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Top 9 Reasons Why Companies Invest in an Attendance Management System

Managing employee's attendance has been a tough challenge due to the hybrid work arrangements amidst the post-COVID situation. In such situations, manual attendance tracking will only put a strain on HR's<br><br>productivity as well as employee's morale.<br><br>As a result, many organizations have started to replace paper-based or Excel timesheets with automated attendance management systems. A reliable and holistic attendance management software helps companies maintain accurate attendance records, save time, and minimize heavy workload.<br><br>What Is Attendance Management Software?<br>Read more

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Top 9 Reasons Why Companies Invest in an Attendance Management System

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  1. Top9ReasonsWhyCompanies InvestinanAttendanceManagement System Managingemployee'sattendancehasbeenatoughchallengeduetothe hybrid work arrangements amidst the post-COVID situation. In such situations, manualattendancetrackingwillonly put a strain on HR's productivity as well asemployee's morale. As a result, many organizations have started to replace paper-based or Excel timesheets with automated attendance management systems. A reliable and holistic attendance management software helps companies maintain accurate attendancerecords, savetime, and minimizeheavy workload. WhatIsAttendanceManagementSoftware? Attendancemanagementsoftwareallowsautomatedtrackingof employeeworkinghours,logintime,departures,breaks,andtimeoff, helpingHRprofessionalstomonitorandupdateemployee'sattendance recordsin a streamlined manner. Attendance management systems are integrated with biometric devices tomanagetherealtimeclockineffectivelyandoutrecordsofthe employeesthrough fingerprintscanning or facialrecognition.

  2. WhydoCompanieschoosetoInvestinAttendance ManagementSoftware? Duetoitsversatilefeaturesandfunctionality,investinginattendance management software has become a necessity for businesses of all types and sizes. Read on to find out how attendance management systems can help bringout the best in yourbusiness. Improvesvisibilityacrosshybridwork arrangements As we continue to deal with the workplace changes caused by the pandemic, manyHR managers are struggling to adapt to remote/hybrid work schedules. In such situations, attendance tracking can be challenging. You can’t monitor remote workers constantly when they’re on the job, at home, or traveling for workunless you have asupernatural vision. Fortunately,anattendancemanagementsystemcomeswithGPS functionality that helps you acquire accurate updates regarding employees’ whereabouts during their work shift. Youcan also see where the employees are logging in from. These records can help you make sure they’re at a place wherethey really need to be. Simplifiesworkflowmanagement Traditional spreadsheets and manual tracking have now been replaced by automated attendance management systems which offer graphical views of attendancerecords.HRmanagerscaneasilymonitorandanalyzeevery employee’s attendanceperformance,helpingthempreparedetailedand accurateattendance reports.

  3. Asidefromthis,employeescanrequesttime-offorleavedirectlyfromtheAsidefromthis,employeescanrequesttime-offorleavedirectlyfromthe softwareand theonly thing that’s left todo is toapprove it. Helpsinadvancedscheduling A last-minute change to work schedules can cause conflicts with the daily workflowiftheemployeeis not immediately informed about it. Instead of relyingonE-mails,callsortexts, the attendance management system can helpinensuringthatemployeeswillreceiveimmediateupdatesonthe changesintheirworkschedule.Thiseliminatesthechancesofmissingtexts orwork interruptions that mayresult in massive chaosat the end. One of the best things about an attendance system is that HR can monitor, update, and organise different work schedules for every employee in real-time. Thisway,HRteamscanmonitorshortfallsandplanforreliefstaffespecially fora limited workforce withchanging shifts. Boostsproductivityandinstillsdiscipline To improve professionalism and working commitment within the company, it’s important to establish work ethics such as ensuring that employees will abideby work schedule guidelines. With automated and accurate attendance tracking, HR can easily identify which employees have poor attendance and take action to address this concern.Themanagementcanopenanhonestdiscussionwiththe employeestofigureoutthefactorsthat affect their attendance and make a wisedecision.

