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News service Nærinytt – for trade and companies www.narinytt.no Newsletter giving news on the EU/EEA at an early date, and profile partner searches from the whole of Europe . Brusselnytt - for municipalities and local planners www.west-norway.no/newsletter.php
News service Nærinytt – for trade and companies www.narinytt.no Newsletter giving news on the EU/EEA at an early date, and profile partner searches from the whole of Europe. Brusselnytt - for municipalities and local planners www.west-norway.no/newsletter.php Newsletters with general EU-information published by the European Office for The Office of Western Norway in Brussels. Unytt - for young people and internationalization www.unytt.no Newsletter on possibilities for voluntary work, education and work practice in European countries Regional co-operation The Office of Western Norway in Brusselswww.west-norway.no A co-operation between local authorities and counties in Western Norway in order to strengthen common interests in Europe. Please contact: Øyvind Dahl, tel: +47 55 23 95 31, E-mail: oyvind.dahl@hordaland-f.kommune.no The German Office - Companynet www.companynet.info Project: Economic and business development between Hordaland and Thuringia in Germany. ENABLE - Enabling European Regional Entrepreneurshipwww.enable-net.info Transregional programme on regional development: Thuringia, Carinthia, Hordaland, Sogn & Fjordane and Kaunas SIV: Internationalization in Western Norway The European Office and the County Council of Sogn & Fjordane direct their effort on project co-operation. Other regions:Kaunas, Newcastle,Cardiff, Caen, the Orkneys etc. For all please contact: Thore Thomassen, tel: +47 55 23 95 36 The European Office in Hordaland County Council The European Office has developed a broad field of services within most areas of the EEA-Agreement. Today the European Office embodies a comprehensive network of information and councelling services. Focus areas are: * Economic and business development * Information and News services * Learning abroad – Education in Europe * Regional co-operation Please contact:Hordaland County Council, European OfficeP.O.Box 7900, N-5020 Bergen, Norway Visit: Agnes Mowinckelsgt. 5,BergenE-mail: europakontoret@hordaland-f.kommune.noTel: +47 55 23 93 06 Fax:+47 55 23 93 19 April 2005 www.europakontoret.no/engelsk.asp
Information service Ask the European Office www.europakontoret.no The European Office answers questions regarding the EU and EEA. This is a free service. Please contactthe European Office, tel: +47 55 23 93 06, www.europakontoret.no E-mail: europakontoret@hordaland-f.kommune.no Learning in Europe THE LEONARDO DA VINCI Progamme www.europakontoret.no/leonardo Leonardo da Vinci is EU’s education programme for vocational training on all levels. It includes students, apprentices and young workers as well as instructors. We may assist in the application process and help organizing placements in Europe. Please contact: Kirsten M. Ese, tel: +47 55 23 95 35 E-mail: kirsten.ese@hordaland-f.kommune.no The YOUTH Programme www.unytt.no The Youth programme is EU’s mobility and non-formal education programme targeting young people between 15 and 25 years. The Programme is open to young People in 31 European countries and offers possibilities to young people in the form of both group exchanges and individual voluntary work. Please contact: Barbara Harterink, tel: +47 55 23 95 33 E-mail: barbara.harterink@hordaland-f.kommune.no Newsletter advancing internationalization for young people: Development of Trade and Industry Vestnett:Database for companies in Western Norway www.vestnett.no The European Office, The Office of Western Norway in Brussels, Innovation Norway etc. register companies and pass on informationon the EU/EEA via the Vestnett. One may register one’s company and receive targeted news from our ”Nærinytt” newsletter. Please contact: Tore Ryland, tel.: +47 55 23 95 32 Partnersearch www.narinytt.no In co-operation with the Chr. Michelsen Research (CMR), The European Office spreads technologically oriented partner searches from all European countries via ”Nærinytt” Euro Info Centre-WestAdvisory service for small- and medium sized enterprises. The service is run by the European Office and Western Norway Research Institute Please contact: Øyvind Dahl, tel: + 47 55 23 95 31 Focus on Eastern Europe The European Office directs its efforts towards using EU- programmes and the EEA financial mechanisms as a means of developing business co-operation with Eastern Europe Please contact: Thore Thomassen, tel: +47 55 23 95 36 ENABLE - Enabling European Regional Entrepreneurshipwww.enable-net.info Transregional RFO programme on regional development: Thuringia, Carinthia, Hordaland, Sogn & Fjordane and Kaunas Please contact: Thore Thomassen, tel +47 55 23 95 36 Nærinytt - newsletter for trades and companies www.narinytt.no Targeted EU/EEA news and partner searches are sent to companies in Vestnett. Product of the BINET project – Business Information Network in Western Norway. Please contact: Marit Einen, tel: +47 55 23 95 40 www.unytt.no