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From hiring top talents to managing hectic payroll periods, HR leaders have been handling a heavy workload not until digital HR solutions started to make its way into the business industries.<br><br>As we adapt to digital transformation, many organisations have begun to deliberate whether HR solutions are good for the business or not.<br><br>Some might wonder about the true value of HR solutions, especially the non-tech savvy people within an organisation. Theyu2019re most likely to fall prey to the many myths surrounding HR technology.
HRSolutions:MythsVsReality |QuickHR Singapore Fromhiringtoptalentstomanaginghecticpayrollperiods,HRleadershavebeen handlingaheavyworkloadnotuntildigitalHRsolutionsstartedtomakeitsway into thebusiness industries. Asweadapttodigitaltransformation,manyorganisationshavebegunto deliberatewhether HR solutionsaregood forthebusiness or not.
SomemightwonderaboutthetruevalueofHRsolutions,especiallythenon-techSomemightwonderaboutthetruevalueofHRsolutions,especiallythenon-tech savvy people within an organisation. They’re most likely to fall prey to the many mythssurrounding HR technology. For all the HR professionals out there, who are looking to invest in automated HR software, join us as we debunk the common myths surrounding HR technology to ensure smooth business workflowand efficient employee experience! Myth#1:There’sno need toinvestinanHRsolution. Have you already proposed the HR software implementation at an executive board meeting, onlytohearthem saythatthere’s noneedtoinvestinanHR solution? As we all know, there are some people who aren’t convinced of the capability of automated HR solutions, believing that it’ll only lead to inaccurate and inconsistent workflow as well as discrepancies in calculations. Some would also say that it’d onlybeawasteoftimeandmoney becauseofthecomplexityandhigh- maintaining costs. RealityCheck: In contrast to this misconception, HR solutions are capable of providing automatic andaccuratecalculations of payroll, leave, and claims, and more. Almost all of HRMS platforms are tailored to the company’s specific policies and computations, ensuring precise and error-freeresults.
Inaddition,HRsoftwarecanhelpstreamlinemultipleHRtaskssuchasattendanceInaddition,HRsoftwarecanhelpstreamlinemultipleHRtaskssuchasattendance tracking, staff scheduling, hiring, appraisals, and so on, allowing you to efficiently manage HR processesallinone platform. If you’re unsure if you need HR software, think about how much time you spend on day-to-day recruiting, managing attendance, and payroll duties. If it’s more than 30 minutes a day, you should be using HR and payroll software that can give you the insightsand datayou needtosavemuch time for other higher-value tasks. Myth#2:HRsoftware isonly forlargecompanies. AcquiringanHRMSsoftwareduring theearlystagesofabusinessisoften discouraged becauseit isseenasunnecessaryformanaging asmall team. Moreover,with thetighter budgetandlimitedresources,SMEs wouldprefer to keep a small workforce and save as much as they can to maintain everything in balance. RealityCheck: Manyaren’tawareof thefact that there are many viable HR software services designedspecificallyforstartupsandsmallbusinesses.Itcomesdown to choosing the right one that’ll bring the most value by meeting your business needs andworkingwithyoutogrowyourcompany. SomeHRsolutionprovidersareofferingcost-effectivemonthlysubscriptionplans
featuring valuableHR tools withreal-timeaccess tothemost up-to-date information.It’salsoimportanttonotethatsometoolsarefree,evenwith limitations. HR solutions also come with maximised data storage where you can easily keep track of the oldest records. As your company scales, these archives and records can help you gain deeper insights to address the issues that may surface when managingyourgrowing team. Myth#3-HRMSsoftwarecostsafortune. When someone talksaboutinvestingin an HR software, you might’ve probably heard that it demands high costs and that it’s not worth the expense. Therefore, someorganisationsfindthe HRsolutions asanexpenseratherthanan investment. Butif you can try to look at the big picture, you can see the true value of investing in an HR software. For instance, are you aware of how low-level tasks in a day’s work are often quick to go unnoticed? How many dollars are going into currently managing administrative tasks? How much can be saved and gained by using an HRsoftware? RealityCheck: Ifyoudeeplylookintoit,youcansavesomuchmorethroughutilisinganHR
