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What's the MATTER?. Integrated Science. Name: _______________________ Group #: _____________________ Year and Section: ______________ Teacher: Mr. Baldwin Noelito I. Que. A L earner- C entered L earning E nvironment Module on The Nature of Matter. 1. Dear Lex;
What's the MATTER? Integrated Science Name: _______________________ Group #: _____________________ Year and Section: ______________ Teacher: Mr. Baldwin Noelito I. Que A Learner-Centered Learning Environment Module on The Nature of Matter
1 Dear Lex; I will be home late. Can you cook dinner for us? Dad
2 If you and your partner have named and described all of these things, you may now proceed to the next slide. BUZZ TIME! Get a partner and help Lex in naming all kitchen equipment and materials presented in this slide. Discuss also with your partner the characteristics of all these things. You only have 5 minutes for this, so get going!
Score /20 3 Group WORKSHEET #1Me:___________________________ My Partner: ___________________________ Year & Section: _______ It’s easy to see ways in which cooking utensils, seasonings and others are the same. But in what ways are these kitchen materials the same? How are they different? Work on this activity sheet with your partner. You have 15 minutes for this.
Score /10 4 Individual WORKSHEET #2Name:________________________________________ Year & Section: _______ Respond to each statement twice: once before the lesson and again after reading it. You only have 5 minutes to answer the “Response before Lesson.” Write A if you agree with the statement Write B if you disagree with the statement.
Reason/s: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here’s the list… Casseroles, ladles, pans, salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper stove, match stick, LPG 1 Reason/s: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reason/s: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2 Group the 6 kitchen materials by placing your answer/s inside the box. 3 Reason/s: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What are all of these materials made up of? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Others Score /20 5 Group WORKSHEET #3Me:___________________________ My partner: ____________________________Year & Section: _______ If you are to group the 10 kitchen materials from your Worksheet #1, how would you do it? Give also a reason why you opt to group them as such? You only have 15 minutes for this activity.
Were you able to answerWorksheets #1, 2 and 3 completely? 6 Good job! You may proceed. Yes To find out if your answers in Worksheet #3 are correct, click and read these websites. Website 1: What is matter? http://www.nyu.edu/pages/mathmol/textbook/statesofmatter.html Website 2: Matter is the stuff around you http://www.chem4kids.com/files/matter_intro.html After you have read these websites, answer Worksheet #4. It is really advisable that you complete them first before proceeding to your next task. No
Score /15 7 Individual WORKSHEET #4Name:________________________________________ Year & Section: _______ After you have read websites 1 & 2, answer the questions below. 1. What traits that you used to describe the kitchen materials (in your worksheet #1) are also in the websites given? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. If there is anything that you would change in your worksheet #3, what would it be and why? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What have you discovered that is NEW to you based on what you have read? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8 • Click on these websites and get ready to take down notes. • Website 3: States of Matter • http://www2.mcdaniel.edu/Graduate/TI/pages/LEWIS/matterweb.htm • Website 4: Kinetic Molecular Theory http://www.harcourtschool.com/activity/states_of_matter/ Or http://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/atoms/states.html After surfing these websites, look back at your answer in your worksheet #2 and re-check them. This time, fill out the “Response after lesson” part of the worksheet. To summarize what you have learned from these websites, work on Worksheet #5.
Score /20 9 Group WORKSHEET #5Me:___________________________ My partner: ___________________________ Year & Section: _______ Complete the table below. If you think you can do this one best with a partner then get one. But I challenge you to work on it alone. Your choice… You have only 20 minutes for this activity. You may read websites 3 and 4 again while answering this worksheet.
10 Try answering Practice Tests 1 and 2. Record your correct answers and verify which item you got wrongto find out how you fared and how well prepared you are for the next thing to be done. Remember, be honest! You can only proceed to the next task if you scored at least halfof the items you need to answer. Website 5: Practice Test 1 http://www.school-for-champions.com/science/matter_states.htm#Mini-quiz Website 6:Practice Test 2 http://www.chem4kids.com/extras/quiz_matterstates/index.html
Think about this! 11 • What is your average scores in your FIRST TRY on both tests? Test 1: _______ + Test 2: _______ / 2 = _______ 2. Did you score well in the first 2 practice tests? Test 1: __________ Test 2: __________ 3. Which particular item/s did you answer incorrectly? Test 1: Test 2: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What should you do to re-learn the items you got wrong? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
After you have visited all the websites and completed all the activities, I hope you’ve learned something about the States of Matter. 12 If you got half or more than that in your practice tests, start flipping the pancakes because you are ready to proceed to the next task. Now, check how much you have really learned by answering Worksheet # 6individually. Then compare your answers with your team. But If you didn’t get half, I advise you to go back to: Website 1: What is matter? Website 2: Matter is the stuff around you Website 3: States of Matter Website 4: Kinetic Molecular Theory to re-learn the concepts.
WORKSHEET #6Name: ________________________________________Year & Section: _______ 13 Work with this Flow Chart. Identify the most common states of matter in the 2nd row of the chart. In the 3rd row write down in the first box 1 characteristic you remember about this state of matter without looking at your notes; in the second box use a marker to put dots () showing how the molecules are arranged in this state. You have 10 minutes for this activity.
14 Are you ready for your science project? Meet with your team to discuss the necessary materials for the next activity. Art materials, shell macaroni, 5 x 5 illustration board, glue, yarn, plastic bag, poster paint, glitter to decorate craft projects.
Lex’s Today’s Specialty Molecular Macaroni Task: Description: Materials: Art materials, shell macaroni, 5 x 5 illustration board, glue, yarn, plastic bag, poster paint, glitter to decorate craft projects. Devise a creative way to represent the states of matter using wagon wheels macaroni. Put a label beloweach state of matter and give at least 3 characteristics of each. This activity will help you visualize and understand how particles of matter are bonded and how they move in each state. Grading Scheme: Check the rubric on the next page and ask for a copy of the activity sheet from your teacher.
Performance Reflections! • Read the Rubrics on the next slide. For every criterion, read the description under Excellent, Good and Needs improvement. • Rate your team’s performance by choosing the scores that should be given to your group in all the criteria. • Place your score on the right side column under Team-Rating. • Be reminded that your teacher will also rate you during your lab activity and your team-rating will be compared to his.
Rubrics for Molecular MacaroniTeam #: ____________________ Evaluator’s Name: __________________________
Affective Reflections! • Read the Likert Scale on the next slide. • Rate yourself by checking which level of agreement you think suits your feelings toward this LCLE activity. • Check on the appropriate column that corresponds best to your attitude and experience using the following scale. 4 = Strongly Agree 3 = Agree 2 = Disagree 1 = Strongly Disagree