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The post-pandemic scene has filled 2021 with both anticipation and doubts. Some have successfully adapted to the major changes, while others are still struggling to adjust to the newly implemented solutions. Nevertheless, we still have a lot of opportunities to look forward to in 2022!<br><br>With that in mind, we can start to prepare and plan for the public holidays this coming 2022!<br><br>Singapore Public Holidays and Long Weekends 2022<br>The Ministry of Manpower (MOM) has revised public holidays in 2022. With the new inclusion of 10 July 2022 (Sunday) as a public holiday for Hari Raya Haji.
Public holidays 2022: Entitlement HR GuideinSingapore Anna Beatrice Thepost-pandemicscenehasfilled2021withbothanticipationanddoubts. Some have successfully adapted to the major changes, while others are still strugglingtoadjust to the newly implemented solutions. Nevertheless, we still havea lot of opportunities tolook forward to in 2022! With that in mind, we can start to prepare and plan for the public holidays this coming2022! SingaporePublicHolidaysandLongWeekends2022 TheMinistryofManpower(MOM)hasrevisedpublicholidaysin2022.With the new inclusion of 10 July 2022 (Sunday) as a public holiday for Hari Raya Haji, there will now be a total of 6 long weekends. Six of the 11 public holidays fallon aFriday,Sunday, or Monday.
Here'sthe2022holidaycalendartofindoutmoreaboutthelongweekendsHere'sthe2022holidaycalendartofindoutmoreaboutthelongweekends thatyou'llhavenextyear. ForHRmanagersandemployeeswhoweren'tabletotakealongvacation thisyear,2022offersmoreopportunitiestospendmoretimewithfamilyand
friends.Ifyouthoroughlyplanitout,youcanenjoylongervacationswithoutfriends.Ifyouthoroughlyplanitout,youcanenjoylongervacationswithout havingtotakeextraannualleave. EverythingYouNeedtoKnowAboutPublicHolidays Entitlementand Pay
MOMhasmadesomeamendmentstotheEmploymentActduringpreand • post-pandemic. These changes are made to ensure that all employees are fairly andrightfully compensated during theholiday periods. • WhoIsCoveredbytheEmploymentAct? • An employee is covered if he/she is working under a contract of service with an employer.The EmploymentAct coverslocal and foreign employees. • Anemployeecanbeemployedinthefollowingterms: • Full-time • Part-time • Temporary • Contract • If an employee works less than 35 hours a week, he/she is a part-time employee coveredby theEmployment of Part-Time Employees Regulations. • Seafarers,domesticworkers,andpublicofficerscontinuetobeexcludedfrom the coverage (the Employment Act). These categories are covered by other Acts andregulations because of the natureof their work. • WhoIsCoveredunderPartIVoftheEmploymentAct? • Workmen(doingmanuallabour)earnabasicmonthlysalaryofnotmorethan • $4,500 • Non-workmenthatearnupto$2,600 • As of 1 Apr 2019, all managers and executives earning a monthly basic salary of more than $4,500 are entitled to core provisions of the Employment Act, suchas paid public holidays.
Herearesomeimportantguidelines youneed tokeep inmind whilemanaging • yourpayroll: • Everyemployeeisentitledto11paidpublicholidaysayear.Ifanemployeeis required to work on a public holiday, the employer should pay the employee anextra day's salaryor grant aday off inlieu. • Employeesareentitledtotheirgrossrateofpayonapublicholidayifthey’re notabsent on aworking day beforeor after aholiday. • They’realsoentitledifthey’reonanauthorizedleave(e.g.annualleave,sick leave,unpaid leave) onthe day beforeor after aholiday. • EmployeesareNOTentitledtoholidaypayiftheholidayfallsontheir approvedunpaid leave. • Ifapublicholidayfallsonan employee’s restday,thefollowing workingday • willbeapaidpublicholiday.The employeeisentitledtoanotherdayoffor one extraday's salary in lieuof the public holiday. • For instance, if an employee is on a 5-day work week, Saturday would be considered his/her non-working day. For a public holiday that falls on a rest dayornon-workingday,theemployeeshouldgeteitheradayofforasalary inlieu. • IfanemployeeisnotcoveredbytheEmploymentAct,thetermswillbebased onthe employment contract. • Theemployerandemployeecanmutuallyagreetosubstituteapublicholiday foranother working day. • An employer has the additional option of granting time-off-in-lieu, based on amutually agreed number of hours, for working on a public holiday for thesegroup of employees: • Workmenearningmorethan$4,500amonth • Non-workmenearningmorethan$2,600amonth • Allmanagersandexecutives • If there’s no mutuallyagreed number ofhours, you mayfollow this guideline:
Foremployeeswhoworked4hoursorless onaholiday,grantthemtimeoff in lieuof 4 hours ona working day. • Foremployeeswhoworkedmorethan4hoursonaholiday,grantthemafull dayoff on a working day. • You can also use this public holiday pay calculator [3] to check the employee’s pay for working on a public holiday that falls on a working day or non-working day. • NOTE:Thiscalculatorisonlyapplicable for full-time employees covered by theEmploymentAct. • StreamlineYourPublicHolidayandLeaveManagement • WiththechangesinMOM’s EmploymentAct,HR managers will need to streamlinetheir payrollprocessing and leavemanagement. • With integrated HR solutions such as the all-inclusive QuickHR software, you canexperienceautomatedandoptimizedpayrollandleavemanagementin oneplatform. • QuickHR’sfool-proof leave management systemcomes with a multi-tiered approval system, easy tracking of leave status, and detailed reports to help manageemployees' requests in real-time. • Employees can apply for leaves and HR managers can approve requests anytimeand anywhere with QuickHR’s mobile app. • QuickHR’sversatilepayrollsystemisfully integrated with employee data, leave, timesheets, salary allocations, and more, ensuring that every employee willbe paid fairly and punctually. • Ourcomprehensivepayroll module also allows automatic calculations and deductionsinadherencetogovernmentregulations.Theseincludetailored
CPFformulations,auto-calculatedSDLcontributions,BankGIROandCPFCPFformulations,auto-calculatedSDLcontributions,BankGIROandCPF submissionfeatures,andMOMitemisedpayslips. AtQuickHR,wealwaysensurethatourHRMSsoftwareisregularlyupdated tothe latest changeson public holidays andother regulations. IfyouwanttoknowmoreaboutQuickHR,youmaycontactusorrequesta freedemo with absolutely noterms and conditions!