software.Forinstance,ifyou’reearning$10perhourandspending4hoursonsoftware.Forinstance,ifyou’reearning$10perhourandspending4hourson administrative tasks on a typical day, that’s roughly 960 hours and $9,600 of your yearlypaydesignatedtoprocessesthatcaneasily bedone withinminutes. Therefore, a holistic HR software can cut down your administrative costs to almost 60%, especially if you opt for a cloud-based HR solution where all the updates get automaticallysyncedunlikeon-premise. Itsaves alotoftimethatgoesinpayrollprocessing,leaveandclaims management, attendance tracking, recruitment, and more. Using the saved time for doingotherrelevant taskscrucialfor businessgrowth caneventually increase revenue. Thus, contrary to the well-known belief, it reduces your overall costs in the long- term and increasestheoverallrevenue. Most importantly, the estimated costs for an HRMS software also depends on the modules you’reusing.Instead of paying for the whole suite of HR solutions, you justneed topayfor the modules youdecide to use.Also, theinstallation and subscription costs arerelativelylow. Myth #4- Setting up a cloud-based HRMS is too complex and time-consuming. When asking for employees’ feedback about an implementation of HR software, mostofthemwouldprobablyhaveconcernsoverthecomplexityoftheprocesses,
sayingthatitmighttaketoomuchoftheirtimetolearnthefunctionalitiesandgetsayingthatitmighttaketoomuchoftheirtimetolearnthefunctionalitiesandget usedto thenew workflow. These automated functionalities may sound complex at first. However, many aren’t aware that there are many HRMS platforms designed with user-friendly interface, mainlyforpeople who are inexperienced with HR processes. RealityCheck: HRsoftwareisbuiltaround the conceptofmaking employeemanagement processesmoreefficient for notonly managers butemployees as well. Cloud-basedHRMS solution is way easier to implement. Migrating the data from thecompany’sold system to HR software platform takes a couple of days and after that, every employee can access it via mobile or desktop over the internet. Sincethere'sno hardware installation is required, a major IT involvement is not necessary. Within the software, there are also certain features with tutorials or step-by-step guides on performing tasks in the platform. This way, users will be able to master their software and be able to getupand runningquickly ateveryopportunity. Furthermore, HR software companies offer excellent support before and after your purchase including 24/7 email support or live chat help – making implementing HR technology easierthanever. Ifyou don’tthinkyourteamwillgiveit muchuse,engagethemfromthevery
beginning.Allowthemtohaveasayinwhichsoftwaretheythinkisbestsuitedbeginning.Allowthemtohaveasayinwhichsoftwaretheythinkisbestsuited towardstheirneedsandthey’lllikelybemore excitedtouseit once implemented. Yourteamwill certainlyappreciatehavinggreatercontrolovermanagingand accessingtheirowninformationwithouthavingtopassthroughHR everytime. Besides,withtech-orientedmillennials nowmakingup themajorityofthe workforce, they willbe quicktoembrace the software for its convenience and efficiency. Myth#5-Thecompanydatawill beatrisk. We all witnessed the security breach that shook one of the world’s largest tech conglomerate, Apple. Neither are we oblivious to the flurry of data breach issues at Facebook. The ever-growingcyber threats to businesses raised fears across all organisations. RealityCheck: Whiletherehavebeennumerous casesofdata breaches, cloud-basedHR solutionscontinuetobeoneofthe safestandcost-effective waysfor organizations to store and access data. Most cloud HR software vendors provide excellentsecurityandencryptionfeaturestosafeguardalltheconfidentialdata. HR software iscapable of implementing strongsecurityprotocols and updating thesystemwiththelatestpoliciesforbettersafety.itstoresdatainanencrypted
formatandhasbuilt-inaccessrulestopermitorpreventaccesstodifferenttypesformatandhasbuilt-inaccessrulestopermitorpreventaccesstodifferenttypes ofemployeeinformation. Withheighteneddatasecurity, allemployeeandbusinessrecordsarestored securely on itsservers. Conclusion Every organisationmight be confronted withone misconception toother.Just remember that HR software isn’t a fancy new tool or a luxury for an organisation. Instead, it’s increasingly becoming a necessity for organisations to automate low- level HR tasksand helptheirteamsimprovedailyworkflow. Signupfora14-days freetrial Source:https://quickhr.co/best-hr-solution-in-singapore