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How is artificial intelligence used in HR

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a very new and fascinating technology that is already being applied in several HR tasks. This article will discuss how artificial intelligence is being utilized, who is using it, and which industries are most likely to gain from it.

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How is artificial intelligence used in HR

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  1. Howisartificialintelligenceused inHR? Introduction Artificialintelligence(AI) isthesimulationofhumanintelligenceprocessesby machines,especiallycomputersystems. The term"artificialintelligence" is applied when a machine mimics"cognitive" functions that humansassociate withother human minds,such as"learning" and "problem-solving". While AI has been around for decades in many shapes and forms, it has recently

  2. seen boom progress because of the vast amounts of data technology companies havein their hands. The impact this boom has on human resources management, training, and recruitment canbepositive butthereare alsofearsaboutmachines takingover humantasks. AI is disruptingnearly every industry.AI is expected to drivebusiness value as highas $1.2 trillion by 2022. The hospitality industrycould seeover $100billion in value-added to its revenue, while retailandmanufacturingstand to gainapproximately$285billionand $575 billion respectivelyby2020.HRhasplenty to gainfrom theAIrevolutionaswell, whether it's sheddinglabor-intensive processes with its automated workflowsor supporting executives in their strategic decision-making. Let’s dive into thesesections briefly Section:Where is artificial intelligence in HR? Section: What’s the future of AI and human resources? Takeaway:Artificialintelligencehas manybenefitsforthe humanresource department.

  3. WhereisartificialintelligenceinHR? Artificial intelligence is only asgoodasthe peoplewhotell it what to do. Hereare someways AI could be used inHR: Employeeengagement: Some companiesareusingartificialintelligence to measureemployee satisfaction and track employeeengagement at work. Theidea isto collect data on an ongoing basis,then use itto improve recruiting, onboarding, management, andcompany culture. Performancemanagement: It's possible that AIwill eventually beable tomanageperformance reviews and evaluations, but we'renot quitethere yet.These conversationsneed realhuman interaction to be effective. However, some companies are using AI tools to automatecertaintasksassociatedwithpayrollandbenefitsadministrationsoHR professionalscan focus on more strategic tasks. Recruitmentandhiring: Some companiesusechatbots forscreeningjob candidatesduringthe firststage

  4. of the recruitment process. They engage with job seekers by asking questions about theirexperienceand qualificationsanddeterminingwhether they're a good matchfor the position they applied for. What’sthefuture ofAIand humanresources? The future of AI and human resources is bright. AI will help HR recruit the right people, in less time, and at a lower cost per hire. The most impactful part of AI will be enabling companies to get to know their jobapplicants better. AI will enable employers to capture more information about job applicants and do so in a way that doesn’t create a bad candidate experience. In fact, AI will enable employersto create a great candidate experience. The amount ofdata thatemployers haveon jobapplicants hashistorically been quite limited. In addition to resumesandcover letters,you couldget references from past employersand you mighteven be able to get someinformation from social mediaprofiles(likeLinkedIn).Butthesesourcesare allbiasedbywhatthe applicantchooses to share about themselves. AI will expand the amountof data that employershave about job candidates because it won’t depend on what an applicant chooses to share about themselves. AI willhelpusunderstand howwellpeopleactually worktogetherwiththeir

  5. colleagues, how much they like their work environment, how committed they are, how happy they are, and how much they enjoy working with their colleagues and managers. But beforewe gettoo farinto whatAI cando forhuman resourcestoday,let’s addressthe elephant in the room: the fear factor. Therearetwo typesofpeople whenit comestoAI: Those who see it as a threat and thosewho see it as anopportunity. Those who see it as a threat are concerned aboutrobots taking overtheir jobs – orworse, The Terminator and Skynet. On the other hand, those who see it as an opportunity believethat AIcan makepeople betterat theirjobsby automating certainmundanetasksandintegratingwithothertoolsforsmarterdatainsights. When you look at how many newtools have entered the market overthe past decade alone,most peoplefall intothelatter category.From sales to marketing to customer service, technology has helped people become so much more efficient attheirjobsthantheyever were in thepast.Yetthere arestillcriticsout there whobelievethat salesenablementtools havetakenaway fromreps’time. HR professionals already have access toa wide range oftechnologies that can improve efficiency and productivity, including time and attendance software. This software is especially useful because it can help HR departments not only manage their team butmake labor-related decisions, suchas scheduling and budgeting. However, AI has thepotential to take thetasks handled by these

  6. kindsofsoftwaretothenextlevel. Artificial intelligence hasmany benefitsfor thehuman resource department. Artificialintelligencehasmanybenefitsforthehumanresourcedepartment.Here aresome of the main ways it can help: Improve thehiringprocessbyreducing biasandprovidingbetterinsights. Helpmanagers managemore effectivelyand improveemployee engagement. Identify talent in yourorganization thatmightotherwise beoverlooked Streamline management processes and time-consumingtasks such as payroll, benefits,andemployee training. Artificial intelligence is transformingthefuture ofwork. In fact,according to a recent Gartnersurvey, 43%oforganizations arealreadyusing AI in someform, andanother 41% plan to do so within two years. The department that is likely to be transformed by artificial intelligence is the human resource department and its role in recruiting, selecting, training, and retainingemployees. Therecruiter'srole in selectingapplicantsforanopenpositionhastypically

  7. involved reviewingresumesand applications,conductinginterviews, andmaking hiringdecisions. However, AI technology can be used to analyze data about applicants at a scale that no human could ever achieve. It can also save time and money associated with therecruitment processaswell asincrease thelikelihoodof makinggood hiringdecisions. For example, AI systems can screen resumes and applicationforms based on keywords or qualifications suchas language fluencyor education levels.Such systems can also be used to identify patterns in data linked to successful candidates thatmight havebeen overlookedbyrecruiters in the past.Automating some aspectsof therecruitment processfrees uprecruiters' timeso theycan focuson other aspects of the job. Conclusion: Aquestionaskedofpeopleoftenis"willartificialintelligencereplace?"InHR, that meanswill A.I.replace therecruiter? Theanswer is absolutelynot andfor many reasons. A.I. canbe used to improve and supportthe work ofrecruiters bothlargeandsmallalike.Employerscanbenefitbyutilizingartificialintelligence inthe recruitment process and HR managementprocesses. NewBlogPosts: Top9reasons whycompanies investin anattendance managementsystem

  8. 2022public holidays entitlement HRguide in Singapore

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