  4. Byconstantlyanalyzingeveryemployee’sattendance,HRcaneffectivelyByconstantlyanalyzingeveryemployee’sattendance,HRcaneffectively ensure discipline and punctuality across all departments, leading to employee productivityand timely completion oftasks. Keeptrackofemployeeperformance Daily attendance is a critical factor for assessing employee performance. Their performancesreflectthecurrentlevelofengagementtowardstheirwork.If you notice a decline in their productivity, you can attribute it to their overall attendanceand use It tohold them accountable fortheir work. Employees’ clock-in and clock-out times, as well as how often they are present in their workplace, can be tracked by attendance software. As a result, HR managers won’t have to sift through records or excel sheets to keep track ofevery employee’s attendance. Preventfalseattendance Traditional attendancetrackingmethodscanbeeasilymanipulated.An employeecouldtakeanunscheduleddayoff byaskingoneoftheir co-workers to punch in for them, or by providing someone with their login credentialsto record the information. Withthebiometricsystemembeddedinattendancemanagement software,employeeswill not be able to make a fake attendance as it is impossible to fake someone’s fingerprint or retinal pattern. This process helps ensurethat noemployee can takeadvantage of corporatepolicies.

  5. Deliverefficientpayrollprocessing Accurate attendance records are required to calculate the exact amount you must pay to your employees. This comprises the employee’s overtime, leaves, paidtime off,vacations, half-days, etc. Attendance management software helps in payroll generation by making all employeerecordsvisibleandeasytoaccess,ensuringproperpayroll processes. Evaluatepatternsofabsenteeism An increase in absences or tardiness in a certain department could cause a bigger problem. When employees show patterns of absence, companies can getboth direct and indirect costs. With the centralized data visibility and availability provided by an automated attendance system, HR can easily evaluate the patterns of absence. If an employeewasn’tabletocomplywiththecompany’s policiesregarding attendance performance, you might relieve them of their responsibilities to preventfurther damage. Ensurepolicycomplianceandreporting By implementing an automated attendance system, HR can easily ensure compliancewithpoliciesandregulations.Accordingtoemployment guidelines, every employee is entitled to vacation, time off and overtime pay. It is the responsibility of employers to ensure that their employees are given sufficient breaks to reduce stress and avoid burnout.

  6. Failuretoensureandmaintaincompliancewillonlycausewagetheft • allegations.Topreventregulatorycomplianceissues,organizationsmust streamlinetimetrackingthroughautomation.Attendancemanagement softwareallowsemployerstoimplementchangesinpolicies easily/regulations. • StreamlineEmployeeAttendancewithQuickHR’s AttendanceManagementSystem • Withanall-aroundattendancemanagementsoftware like QuickHR , there's noneedtospendlonghoursmakingmanualtimesheetsandanalyzing attendance records -- helping HR teams improve their workflow efficiency andemployees’productivity. • QuickHR’smulti-functionalattendancemanagementsystemoffersthe followingbeneficial • features: • Allowsinstantadjustmentofemployees’scheduleswithworkinghours • Calculatesovertimepay,hourlypay,offday,restday,andpublicholiday rates • Monetaryincentiveswillbereviewedbeforetranslationtopayroll • ItcomeswithGooglegeolocationtechnologyforaccurateandreal-time attendancetracking • Allowsemployeestoclockinandoutfromtheirmobiledevicesbymanually, facialrecognition, or fingerprintscanning • QuickHR’s mobile app provides an adaptable solution for HR teams to gain instant access to work schedules and real-time attendance records and for employees to clock in and out, at any work location. It also promotes better securityasit requires facial recognition or fingerprint scanning, instead of enteringpasswords or pins.

  7. Forinstance,iftheemployeeisa constructionworker, hecan clock inand out using the mobile app only if he’s at the actual location (or a few metres away fromthesite)he’s assignedto.Thisway,HRcaneasilymonitorthe employees' location from where they’re clocking in and check if they’re at the actualsite and on time they’reassigned to. With QuickHR, HR managers can also customize rosters for employees and keep track of timesheets all in one place! Our system's timesheets auto-syncwiththeentireHRmodulesthatinformstaffing needs,wage calculations,and invoice generation. If you want to replace your manual timesheets with automated attendance tracking,tryourversatileattendancemanagementsystem!Discoverhow QuickHR can help you establish a faster and smarter HR workflow -- Book a freedemo today *Getintouchwithusatquickhr.cotofindoutmoreaboutour state-of-the-artHRMS solution! Learnmore: Top9ReasonsWhyCompaniesInvestinanAttendanceManagementSystem Knowmoreabout: Payroll Software Singapore Employeedatabasesoftware Humanresourcemanagementsystem

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