI 2001Integrated ScienceLife/Earth Science

  43. Course Structure • Introduction to Scientific Methods and Applications • Life Science • Earth Science

  44. A. Demonstrate an understanding of the scientific method and the process of scientific inquiry (should be threaded throughout course) B. Demonstrate an understanding of laboratory safety (should be threaded throughout course) C. Demonstrate an understanding of data collection (observation, measurement, recording, etc.), and the interpretation of data (should be threaded throughout course) Intro. to Scientific Methods and Applications

  45. D. Communicate scientific ideas and activities clearly (should be threaded throughout course) E. Question scientific claims and arguments effectively (should be threaded throughout course) F. Identify patterns of change using records, tables, or graphs of measurements (should be threaded throughout course) Intro. to Scientific Methods and Applications

  46. Life Science A. Characteristics of Life B. Biodiversity/Heredity C. Energy Flow D. Interdependence of Life/Ecology E. Cells

  47. Earth Science • Earth Systems • Exosphere (Astronomy) • Lithosphere (Geology) • Hydrosphere and Atmosphere (Oceanography and Meteorology) • Biosphere

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