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Sigma meson cloud and Proton’s light flavor sea quarks

Sigma meson cloud and Proton’s light flavor sea quarks. Peking University, China ( 北京大学 ) Feng Huang ( 黄 峰) Supervisor: Bo-Qiang Ma (马伯强). outline. Introduction Meson cloud model Adding sigma meson in this model Summary. Introduction. Gottfried sum rule (GSR)

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Sigma meson cloud and Proton’s light flavor sea quarks

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  1. Sigma meson cloudand Proton’s light flavor seaquarks Peking University, China (北京大学) Feng Huang (黄 峰) Supervisor: Bo-Qiang Ma (马伯强)

  2. outline • Introduction • Meson cloud model • Adding sigma meson in this model • Summary

  3. Introduction • Gottfried sum rule (GSR) • NMC results in 1994 (first in 1991) imply

  4. Light flavor sea quarks in proton

  5. Chiral quark model Meson cloud model (directly including mesons) Lattice gauge approach Instanton induced interaction Statistical model Chiral quark soliton model (not directly including mesons) Explanations for this asymmetry

  6. Meson cloud model • The nucleon was viewed as a bare nucleon plus a series of baryon-meson Fock states which result from the fluctuation of nucleon to baryon plus meson then the physical proton wave function is

  7. So the quark distribution functions q(x) in the proton is the splitting function is

  8. We use time-ordered perturbation theory in the infinite momentum frame to calculate this function

  9. the quark distribution functions of Pi meson with the splitting function convolution

  10. In a full calculation, we should include all kinds of mesons and baryons. While the probability of baryon-meson fluctuation should decrease with the invariant mass of the baryon-meson Fock state increasing, we can neglect the effects of Fock states with higherinvariant mass Pion, the lightest meson, plays the dominant role. Difference between u_bar and d_bar in virtual pion clouds can provide the large lightflavor asymmetry in proton naturally

  11. Pi mesonic contribution

  12. Problem in description for The dominant role is played by the pion, while itprovides the ratio either increases monotonically with x or turns back towards unity too slowly.

  13. Flavor symmetric sea contribution • bare nucleon sea quarks (M. Alberg, E. M. Henley, Nucl. Phys. A663 (2000) 301) • isoscalar meson, such as omega, sigma (M. Alberg, E. M. Henley, G. A. Miller, Phys. Lett. B471 (2000) 396)

  14. Using different bare sea quarks Comparison of a harder bare nucleon sea quarks (thick solid line) with a traditional bare sea quarks (dashed line) . The thin solid line is only Pi contribution to the ratio

  15. Adding sigma meson in this model • Sigma meson a) isoscalar scalar meson b) chiral partner of Pi c) not well established in experiment

  16. The splitting function

  17. the quark distribution functions of sigma meson We assume the valence and sea quark distribution of mesons related here are the same.

  18. Adding sigma effects here Our calculations illustrate that the larger value of tends to give small values of the ratio and decreasing causes the maximum value of the ratio to be large and to appear at higher value of x

  19. Together with omega meson • compare pion+omega (dashed curve, Alberg-Henley’s work) to pion+omega+sigma.

  20. Parameters related omega meson • Lambda_omega as 1.5GeV could cover over the sigma contribution • we present the number of the related mesons in the proton with the different cutoff values

  21. Parameters and meson numbers in the proton • The larger cutoff value leads to a large meson number in proton • A reasonable picture of proton favors smaller cutoff of omega

  22. Summary • The inclusion of the sigmameson cloud effects has an improvement of the description for light flavor sea quarks in the proton • We also provides a picture of a reasonable small n_omega with a smaller cutoff in the proton. • Sigma meson may play an important role in meson cloud model

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