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Professor Gilly Salmon Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning Transformations

Harnessing Technology. Professor Gilly Salmon Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning Transformations. LENS FOR harnessing. Digital Connectedness. Openness. Mobility. COMMUNITY. Web 2.0. Reading. Printing. First Libraries. Annual Gatherings – Trade Knowledge Transfer.

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Professor Gilly Salmon Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning Transformations

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  1. Harnessing Technology Professor Gilly Salmon Pro Vice-Chancellor Learning Transformations Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  2. LENS FOR harnessing Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  3. Digital Connectedness Openness Mobility Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  4. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  5. COMMUNITY Web 2.0 Reading Printing First Libraries Annual Gatherings – Trade Knowledge Transfer Campfire Story Telling – History Transfer MOBILITY OPENNESS Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  6. CONNECTEDNESS Family Groups Tribes Nations International Alliances Global Village Cyber Meetings MOBILITY OPENNESS Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  7. Global Communications Air Road/Rail Wheel Animal (Horse/Camel) Foot MOBILITY Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  8. CONNECTEDNESS Family Groups Tribes Nations InternationalAlliances Global Village Cyber Meetings Meeting of minds Web 2.0 Global Communications - Internet Reading Air Printing Road/Rail First Libraries Wheel Annual Gatherings – Trade & Knowledge Transfer Animal (Horse/Camel) Campfire Story Telling – History Transfer Foot MOBILITY OPENNESS Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  9. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  10. Virtual travel Dublin in Second Life Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  11. Virtual worlds for learning Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  12. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  13. e-books for learning I have a feeling we’re not in a Library anymore… Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology Photo: DianthusMoon, flickr

  14. E- book readers Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  15. Cost and resources for universities and distanceDuckling project at Leicester • GBP 600 per student to print and ship learning resources • Max GBP 240 per student to buy, load, and ship e-reader Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  16. More to come... Layering information over your field of view... Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  17. More more to come... http://oomph.vfs.com/2012/06/the-growth-of-mobile-apps-and-cloud-computing/ Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  18. More mobility http://www.apple.com/uk/education/ipad/ Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  19. COMMUNITY Web 2.0/3.0 Reading Printing First Libraries Annual Gatherings – Trade Knowledge Transfer Campfire Story Telling – History Transfer MOBILITY OPENNESS Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  20. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  21. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  22. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  23. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  24. 'Domesday Book', engraving after a line drawing, from Andrew Williams, Historic Byways and Highways of Old England, 1900 A page of the Domesday Book for Warwickshire Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  25. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  26. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  27. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  28. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  29. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  30. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  31. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  32. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  33. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  34. CONNECTEDNESS Family Groups Tribes Nations International Alliances Global Village Cyber Meetings MOBILITY OPENNESS Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  35. Stonehenge at sunset Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  36. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  37. In July 2012, the countries with the most Facebook users were: United States with 155.6 million members Brazil with 52.8 million members India with 51.0 million members Indonesia with 44.0 million members Mexico with 36.2 million members Australia total population: 22,676,566 (July 2012) Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  38. Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  39. Virtual Classrooms Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  40. CONNECTEDNESS Family Groups Tribes Nations InternationalAlliances Global Village Cyber Meetings Meeting of minds Web 2.0 Global Communications - Internet Reading Air Printing Road/Rail First Libraries Wheel Annual Gatherings – Trade & Knowledge Transfer Animal (Horse/Camel) Campfire Story Telling – History Transfer Foot MOBILITY OPENNESS Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  41. Tim Berners Lee “So how do we plan for a better future, better for society? We ensure that that both technological protocols and social conventions respect basic values. That Web remains a universal platform: independent of any specific hardware device, software platform, language, culture, or disability. That the Web does not become controlled by a single company - or a single country” Link: http://www.masternewmedia.org/news/2007/03/15/the_importance_of_free_open.htm#ixzz1J6f1EXgA Tim Berners Lee 2007 Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  42. Coming soon to a screen near you… Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  43. ‘Crowd sourcing’ geotabs, 3D modelling.... Web 3.0 "The Web of the future ...will be accessible from a growing diversity of networks (wireless, wireline, satellite) and will be available on a ever increasing number of different types of devices. ...Web applications will become a more and more ubiquitous throughout our human environment, with walls, automobile dashboards, refrigerator doors all serving as displays giving us a window onto the Web.“ Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  44. Harnessing technology:Shaping the Future for LearningFuture networking So.cl launched in December 2011 and was first available through a partnership to students of the University of Washington, Syracuse University, and New York University.[3][4][2] While still experimental, the site opened up to all users on 20 May 2012.[2] Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  45. Augmenting Reality http://www.howstuffworks.com/augmented-reality.htm Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  46. Approaches to change Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  47. Harnessing technology:Shaping the Future for Learning Smart Medicine Implants Creating one model for particle physics Climate change plan B!: Suck carbon dioxide gas out of the atmosphere Supercharging wheat yields Growing Alzheimers in a dish Developing a safe and abundant source of nuclear energy Extra terrestrial life Editing human DNA Superconductors: Energy saving Single stage to orbit spacecraft Parsons, D Issue 244 (Summer BBC Focus Magazine 2012) Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  48. Approaches to change • Retro-movement Let’s return...to the order of the past • Defenders of the status quo Just keep going, carry on regardless, grounded in the mainstream of scientific materialism • Advocates of individual and collective change Break the no longer appropriate patterns of the past and tune into our highest future possibilities – and being to operate from that place...? Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  49. Working with emerging futures 1. Upward connection Connecting to inspiration, sparks of intuition and intent 2. Horizon connection Listening to the feedback from the context 3. Downward or local connection Engaging in and learning from locally embedded fast-cycle connections From Scharmer 2009 p,213 Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

  50. Thanks very much for listening! Professor Gilly Salmon Gillysalmon@swin.edu.au Gilly Salmon Harnessing Technology

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