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Volunteering in the UK 1. HEACF and Student Volunteering 2. Student Volunteer, England and SCA Activity 3. CSV and Student Volunteering 4. Certificated Learning through Volunteering- Careers Services, etc. and CRAC Awards. Community Based Learning/Research and Higher Education 1. Community Based Learning or Service Learning or Learning through Volunteering 2. Structured Learning Experience with Measurable Learning Outcomes 3. Experiential Learning and Reflection (cf. David K9448
1. Community Based LearningCRUCIBLE Conference Roehampton University, 2006Professor John Annette, Pro Vice Master,Birkbeck College, University of London, J.Annette@bbk.ac.uk
2. Volunteering in the UK1. HEACF and Student Volunteering2. Student Volunteer, England and SCA Activity3. CSV and Student Volunteering4. Certificated Learning through Volunteering- Careers Services, etc. and CRAC Awards
3. Community Based Learning/Research and Higher Education1. Community Based Learning or Service Learning or Learning through Volunteering2. Structured Learning Experience with Measurable Learning Outcomes 3. Experiential Learning and Reflection(cf. David Kolb, David Boud,etc.)4. Learning through Community Partnerships5. Learning for Key Skills and Active Citizenshipcf. John Annette,Citizenship, Service Learning and Higher Education, in J. Cairns,et.al.,Education for Values, Kogan Page,1999 and pb 2003
4. Why Community Based Learning?1. Higher Education and Community Partnerships- Knowledge Transfer (HEIF3)2. Learning through Volunteering-life skills for employability- from HEACF to TQEF 3. Volunteering, social capital and retention4. Active Citizenship,Civic Engagement and Higher Educationcf. John Annette, Community and Higher Education in James Arthur,ed, Citizenship and Higher Education, Routledge, 2005
5. Community Based Learning and Employability1. Dearing Commission Report 19972. HEFCE- TQEF and University TLA Strategies3. HEFCE and PDPs4. Generic and Subject LTSNs5. CETLs6. HE Academy (www.heacademy.ac.uk) cf. ESSECT and the work of Lee Harvey and Brenda Little
6. Community Based Learning and Active Citizenship in Schools 1. Crick Committee Report (1) (cf. dfes.gov.uk)2. Citizenship Curriculum in Schools:Involvement in the Community3. Volunteering, Community Involvement and Active Citizenship- Millennium Volunteers and DfES Young Volunteer Challenge4. Crick Report (2)16-19- active citizenship as a life skill and LSDA pilot projects
7. Service Learning and HE in USA1. Corporation for National Service (cf. www.learnandserve.org)2. Campus Compact (www.compact.org)3. AAHE/Service Learning(www.aahe.org)4. Barbara Jacoby, Service-Learning in Higher Education,Jossey-Bass,19965. Janet Eyler and Dwight Giles,Wheres the Learning in Service Learning? Jossey-Bass,19996. Kerry Strand,et.al.,eds., Community Based Research and Higher Education, Jossey-Bass,2003 7. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (www.mjcsl.umich.edu)
8. Community Based Learning and HE in the UK1. HECP- Higher Education Community Partnership cf. July 7th Conference 2. Student Volunteer, England3. FDTL- CETLs and research networks4. Widening Participation, Tutoring and Mentoring-Aim Higher/P4P 5. Science Shops- QUB, Liverpool,etc6. Global Citizenship and the Development Education Association-HE Group7. ETC
9. . The growth of learning in the community, through an increasing number of university and college programmes- many of which are represented in this publication-demonstrates how such partnerships can benefit both the local communities and the learning experiences of students
. Professor,Sir Martin Harris, VC University of Manchester in John Annette, Sue Buckingham-Hatfield and Elaine Slater-Simmons,eds., Student Community Partnerships in Higher Education,CSV,2000
10. What needs to happen to empower the student to feel part and to be an active part of his or her society?What need you to learn and must you be able to do- and feel- to contribute to societal learning? What are the skills of civic and political participation, and where do they appear in the curriculum of higher education? It will be necessary to keep asking these questions to sustain a relevant and effective lifelong curriculum.Chris Dukes, Towards a Lifelong Curriculum, in Repositioning Higher Education, P.Coffield and B.Williamson, SRHE/OU Press,1997
11. J.Annette@bbk.ac.ukJuly 7th- Higher Education and Civic Engagement Conference Bill Rammel FE/HE Minister- Keynote