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Establishing the GLOBCARBON cloud detection system over land for the ATSR sensor series. Stephen Plummer (IGBP@ESA) . Carbon Data Assimilation. To feed in to this Earth observation must deliver long time series estimates of global vegetation behaviour. GLOBCARBON Objectives.
Establishing the GLOBCARBON cloud detection system over land for the ATSR sensor series Stephen Plummer (IGBP@ESA)
Carbon Data Assimilation To feed in to this Earth observation must deliver long time series estimates of global vegetation behaviour.
GLOBCARBON Objectives • develop a service quasi-independent of the original Earth Observation source. • focus on a system to estimate: • Burned area • fAPAR and LAI • Vegetation growth cycle • cover six complete years:1998 to 2003 (now up to 2007) • cover VEGETATION, ATSR-2, ENVISAT (AATSR, MERIS) • be applicable to existing archives and future satellite systems • be available at resolutions of ¼, ½ degree and 10km with statistics • build on the existing research experience
Requirements – ATSR Series • Processing of only those pixels not affected by cloud, snow, cloud shadow or atmosphere • This requires processing of approximately 500,000 ATSR-2 scenes and 25,000 AATSR striplines • All processing must be automatic • GLOBCARBON requires the implementation of a effective cloud detection system over land but the existing system was designed for oceans
ATSR-2 Cloud system Original RGB (1.6, 0.87, 0.67) ATSR-2 Cloud masked RGB [Remaining cloud has same cloud flag as clear land (1027)]
Cloud Mask = 9 tests Implemented on Land = 4 tests Thin cirrus 11/12μm Medium/high level 3.7/12μm (not daytime) Fog/low status 3.7/11μm (not daytime) 11μm spatial coherence 11μm ATSR Cloud Mask RESULT = NEED A NEW CLOUD DETECTION SYSTEM
A ‘new’ Cloud Detection System SNOW APOLLO 2003 • GLOBCARBON tight schedule – adopt existing methods • GLOBCARBON high processing throughput – simple methods, low computer cost • Tested CLAVR, APOLLO (2003), GLOBSCAR • APOLLO (2003) chosen with added ‘bells and whistles’ • Added pre-APOLLO snow detection Dynamic Vegetation Test Thermal Gross Cloud Thin Cloud Prob 1 Prob 2 Prob 3 Merge Probs Prob APOLLO Cloud Mask Thermal-SWIR Histogram
Snow Detection • Implementation of MODIS method (Hall et al. 2001) • Requirement: GREEN, RED, NIR, SWIR, 11μm • Pre-screening of cloud • Based on Normalised Difference Snow Index: Basic Snow in Forest
Thermal Gross Cloud Test • As with ATSR-2 cloud but implemented over land • Requirement: RED, NIR, 11μm, 12μm • NIR/RED used to mask off pixels not cloud (NIR/RED less than 1.6). • Threshold found as 2K less than minimum BT at 11μm • Threshold applied to BT at 12μm • Probability range between threshold and threshold minus 20K RED = CLOUD, GREEN = POSS CLOUD, BLUE = CLEAR
Thin Cloud Test • As with ATSR-2 cloud but implemented over land • Requirement: 11μm, 12μm, LUT, SAT ZEN • Threshold from LUT of Thermal Brightness Difference and secant of SAT ZEN • Probability range between threshold ± half min distance between minimum or maximum of TBD for image RED = CLOUD, GREEN = POSS CLOUD, BLUE = CLEAR
Dynamic Vegetation Test • Requirement: RED, 11μm • Test 1: BT11 < Threshold of 274.5K (or if desert 290K) and RED > 0.2 • Test 2: RED >0.6 • Probability range = 0.1 ± threshold (RED) and 5K ± threshold (BT11) • Probability Test 1 product of 2 parts • Final Probability maximum of Test 1 and Test 2 RED = CLOUD, GREEN = POSS CLOUD, BLUE = CLEAR
APOLLO Final Probability • Clear pixels: the probability is 0 in all three tests • Cloud pixels: the probability of 1 occurs in any of the tests • Suspect pixels: the probability is maximum probability for values between 0 and 1 • Pixels are masked where final probability > 0.5 RED = CLOUD, GREEN = POSS CLOUD, BLUE = CLEAR
SWIR Thermal Test • Performed on pixels not flagged by APOLLO • Requirement: SWIR, 11μm • Number APOLLO pixels > 30 Number clear pixels > 2620 Minimum BT11 < 280K. • Thresholds based on histogram maxima • Probability is product of probabilities for BT11 and SWIR • Pixels masked if probability > value already present
Conclusions • ATSR/AATSR Cloud Detection system was developed to serve GLOBCARBON based on APOLLO (2003) and MODIS snow detection • The system proved effective in 3 different biomes and with highly variable cloud when tested on 49 ATSR-2 images. In only one case did was the system not sufficiently effective. • Further testing is required since the examples are limited in time (1 month) and may not represent all cases. • The coefficients used in the system are exactly as used in MODIS snow detection and APOLLO (2003). These may need adjusting for spectral characteristics of the ATSR series. • The snow detection in particular misses far too much snow while also detecting some cloud. • The system has been implemented for processing 500,000 ATSR-2 scenes and 25,000 AATSR orbits.
Acknowledgements • Many thanks to: • Walter Heyns at VITO for testing the IDL code and pointing out errors prior to its implementation in the GLOBCARBON processor. • the developers of APOLLO – Karl Kriebel, Gerhard Gesell, Martina Kästner and Herman Mannstein. • the MODIS snow team for providing clear details for the implementation of the algorithm • ESA, especially Olivier Arino, for supporting the GLOBCARBON idea through thick and thin.
Failures Cloud dominates the SWIR-BT11 histograms so the determination of the thresholds is not effective